Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 11:51:17 UTC
in aim_ak_colt_mix: cannot open WAD Post #172212
lol thanks guys
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-01 14:11:19 UTC
in aim_ak_colt_mix: cannot open WAD Post #171900
Thanks Ill be sure to try that out.
Can you guys see if it works on your comp?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-01 01:53:34 UTC
in aim_ak_colt_mix: cannot open WAD Post #171808
Hey guys,
This is my first map and I am new to mapping. I edited aim_ak_colt with the help of you wonderful tutorials. I compiled my map with Zoners and put the bsp in my maps folder in steam. When I made my server and ran my map I got an error saying:
WARNING: cannot open cstri.wad
does any on know what I sould do?
here is my map: http://

If anyone could help me get my map running then that will be very apritiative