Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-08-07 23:13:59 UTC
in Hosting A Server Post #231550
you have to buy a server. just google search "half-life server host" in google. you'll find plenty of responses.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 19:06:37 UTC
in Switches Post #231437
wow thanks for the responses! im not sure what happened but i tried to do all of the steps above but when i opened the map in the game and i press the button, it moves the switch itself. The switch properties are as follows:

Render FX - Normal
Render Mode - Normal
FX Amount - 0
Speed - 0
Targetted Object - Platform 2
Lip - 0

The platforms properties are:

render fx - normal
render fx - solid
fx amound - 0
speed - 100
lip - 81 (<- thats a negative)

I think its also worth saying that I want 2 switches to control 1 platform. The platform leads to a tower, but if the player wanted to get off the tower and return to the center building, I think the platform should extend instead of forcing the player to jump at the expense of health/death. I believe both switches have the same properties.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-05 15:40:57 UTC
in Switches Post #231338
okay cool that makes sense. thanks for the explanation!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-05 13:40:19 UTC
in Switches Post #231320
A couple of questions...

Question 1
Use a func_button to trigger a func_door that'll move outwards from the center building. Simple enough.
How do I program the func_door to emerge from the building?

Question 2
Make sure you put a negative lip on the door equal to the gap between the wall and the catwalk to make sure it reaches all the way!
haha what does that mean?

Thanks for the quick responses!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-05 01:04:38 UTC
in Switches Post #231276
I'm creating a map that has a building in the center. There are catwalks around the perimeter of the map that are accessible only if there was an extra platform jutting out of the center building. I want to make a button that extends the platform enough to reach the catwalk, similar to a bridge, except I'm not sure how to do that. Tips please.