Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-26 21:25:39 UTC
in Laggy map near center Post #230402
I followed your advice, and it worked great! Thanks! I have a dedicated server up RARELY. If anyone wants to play my new map, my username on steam is pillsc2e; just ask to play.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-26 21:21:32 UTC
in Exceeded maximum luxols Post #230401
@espen180: I can't; It's supposed to be a large model of my friend's room, which somewhat luckily, is small in real life.

@Tetsu0: Hmm, I recall hearing otherwise from a seperate source whilst internet-eavesdropping. They must have been wrong or I heard it out of context.

I'll try to find a geometrically and realistically way to make a large divider or two in the middle. A crashed ceiling, perhaps? Just an idea, but I'm going to have to so SOMETHING. Thanks for the info, everyone!
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-26 09:12:54 UTC
in Exceeded maximum luxols Post #230339
I changed the texture of the things I could, but since the func_ladders (and I have 4 of them) had to be AAATRIGGER, it still gave me the error message. This time I noted it told the the lightmap was 69x5 or something. Would it help if I made the func_ladders thinner, because right now they are wider than a normal ladder.

Also if I didn't mention before, my map is one big room, which may be somewhat bad. Last time I compiled I was stuck on buildfacelights, so I got rid of all the lights, got rid of the room, made a correct skybox (which I like to call a skycap) and put in a light_spot with issky set to on.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-24 15:58:22 UTC
in Laggy map near center Post #230139
1. Would it help if I put a small wall (or series of walls) in the middle of the ship that you have to go around them and can't see around?

2. What should I do about the 3 cone-shaped brushes? Can I instead put 3 non-contacting cylinders in? They are supposed the be the engines/thrusters. I have no problem taking them out if necessary.

3. Those are not the final textures, but I suck at texturing, I'll admit it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-24 15:40:00 UTC
in Laggy map near center Post #230136
I have a large map that I have made, and I finally got it to work, but everytime I compile and run (in TFC, since it is a TFC map), the game lags a lot (or rather the graphics do) when I look towards the center of the map, which is the center of a space ship, and you can see a lot from there.

Here's the map, with .bsp, .rmf, and .map included:
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-24 15:11:57 UTC
in Exceeded maximum luxols Post #230133
Thanks for the help and the correction of the word "luxel". I'll try rendering the objects with a different texture.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-23 00:20:44 UTC
in Exceeded maximum luxols Post #230021
I have a map that I think may be somewhat large, it is 55759077376 units cubed out of a max 469459763648 units cubed; about 12% of the total working area. Anyways, I have a light (just a regular light) at the (almost) top of the room and some objects below it like regular. However, I have some func_walls using the AAATRIGGER texture with an FX Amount of 1 and a brightness of 400 (used to be 2000, I still get the same error). I got past the humongous BuildingVisleafs time by putting meat outside the window (don't ask), but now when I play the map I get an error that says that I have too many luxols, the maximum is 324 and I have 325, and this is because there are too many/much light(s) shining on AATRIGGER. The game is Half Life if it makes any difference, and there is more than one of the aformentioned func_wall entity than 1.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-10 21:55:54 UTC
in CS: ingame file downloading. Post #212137
That "replica" is very quite good!
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-10 18:39:51 UTC
in HELP! Teambots won't work! Post #212125
I have downloaded and extracted the latest version of Teambots and it simply won't do anything. I need not be more specific, as that's just it. There is no "Getting Started" guide or anything of the sort included within download, and I cannot find any help information on this topic anywhere.

Can someone please help me or point me in the right direction?

Specific questions:
Where to extract to
What to do with the .DLL included
What to do to liblist.gam