Hi Im new to modding and i very much like google, i googled everything on heart about hl1, and i think the best place i found was this one, so very much thank you for existing !!!
so, to my dreadfull problems, how do i change the main menu options?
im not talking about strings neither titles, i just dont want to display the option to change game and to trainning map, how can that be done ?
also, does anyone knows a good tutorial for coding entitys ? i wanted to code my own kind of enemys, but to a big extend, i wanted to make the barney model to look like an assasin, but animat like a barney, to be stronger and to use a shotgun or a 357, i saw something on the net about making a "mad scientist" but it didnt explained very much...
anyway...menu options would be good for now =P
also, the model index, how do i creat a new monster class so i can change the model index and make grunts attack grunts, that would be cool =P
any expert here to talk on msn ? im sorry about my english its not the best..