Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2010-07-19 01:26:33 UTC
in help to made a door opens whit two butto Post #283163
something similar can be achieved with a multisource - it works the opposite way as multimanager does - their method is the same, though. You have to add the key values of the buttons, and the target (door), and name it.


However, I don't know if it would be possible to make such thing. It would be only useful for multiplayer maps, though, but hey, why not?
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-18 20:18:16 UTC
in help to made a door opens whit two butto Post #283155
Well, for example, create a door called door, a button called button1, and another called button2. Place down a multimanager called multi1. When you have these,you turn off smartedit in the multi's properties, and add a key called door, with the value 0. After this, you set the target of the two buttons multi1. I may provide you a fully working example map.


You can download the compiled .bsp file and the .rmf file. It works both in Half-Life and Counter-Strike, and nearly any mod.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-16 14:12:19 UTC
in Nightvision effect - how to? Post #283103
The reason against op4 is that very few people play it nowadays. But I will check out the sprites folder anyway...
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-16 12:35:45 UTC
in Nightvision effect - how to? Post #283095
The env_fade method works, except it has a limited time before it fades in/out. However, I found out in HL SDK that it is possible to change the code in a way I need, I only need to bind the effect to a key somehow. But it mustn't be impossible. (And I need some testing, too). So it is clear that Valve has provided us with the possibility of making Nightvision effects, we just need to implement it. All in all, I think I'll be able to do it now. (If not, I'll look for help again. :D)

EDIT: No luck at all. Somehow there is no way to compile the HL SDK 2.3 - without it, I just can't do that. BTW, the help files said

"Among others, the following parameters can be altered:
  • Support for "viewentity" ( i.e., seeing through the eyes of a specified entity )"
and in view.cpp I saw:

// Example of how to overlay the whole screen with red at 50 % alpha
#define SF_TEST
#if defined SF_TEST
	screenfade_t sf;
	gEngfuncs.pfnGetScreenFade( &sf );
	sf.fader = 255;
	sf.fadeg = 0;
	sf.fadeb = 0;
	sf.fadealpha = 128;
	sf.fadeFlags = FFADE_STAYOUT | FFADE_OUT;
	gEngfuncs.pfnSetScreenFade( &sf );

This is the key to success I think. Too bad I can't use it, because MSVC 5.0 can't compile it - maybe someone else can use it.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-15 11:07:12 UTC
in Nightvision effect - how to? Post #283064

I'd like to know how can I make a nightvision in HL? I suppose it involves some coding, but still, it must be possible, since it was implemented in Opposing Force and Counter-Strike. The second thing is, how can we change the color of nightvision? I think there should be a tutorial about this, or something. Thanks in advance,
  • Tracker
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-04 19:12:48 UTC
in HLDM map undertow stuff Post #281541

I'd really like to know how can I achieve a "raising-water effect" similar to which can be seen in the HLDM map called undertow? (there when you press a button, the water's level rises up). Thanks for the answers.


Posted 15 years ago2009-12-22 04:47:40 UTC
in PAKexplorer: Error while copying Post #276853
So it's quite similar the way Counter-Strike 1.6 uses the weapons... Well, fortunately I made a copy of my original pak file, so I can restore it.
Thank you very much!
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-20 17:48:56 UTC
in PAKexplorer: Error while copying Post #276795

I need some help with Pakexplorer, because when I want to add a model or sound or nearly anything to the pak0.pak in the Half-Life\valve directory, I always get an error message which says something like:
Error while copying C:\w9mmarclipt.mdl: Invalid Filename

I wanted to add a new mp5 model to the game, which I got from a site. Then I tried to copy the files into the pak0.pak using PAKexplorer, with no success at all. Could anyone help me with this please? It's very annoying!

