Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-04-17 19:02:55 UTC
in Compiling problem??? Post #174858
Sorry yes I have read the tutoriol and I have tested many maps or my maps many times before already with no real problems.Well I've had problems but not with trying to test my map in steam/cs.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-17 16:56:39 UTC
in Compiling problem??? Post #174843
Sorry all I've looked in the forum numerous times now and I haven't found the answer to my problem.Maybe I'm just to tired and over looked but here goes.My map compiles fine with no problems(I've checked map for problems: none found) but it will not run at all.I get NO responce.No loading bars nothing.I know I've seen this somewheres before but like I said maybe I'm just to tired with trying to finish this map up.Or I'm just a bonehead newbie. :D Thanks again and sorry for the dumb ass problems.Again everyone and there help is VERY greatfull!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-16 16:51:50 UTC
in Exceeded MAX_PATCHES Post #174658
I'm sorry I just don't quite understand the fix for this from the link I got from hammer after I tried to compile.Can anyone help please?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 18:44:50 UTC
in Problem with RUN VIS normal/fast Post #172580
Very nice TY,Excellant! I can't wait till it's done eother. :) I only have till the end of May and like I said before I am new to mapping,lol.I do put alot of time into it though like most mappers I'm sure after only breifly mapping.I do have a new appriciation for maps and mappers now. :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 17:26:17 UTC
in Problem with RUN VIS normal/fast Post #172567
Thanx again I switched to expert with a fast vis and just let it run with nothing else running on my pc and it took about 8 to 10 mins.It compiled and the map worked fine.

Also are these specs to big for my map?Mind you it's not done.It will not get any larger size(exterior)wise but I will be adding more to the interior.

4477 faces
Create Patches : 36300 base patches
0 opaque faces
505707 square feet [72821808.00 square inches]
111 direct lights

Thanx again for your support and help all :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 16:53:54 UTC
in Problem with RUN VIS normal/fast Post #172562
I think when it's all done I will make it a cs_theater or cinema(hostage) map.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 16:52:46 UTC
in Problem with RUN VIS normal/fast Post #172561
Here are my specs. for my movie theater map. 3312w/1936l/138h
I changed my map max distance to 4700 to stop the morphing in my main hall.Is that to much and is my map to large?I don't think there is alot of tetail yet and no carving done.I have though used vertex manip though.I have 8 movies theaters,2 bathrooms,1 main hall downstairs(connecting the theaters & bathrooms) with some bench seats and plant pots,1 secondary hall up stairs connecting 2 sniper run ways(so you can snipe in each theater,kinda like a projection room) and an outside vent leading to 1 theater.I also have 2 offices and a break room with 2 counters in the front thats really it guys.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-04 17:22:59 UTC
in Problem with RUN VIS normal/fast Post #172377
Ok I just installed Nem's batch compiler and I must say that for a beginner the options are a bit overwhelming.Is there a default setting for now?How exactly do I load and compile my rmf if thats what I still load?Sorry if these are stupid questions I am a beginner to mappin and compile is something I just installed. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-04 17:05:07 UTC
in Problem with RUN VIS normal/fast Post #172374
Definately fast :)
I've read about your other compilers but what is the best?Problem a huge debate.I've read that zhlt's is pretty good.I have the halflife-cs_expert.fgd if that helps....
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-04 17:00:48 UTC
in morphing textures Post #172372
This was the problem.

Click on Map,
Scroll down to Map Properties
Go to Max Viewable Distance
make it longer than the size of your room.

Thanx very simple and easy to fix :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-04 16:48:33 UTC
in Problem with RUN VIS normal/fast Post #172364
First I'd like to say thanks to all for your forum support and for those of you who are involved in the tutorials.They both have helped me very much as a beginner mapper.My problem is when I try to compile my map with a RUN Vis of normal or fast worldcraft(ver. 3.4) locks up.The map does work and compile fine with no RUN Vis.Thanks again for the help!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-30 16:37:49 UTC
in morphing textures Post #171635
I have a problem with 2 walls in my map.When you look from one end to the other in my main hall way the walls morph like or start to blend.I checked and checked for broblems and I find nothing.The map does compile and works fine others wise.It is a large map not huge but it is big.Any suggestions?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-22 21:38:12 UTC
in Spawn points? Post #170342
Players are spawning on top of each other and in the same spawn areas.I have 2 seperate spawn points for T's and Ct's not next to each other all with in the buy zones and above the ground or floor level?Also can I delete the spawn points at any time and replace them in deferent places?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-22 19:45:43 UTC
in I can't move Post #170326
Ok guys although very wierd it's working now.I deleted all the info player starts from both teams and just tried placing 1 new 1 and it worked?????Very wierd as I do know how to place info player starts and like I said they were working before I put in my first T's starts but anyways Thank you very much for your help and support. :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-22 18:39:11 UTC
in I can't move Post #170311
The funny thing is,is that I've put up to 16(8 on each team)at one time and I still can't move.If it found no info_player_start how can I enter the game on either team,go into console and see these errors/warnings.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-22 17:37:54 UTC
in I can't move Post #170294
Ok I've made the short cut with this target:"C:Program FilesSteamSteam.exe" -applaunch 10 -dev.When I enter the game I still can't move.In the console I found these lines I was unsure about.
A)0 entities inhibited
B)ERROR: PutClientInServer: no info_player_start on levelCompressing split packet (2458 -> 1623 bytes

and these errors:

WARNING: failed to locate sequence file rab

warning: MP3_InitStream(29, mediagamestartup.mp3) failed

WARNING: failed to locate sequence file global

Sorry guys I am still fairly new as I stated before. :(
Thanks for your time and help though.:D
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-22 14:46:00 UTC
in I can't move Post #170260
Sorry I'm not sure what noclipping is?Yes I did try to move the spawn pionts away from the walls and also made sure the spawns were not to close to each other.Like I said though before I added the T's spawn and extended my walls at my Ct's spawn everythng was working fine.I'll do some reading on Noclipping but as I said I'm fairly new and I'm not sure what it is.Thank for your help though guys and I'll check back for some more info.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-22 13:08:21 UTC
in I can't move Post #170229
I'm fairly new to mapping but I have been able to make them with some time and patients.For some reason on my newest map I'm working on after I compile the map which works fine,after I start up steam and cs 1.6 and can't move from either spawn point.Again the map compiles fine and it loads up in steam fine I just can't move from either spawn.Now the map was working fine until I added a new room with the T's spawn and expanded my Ct's spawn room.Now I can't move when I load the game.I've been reading every wheres and trying everything I can please help I'm stuck.

Thank you