Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2011-02-08 22:59:41 UTC
in Multisource teleporter doesn't work Post #290201
It works now, and I used Captain Terror's method.

Oh, and by the way - It wasn't working because both the start multimanager and ending multimanagers had the same name... Oops.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-07 07:17:16 UTC
in Break on delay (does not reset) Post #290146
It looks like its not being retriggered.. I've never mapped for round based games such as TFC or CS, but my guess is if there's an entity for those games to detect a reset, set that up.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-07 00:09:06 UTC
in The Future of TWHL Post #290136
I would be willing to submit Goldsource tutorials. I'm an avid mapper for the half life engine and I'm constantly testing the limits on a daily basis. There's people willing to do it.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-06 21:19:47 UTC
in Multisource teleporter doesn't work Post #290130
I did that, and now the teleporter works correctly.. However everything else is off.

None of the sounds play, none of the lights come on. As soon as I remove the multisource, everything works again in chronological order. Add the multisource and set it as the teleporters master, and everything breaks except the teleporter.

I'll load it up to problem maps.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-06 20:39:24 UTC
in [LIGHTNING] Demonstration Map for Lightn Post #290129
Alright, it's been uploaded and only uses the default WADs (Half-life, liquids, and decals). Have fun with it, I hope I've inspired a few people :)

Thanks for the positive feedback.

About CS, I think it does that because the light_environment is to turn off and back on when the lightning strikes, and the light entity is 2000 brightness, and white, set to go off .2 seconds after the lightning... To start the sequence, lightningmanager1 2 3 and 4 are trigger_once... In CS, I think these trigger_once entities are reset.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-06 16:59:09 UTC
in Any possibility of recovering this accou Post #290122
haha no that wasn't me, never touched RE.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-06 16:18:34 UTC
in [LIGHTNING] Demonstration Map for Lightn Post #290118
The lightning should be repetitive, never ending. Sometimes it's only a couple seconds between flashes, or it can be 20 seconds. If it stops and never flashes again, then it's not triggering itself, and I have no idea why.

I'll be sure to unload those tfc and mikeswad wad files. They weren't even used, they were just loaded when I compiled it - Whoops.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-06 16:16:19 UTC
in Any possibility of recovering this accou Post #290117
I took a year or two off from mapping so I never came around TWHL, and forgot my password...

Anyway, if it's not possible, this one works.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-06 01:53:13 UTC
in [LIGHTNING] Demonstration Map for Lightn Post #290105
Hey guys. I got very experimental, and sought the ability to create working lightning in Half-Life.

Here is a demonstration map with a poorly textured house, and a completely working lightning system.

Also, if you're in the water when the lightning strikes, you get splattered.

If you'd like to know how to set the lightning up, it's pretty simple. Beams, light entities, and multi_managers.

Anyway, here is the RMF. Have fun :)

Posted 14 years ago2011-02-06 00:25:19 UTC
in Multisource teleporter doesn't work Post #290104

Func_Button > Multi_Manager

Activates beam @ .1 Sec
Activates light @ .1 Sec
Activates ambient_generic @ .1 Sec
Activates ambient_generic @ 5 Sec
Activates multisource @ 5 sec
Activates trigger_teleport @ 5 sec
Activates shutdown sequence multimanager @ 5.5 sec

Deactivates beam
Deactivates light
Deactivates ambient_generic
Deactivates ambient_generic2
Deactivates trigger_teleport
Deactivates multisource
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-06 00:15:32 UTC
in Multisource teleporter doesn't work Post #290103
I made an intricate teleporter with a beam and light as a simple test, and it worked liked a dream. Problem was, the teleporter was on 100% of the time.

So, I followed the tutorial of the multisource, and set the actual teleporter's master to the multisource.

So long story short,
BUTTON > Multimanager > Multisource/Ambient_Generic 1 and 2/Light/Beam, Multisource > Trigger_teleport Entity > Player goes bye-bye.

Here's the broken map.

The problem is, ever since I added the multisource, now my light, my beam, and the first ambient_generic won't play. The only thing that works is the teleporter turning on in 5 seconds, and the final ambient_generic, which is set to play at 5 seconds but instead it plays as soon as the switch is activated.

Any ideas?
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-04 23:23:05 UTC
in item_healthkit / item_battery / ammo_??? Post #290066
I ran everything on normal. Its giving those errors because I have four different colored lights in front of each base, to signify which player has taken the base.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-04 20:23:27 UTC
in item_healthkit / item_battery / ammo_??? Post #290062
I think that may be the issue, because the base at the bottom of the hole, all the entities show up just fine.

I'll give it a shot and see where it goes. Thanks for the peek.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-04 19:33:19 UTC
in item_healthkit / item_battery / ammo_??? Post #290058
Negative.. I'll upload the RMF. Yes, its a mess, but I'm trying to fix five bases into one map for a LAN battle.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-04 18:55:16 UTC
in item_healthkit / item_battery / ammo_??? Post #290056
I used -dev, it didn't give any errors or anything.

