Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2009-08-04 14:48:17 UTC
in custom textures as decals Post #271408
Well, I don't really undestand what i'm suppose to do here. And I still haven't got it working..
Posted 14 years ago2009-08-04 09:18:24 UTC
in custom textures as decals Post #271395
First of all. I'm no good in making textures and stuff.. So any answer better be detailed to even be understood. Now.. The question is pretty simple, how do I get custom textures to be working decals on walls?

I got a texture working with {blue and making it transparent on certain places. This works if it's a block with 255 solid. However, it doesn't even show if I place it as a decal on a wall.

Posted 14 years ago2009-07-30 19:22:22 UTC
in impenetrable walls Post #271229
thanks alot! =)
Posted 14 years ago2009-07-30 14:29:42 UTC
in impenetrable walls Post #271206
How do you make these in cs1.6?

As I understand, it is all in the textures? I tried playing blocks near each other so the amount of walls is high when shooting through but that doesn't work at all. So how do you do it? Which texture is the best for blocking bullets in a pretty thin wall?
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-14 13:02:25 UTC
in Looking for textureguy for cs1.6[UPDATED Post #266933
Yes, well.. This subject is getting off topic now especially since the goal for the map wasn't 16vs16 play. It was designed for LAN parties in which the maximum player was around 8-10 people. Also in which you could play around in the dark in a pretty huge map. But again, if you didn't like.. too bad.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-14 10:48:36 UTC
in Looking for textureguy for cs1.6[UPDATED Post #266929
It is the Honda prefab, it is just there to "mark up" to have a car there. Will be removed, with a custom car :P


the visual state of the deathrun maps.. Well, let me say that no one care about that in deathrun, it is the entity problems that is key thing there. If you want eyecandy, it is de_deserthouse. If that isn't enough, too bad.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-14 09:01:54 UTC
in Looking for textureguy for cs1.6[UPDATED Post #266927
Yes, i came out abit too strong about things earlier, so I decided to make a entire new thead about this.

Begrip gaming ( ), a wellknown swedish CS-team, not the best but in the top teams in sweden. Wants a new counter-strike map that can be played for clanwars. The goal with this map is to get is as popular as maps as new maps as cpl_mill and hopefully even standard maps as de_inferno.

This entire thing is sponsored by Steelseries ( ). However, there will only be cash in this if the map is good enough so that steelseries want to get in on this. But Begrip is in on this too so we have their full support. That includes clanwars, with or without pro clans playing the map, servers, tournaments with the map to get more people involved (with prizes if we choose to).

The map is under construktion, but you can see the map by downloading it from here:

On this note, the map is construked now so that the routes is of the most importans. Details isn't really something that is on focus since we can't make it look good without our new textures.

Also, i think it's better to see this ingame and not in pictures since their aren't alot of "eyecandy" to this.

We had earlier 2 guys working on this, and got the understanding as in what people pretty much wrote in the earlier thread. We want this to be good, and we hope you as a texturemaker want this as much as we do. Again, it might be money in this but don't do this only for the money. And when we are talking about money, it will be around 200-300 euro for the texture creator if this is the case.

I will not go into too many details about the accual scenario in this map here, but it will be explained when you are on board. But the map location is in a city, and the computers on the bombsites are computerservers. That might get you a clue what we are up too.

Other good things about you is knowledge in valve hammer editor, so you accually know how to get your texture ingame and see if it works along with the map and it's scenario. If you are dedicated and wants to make details and have opinions, it is most welcome.

Who am i then?

My nick is 413X. Me as the same with Begrip-gaming is swedish. I've been playing CS alot and was really good a couple of years ago, so i have CS mind in this. I've created a bunch of maps earlier. These are a few, not going to post all of them, but these are the biggest and best i think. Because i think we all have created brainhard maps, and made tons of aim maps.


I brought Deathrun into cs1.6 from CS:S
So this is the a map package with the following maps:

I don't know what more to take up here. If there are any questions about anything, ask them.

And if you are intrested you can email me at:
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-06 16:19:19 UTC
in Looking for textureguy for cs1.6 Post #266560
Here's the deal.

A big gaming community asked me to make one of those "huge and great" maps that will have alot of people playing it. We even have sponsors behind us so if any of you would be intrested it will have money in it. ($$$!!!)

Because you see the problem is that I have never made textures, so I ain't good at it. However, i'm one hell of a mapmaker, so don't be shy not speaking up about this. We need a texturecreator for our map. I've been working with the map for 5 weeks, and is being tested elite teams for the perfect balance and gameplay.

I can't really tell much about the map more than that since it's something of secret (sscchh!),(til you join us). The map is a inspired by cs_italy, de_inferno, de_dust2. And is set a location similar to inferno and italy. But i guess textures can pretty much change that.

For more information, please contact me at this twhl account.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-07 17:55:57 UTC
in Buying kevlar, not getting it (cs1.6) Post #265189
Ofc it was something diffrent. It was a block, func_wall, solid 255. that was under the spawnpoints. That caused this.. Wierd imo.

Was wrong about the skybox.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-07 12:11:45 UTC
in Buying kevlar, not getting it (cs1.6) Post #265173
Seriously... I split the map up in several parts to see what the fuck was going on.... I found out that the SKYBOX is messing it up. Can someone explain HOW this can be ?
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-07 11:35:47 UTC
in Buying kevlar, not getting it (cs1.6) Post #265169
I'm about to release my map, so this is pretty urgent and very huge problem i've noticed.

When terrorists try buying kevlar or kevlar/helmet. They buy it, lose money, but do not get the kevlar. So they can keep buying as many as they want but dont get the acual kevlar. WHAT messes this up!? what could even remotely fuck this up?

I do not have an "info_map_parameter" entity that can spook this. What else can it be?
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-10 15:00:03 UTC
in My little train Post #253560
Hello, a mapping question again.

I have built a train (func_tracktrain), and I have set it to go forward normally, turning at some points and so on. BUT, then the train comes to a cliff where i want the train to go down.

Now here's the problem, the train likes to "point" to the path_track, so when it comes to the edge, it tipps over and you falls off when it goes down vertically.

How do I keep it from tipping over, and just keep it "steady" when it goes down. I tried several times with diffrent stuff but failed. I guess it's func_trackautochange or what is it? help plixx =))
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-05 17:13:46 UTC
in Batch compiler Post #253350
Links that doesnt work rocks xD
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-05 14:11:19 UTC
in Batch compiler Post #253341
Hello guys.

How do I do if i would like a map with custom textures compiled along with them inside the .bsp. A guy told me to use "Batch compiler". How does this program work? Can someone easy tell me if to include the textures(.wad) inside the .bsp file. =)
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-25 14:38:03 UTC
in Laser problem Post #252957
I had to update the link, coz i noticed the multi managers didnt follow with it the first time.
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-25 14:31:42 UTC
in Laser problem Post #252954
I got a laserproblem. And im quite lost in why this isn't working.

Why is only the "X" Laser, one of the laser working as in hurting you. And not the three others. What am i missing?

WTF, i just noticed its working just fine im my example map, where i just copied it from the map. But it doesn't work in the accual map. :S