Forum posts

Posted 13 years ago2010-07-02 08:50:45 UTC
in Skybox fail =( Post #282575
That's because I haven't had a chance to look at it until now (see timestamp of post). :P
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-01 21:15:41 UTC
in Skybox fail =( Post #282562
Here are the skybox files:

They are in the gfx/env folder.

Also, not all of the skyboxes in half-life.gcf have BMPs tagging along with the TGAs.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-01 15:18:34 UTC
in Skybox fail =( Post #282555

[quote]EDIT: Ok, if I SKY the insides (and leave the outsides as NULL), it works.. except it shows SKY texture instead of the sky. :\ Hmm.. tries something
EDIT2: worldspawn is set to use 'test' as the sky, which exists. It's a 256x256 pink and black checker pattern, 24-bit RLE compressed TGA (as a set).
EDIT3: Making the brushes be completely covered with SKY (no NULL) doesn't make a difference.. maybe it is the RLE compression?
EDIT4: Saving them again (from the PSD of the image) with RLE not enabled doesn't make a difference. :\ (FYI, with RLE enabled the filesize is 2 KB and with RLE disabled the filesize is 194 KB.)
EDIT5: Setting color palette to indexed (2 colors counted) with both scenarios of RLE enabled and disabled doesn't change anything either.
EDIT6: Saving them as BMPs too (alongside the TGAs) does not make a difference either. In half-life.gcf, most but only a small handful of skyboxes have BMPs accompanying the TGAs. :X[quote]

Ok, my skybox isn't working. =(
Posted 13 years ago2010-06-26 16:49:32 UTC
in Compiler Tool Benchmarks (ZHLT, SHLT, VH Post #282380
Posted 13 years ago2010-06-18 13:50:21 UTC
in Hammer is being retarded as fghwds (Gold Post #281981
Well, go ahead and try to solve it in a different way. I challenge you! =)
Posted 13 years ago2010-06-18 11:59:44 UTC
in Hammer is being retarded as fghwds (Gold Post #281964
I want to know WHY and HOW this brush is invalid.

EDIT: Feel free to play with this, but my problem has been solved. From the front view, I had to split it in half, fix the vertex coordinates (because Hammer misaligned them), then spit both halves in halves as triangles. So far a total of 4 brushes. I feed the center two pieces into BrushGen to combine them. End result = 3 brushes.
Posted 13 years ago2010-06-17 20:09:23 UTC
in Hammer is being retarded as fghwds (Gold Post #281943
Alright, try and debug this puppy.

You open it, check out the error log -- nothing. Great!

Only, that's where the problem begins.

Save it as a MAP and try opening it. OH SHI- Hammer removes the brush because it thinks it is invalid.

Go back to the RMF and play around with the brush. Kudos to anyone that comes up with the solution. (This is an awesome puzzle, try figure it out!)

Goal: Get it working in a MAP format.

You may use vertex manipulation mode and the cutting tool. If necessary, you may create brushes. Remember that with vertex manipulation mode, if you select two vertexes, you can split that face or create a "line" between these two vertexes by pressing the CTRL+F hotkey (also, you might even be able to move selected vertexes around in the Camera O_o).

Good luck!

PS. This is a perfect single-brush example of how retarded and buggy Hammer is


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