Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-03-29 14:30:17 UTC
in use door as trigger? Post #217434
is it possible to make a rotating door that acts as a trigger that activates a conveyor.
i want to make a working ... (srry, don't know the english word, ti's the thing when you pull the handle, beer comes out :D) anyhow my goal is that if you shoot or use the handle, a stream of beer comes out.

any suggestions?
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-29 10:00:21 UTC
in ModNumForName Post #217420
17 actually, very helpfull.
but will anyone tell me how to solve the problem please.
i can't finish my map because of this and i can't find a way to solve it, so please help me.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-27 16:43:19 UTC
in ModNumForName Post #217257
i more or less understand its function, but i don't see how it solves my problem.
it's definitely my fault.

(would you have really eaten your hat?)

anyway, just think of me as a nine year old and you have to explain me how to solve the problem.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-27 13:34:39 UTC
in i was just wondering... Post #217219
if i may ask a stupid question.
when you place a button, the texture is supposed to change when you use it.
how do you select the second texture.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-27 13:18:51 UTC
in ModNumForName Post #217216
i still don't get it, srry.
please explain, what exactly is spirit and how does it solve my problem

please forgive my ignorance.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-27 12:38:58 UTC
in ModNumForName Post #217211
what's spirit?

srry, i be newb to mapping.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-27 12:15:55 UTC
in ModNumForName Post #217208
i've got the same problem, how did you solve it?
i browsed for the path and still won't work.