After using hint and skip, the entities were still missing.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-04 18:17:01 UTC
in item_healthkit / item_battery / ammo_??? Post #290054
Nothing pops up, is there a command? I thought it was -dev but it said unknown command. I'm advanced at mapping but once I get in game the only editing command I know is pointfile, lol
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-04 18:07:16 UTC
in item_healthkit / item_battery / ammo_??? Post #290051
Can you add Hint to death match? I always thought it would confuse the engine with all the players running around.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-04 18:06:42 UTC
in The Future of TWHL Post #290050
I've been in this community since I was even too young to realize how to even map (5+ years).

I honestly think moving to a new domain under the management of you three, with this kind of community would really help and expand it.

I've always used TWHL has my mapping reference, and I'll do anything to help out. If it weren't for this community I would never have learned how to map. I believe it's the same for many others. I've taught 3 others how to map, and they've all learned through TWHL's tutorials and forums.

Long live TWHL.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-04 18:02:39 UTC
in prop_ragdoll picked and dragged by playe Post #290047
Post this in the source section - As for the actual problem, I think the game only recognizes prop_physics as pickup-able, so change the prop_ragdoll to a prop_physics and try that.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-04 18:01:47 UTC
in item_healthkit / item_battery / ammo_??? Post #290046
In my map, I've built 3 bases (sectors). In each base, there's an armory. None of the ammo_entities appear, and in 2 of the bases, the item_healthkits and item_batteries are invisible!

Any idea why this may be happening? The "Not in deathmatch" button is NOT selected, and they don't cross each other.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-03 22:54:48 UTC
in Any fix for glowing func_door? Post #290014
Thanks, I will check that out :)

One last question - I want to make the VOX say a custom sentence, such as

"Sector one security has been breached"
for four sectors. How can I manipulate it to say this>
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-03 20:56:02 UTC
in Any fix for glowing func_door? Post #290009
I'm making sniper towers, with "{TRANSPARENT" inside and rock texture outside, set it to FX Texture, FX Amount 255, and it glows.

Any way to fix this? I need a wall that we can shoot through and only see through one way.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-13 23:32:32 UTC
in Light and Sirens on a Blast Door? Post #287913
Thanks, wasn't sure the the entity had a field for it or not. Multimanager was my next goal.

Thanks for the speedy reply.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-13 23:29:22 UTC
in What can cause overflow??? Post #287912
yeah that little texturing would not do it. You must have too much for one small area, other than that it's an issue outside my level :P

Let us know how it goes.

If that doesn't work, try copying your entire level, opening up a new RMF, and pasting it. I just remember the last time I got an overflow error, I just recopied it, and it worked fine.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-13 19:51:42 UTC
in What can cause overflow??? Post #287901
From my experience, it's usually caused by either a mass flow of custom textures, or the map requesting too much memory for one portion. I would reduce visibility in the area if it's too large.

You could try adding -dev and watch it go as it's played out, the console should print everything when it happens. My guess it's a memory overload. The HL engine was revolutionary at the time but now it's pretty weak of what we expect it to handle.
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-13 19:41:50 UTC
in Light and Sirens on a Blast Door? Post #287900
Making an escape/infiltrate map series, so far it's pretty good. You can tell it's amueter and not professional but I think most people here would play it.

The problem is, to add feeling that you're escaping a secure facility, the exit is a double blast door, and the lights and siren activate when it is either a) in motion or b) open.

Right now I set the door's target as "securedooropening1", and it only activates when the door is open. Is there a way to make it activate while the doors are ONLY moving, like in the Half-Life series when you should shoot the buttons and the blast doors would close?
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-28 19:42:36 UTC
in Game Configuration Missing Post #282454
I can't start up hammer editor because it pops up an error saying "Game Configuration files missing" or something close to that.

Also, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch is the only game that's available for Source Engine 2006.

It was working 100% fine on Saturday, anyone got any idea what to do? I've tried reset game configurations, but it does nothing. I refreshed SDK Content, same error. I Reinstalled Source SDK, same error.
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-15 21:24:12 UTC
in CS:S = Hammer not saving entities. Post #281862
Also, move-to-world does nothing. It still shows up as an entity on the grids.
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-15 21:23:08 UTC
in CS:S = Hammer not saving entities. Post #281861
Hello! I am a returning mapper.

I am having an issue, where I am creating a breakfloor map. I have created 50 breaking glass pads, and a ladder up to a func_physbox tower.

I have just now noticed that all the entities are showing up in the x/y, y/z, and x/y grids, but when I click on the group of brushes that make the entity, it only selects one brush at a time.

When I enter the properties for that piece of the entity brush make up, there's no properties for entities. When I select all the brushes that make up the entity, there's no properties for entities.

Why is the grid saying it's an entity, and the properties are saying its not, and why are the grouped brushes only allowing me to select one piece of the brush group (when it's an entity)?