Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-06-27 13:30:07 UTC
in Vanishing objects Post #226587
Yup, that did it. Shame it doesn't work well in both modes. Oh well.

Thanks guys.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-25 18:18:49 UTC
in Vanishing objects Post #226413
I have a situation where I'll slap together a map, fix all my bad objects, then test my creation in HL...and when I run around, things will disappear and reappear depending on the players current angle/distance. I've seen this is other maps too.

For example, I just built an elevator, it all appears fine, but when you stand on it and go up, the block disappears....but it still has physical/solid qualities. And it only disappears depending on the angle you look at it. Some angles it's there, some it's not.

I also have my skybox do the same thing, going black in places. I've had it with just about any object, and it seems random.

Am I coding/desiging something wrong? Maybe I'm using some bad practices?

Any advice appreciated. Thanks,
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-25 18:14:46 UTC
in Noob Elevator Problem Post #226412
Wow thanks guys. I didn't even see the "flags" tab. I set the button to "don't move" which worked. Then I set ""Wait for retrigger" on the bottom path_corner.

Awesome...thanks :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-24 23:01:23 UTC
in Noob Elevator Problem Post #226376
I've read a few tutorials to try to fix this myself, but I'm just not finding what I need.

I used the tutorial on this site for a basic up/down elevator. Only, instead of having two buttons, I have one (with the goal to make is return to start on it's own).

When the player hits the button, the button slides slowly to the left, then after "delay_before_trigger" time, it starts the elevator block moving. It moves along the correct path to the correct location, then it returns to the beginning. However, it doesn't stop back at the bottom, it immidiatly goes back to the top and loops forever.

If I jump off the block and hit the button again, after "delay_before_trigger", the elevator stops...wherever it currently is located.

What am I doing wrong? Do I need to give more details?
