Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-04-13 12:38:11 UTC
in missing enteties Post #248753

i found a solution to make the func_ work.

it still not on the entity list but i trick my computer to expose the funcs

thx for helping though
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-13 11:09:53 UTC
in missing enteties Post #248750
yea, you reminded me to install the compiling programs lol

but Func_ is still missing.

this is starting to be a pain in the ass
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-12 22:06:58 UTC
in missing enteties Post #248735
i tried 3 fgds and reafers fgd and it still wont work.

im beginning to believe that its my computer that causes the prob
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-12 18:51:33 UTC
in missing enteties Post #248728
that dosent work either i tried the beta this morning and the same problem exists
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-12 17:07:50 UTC
in missing enteties Post #248724
im mapping for half life (steam version)

and yes i know they are for brushes mainly
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-12 16:03:01 UTC
in missing enteties Post #248722
so ive been mapping for a good 3 months and im getting the hang of it.

but a month ago i lost my Func_ entities!!!

i have my env_ and other entities are still there but Func_ entitis are missing!!

and when download a example map that has a Func_ on it it just erases all my entities!! And i have to reinstall worldcraft to get the entities back but my Func_ entities are stilll missing

yeah can someone help? :confused: