Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-21 03:16:45 UTC
in WorldCraft/Hammer - not all triggers Post #164210
Err.. nevermind.....

RTFM 'Point Based' vs 'Brush Based' entities :)

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-21 00:58:29 UTC
in WorldCraft/Hammer - not all triggers Post #164198

Just recently starting playing with Worldcraft / Hallife 1 doing some simple maps and tutorials. Have had HL for a "few" years , just recently found about the "Machinma" idea and have been experimenting.

Anyways, something very weird is happening with WorldCraft or XP pro or my system in general.

Started with WC 2.1 .. yah I know there are newer versions. Everything was working fine. did some simple maps, compiled and ran them in HL.

Did that for a day or so. Came back next day, creating a new map, add an entiity, and go to the properties to pick a trigger type, and only 4 triggers are showing up :
  • trigger_auto
  • trigger_camera
  • trigger_changetarget
  • trigger_relay
Did some "digging" found about the 'fgd' file, looked at it, it seems fine, shows 17 triggers.

I rebooted, no change.

I uninstalled/reinstaled WC 2.1 . no change

I installed WC 3.3 from the SDK, new config, looking at it's 'own' fgd file. Create a new map does the same thing.

Installed 'hammer' (WC 3.4) .. ("own" fgd (different directory), create a new map ... same thing.

Uninstalled all WC/hammers etc. re-installed HL. Same thing.

I have 2 Hard drives. Maybe hard drive corrupt? .. but on only "part" of the fgd file ????? (all other entities are showing up in 'picklist'). Installed WC on second hard drive ... no change.

I ran two utilities 'Filemon" and 'Regmon" from sysinternals to 'spy' on the program, see what it was doing on startup / map create / insert entity. Nothing conclusive that I could see.

If I load a map that I had created before this problem started that has a trigger_once or trigger_multiple on it, THEN if I insert a new entity, all the triggers ARE showing up in the picklist !

This is just too bizzare ! .. but I'm curious to find out what is causing it

Finally downloade 'Quark' and started to play with it. I can insert any/all triggers with it.

Strange !! Weird !!

Anybody else seen this ????
