Forum posts

Posted 11 years ago2012-12-01 12:12:48 UTC
in Your Username Post #311264

One of my thousand spamming aliases which seemed to be rather popular.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-05 04:32:25 UTC
in New Year Resolutions Post #261127
Stop playing games.
Ok, I achieved that about 2 years ago.
I'm in my last year at high school, so I pretty much have to work like a whore in Amsterdam.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-27 13:33:33 UTC
in Christmas Present Post #260649
Not spending will make the economy far worse. We're just doing our part.
Yes, I'm aware that the best way to improve the economy during a recession is to bring the capital back into circulation, but that does not help if you don't have any money anyway. My dad is an engineer, and engineers are one of the worst hit in the recession, because the demand for new designs and improvements is currently dead. He hasn't had a contract for months, so we are living off savings.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-26 18:36:07 UTC
in Christmas Present Post #260631
It appears non of you are particularly affected by the recession - lets just hope non of that was purchased on credit. ;)


Well, nothing really. Again, I'm aware of the economic situation, and I'm surprised you guys are spending?
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-22 05:02:39 UTC
in Your Career Post #260409
I'm going to study business science(it's one of the top (and most difficult) business degrees you can get, very hard to get accepted, only offered by a few Universities), and the hopefully get a nice business job, and climb up the corporate ladder. I might even start my own business. From what I have heard from graduated business science students, they get extremely good jobs straight out of University, in New York, London, etc.
If I don't get into business sci, I will do computer science, or maybe engineering.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-22 04:52:20 UTC
in Smart Asians Post #260408
Most of the Asians at my school don't do particularly well. One or two do, but the most are just average/mediocre. Most of them are from South Korea.
As for all the brainy Asians, how happy do you think they really are? The really brainy Asians I know were often extremely depressed and anxious, because their parents pushed them with incredible pressure. They also never had many friends, or many interests/hobbies outside of their school work. I would rather be happy, than a slave being pressured to prove that your race is superior.
The one problem I noticed is that these 'smart-Asians' usually lack creativity, insight and depth-of-though, because they merely focus on cramming information for their next test.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-03 15:10:59 UTC
in L4D 1000 gamerscore up for sale! Post #259367
I was just being conspirative, Tito, no need to take it seriously.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-02 05:04:40 UTC
in L4D 1000 gamerscore up for sale! Post #259319
Yeah, so? Tito may have been concealing his identity. ;)
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-02 04:28:39 UTC
in L4D 1000 gamerscore up for sale! Post #259317
'tit' o.
I dunno, which name that begins with a 't' is censored?
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-02 03:50:24 UTC
in L4D 1000 gamerscore up for sale! Post #259315
Buyer: t***1
Haha, 'tito1' anybody? ;)
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-27 06:45:12 UTC
in Who will be the next superpower? Post #259111
New Zealand
I doubt it for a country which has a negative growth rate (because so many people are emigrating from NZ) and has a total population lower than the city I live in - and the city I live in isn't even particularly large.
You kidding me? That country had to be bailed out by other countries because of their economic meltdown!
I highly doubt a country which is dependent on other countries for financial support will ever become even vaguely powerful.
Haha! Even I am Irish(Although living in South Africa), and I think that is a hilarious sentiment.

The thought of Russia or China as a super power makes me nervous. At least in the USA the government is vaguely sane, but Russia is dodgy as hell, and China isn't much better - Propaganda, censorship, invasion of other weaker countries, etc.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-26 15:49:19 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #259094
Mine's bigger.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-23 16:40:28 UTC
in Who will be the next superpower? Post #258985
I remember a couple of months ago the price of scrap metal went up because China and India were buying ridiculous amounts to build up there infrastructure
A huge amount of that scrap metal was stolen from pipes, cables, etc. from our country (South Africa). It has been a huge problem, and one of the main causes is that the Chinese government gives a blind eye to illegal imports such as this.
Anyway, I may be biased, but I would love to see an African country for once as a superpower. Highly unlikely, but would make a change.
Whoever emerges as the world super power, it doesn't really matter to us. Even if the world super powers went to nuclear war, we can just lurk away as we always have. ;)


Here the petrol price is still about US$1.14 per liter. That is US$5.18 a gallon.

Now compound that with the fact that our cars are over twice the cost of those in USA, and our salaries are about a third of that of USA.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-21 08:58:31 UTC
in We're Not Wasting Time at TWHL Post #258842
I completely agree with you, srry. Previously I was actually going to write something along the lines about how face-to-face is far better than social networking, until I realized it might piss some people off. I would rather go to the pub with some friends, than sit in a dark room and pretend I am socializing by chatting in a chatroom. As for the internet being important to social 'development' - there was a lot more face-to-face socializing before the internet social networking craze. I haven't played video games for over 2 years, and now I have more of a social life than before, and of course, my academic results improved dramatically.

So, to reach a conclusion, I fail to see how something that has only very recently become a craze could have an important effect on social development. Face-to-face is still far better social interaction than superficial 'online socializing' - you can sense the person's emotions, facial expression, gestures, etc.

That article is stupid:
Dr Ito said that connecting online with friends via social networks such as MySpace and Facebook was where teens now "hang out", compared to the usual public places like shopping malls, the street and parks.
Actually, most people would still (and would rather) hang out at a park/mall/pub. Myself included.

That article also implies that somehow not being an online addict will lead to hindered social development? BULLSHIT.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-21 05:11:33 UTC
in We're Not Wasting Time at TWHL Post #258831
Mapping inspired me to study structural engineering.

I think great things come out of mapping. It taught me a huge amount of logical,spacial and design skills. It helps a lot when you are learning a 3D CAD system, and helps a lot with architecture, structural engineering, mechanical engineering and of course, programming. The logic behind event scripting in Half Life is evident in computer programming.
Mapping forces you to often create draught sketches before you make the final product, very important skill. It also teaches you the fundamentals of three dimensional design, and improves your ability to project a mental image. The list of skills you learn from mapping are endless. Design, analysis, visual, spacial, perspective, improvement, debugging, logical, creative, artistic, dimension, size, proportion, layout, planning, flexibility, innovation, advancement, etc.

And of course, although I tend to deny it, Half Life is what made me think that math and science were cool. ;)
I actually remember my first thought when I played Half Life:
'Damn, I would dig to work at Black Mesa.'
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-19 15:37:17 UTC
in Intel's new i7 processor Post #258754
I think I will give that one a know, in times of economic recession I don't think a beefy CPU should take priority. :P
Posted 15 years ago2008-09-15 13:01:11 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #255428
A Vivaldi concerto.
Any other people here who listen to classical music? Nowadays it's only what I listen to. I used to listen to heavy metal/death metal/thrash metal/grind core, etc, until I realised how dreadfully awful most of it really is. It's like randomly smashing and twisting up a sheet of metal and calling it art. I suppose that is where the name came from.
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-05 11:11:54 UTC
in A new challenge to Google's dominance? Post #253334
Yeah, I tried out Cuil a couple times, and even it does have 3 times as many indexed pages, it's search relevance leaves much to be desired. Doing a google search on a topic will generally give you lots of highly relevant material. Cuil seems to give you material that has extremely little relevance to the search. For now Cuil is Fail.