Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2003-04-01 16:13:22 UTC
in Polygon count etc Post #852
Ok thanks for the info so far, I expected lighting to decrease speed if only because the models of the player and monsters are always dynamically lit (well as far as I can tell) but I guess I was wrong. So it could be texture lights are even heavier on the engine than normal light ents.

Coming back to the hole in the wall, so it would be more efficient for making the edge to have a single brush with more points to do something like this:
_/_/ ___
| |
rather than have multiple cubes like this:
_/_/ | ___
| || | | | |
I hope you can make out what I'm trying to explain.
Also is there a way to add more points to a brush after it's been created? Thanks again :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-31 19:59:28 UTC
in Polygon count etc Post #851
Hey I was just wondering 2 things about map efficiency.

First say I want to make an irregular hole in a wall, is it better to make one polygon with many points to model the edge or to make every point its own cube? Does it make a difference? Maybe VIS works that stuff out anyway?

Second about light entities, I know they make the map slower the more you use (obviously) so is it easier on the engine to use texture lights or are they just as bad?