Forum posts

Posted 11 years ago2012-10-31 20:08:43 UTC
in 2D sketching software for mapping Post #310691 has a "pixel grid" built in, but since it's a pixel-grid, each square has to equal one pixel apparently, so that's kinda useless. The grid plugins I've found for it is only an overlay thing; you can't snap to it.

AutoCAD seems like it might work, but it also looks like Google SketchUp, which is great for building simple, square models of buildings in 3D, but it really has some major annoyances that completely turn me off, the zoom function being one of them.

Thanks for the suggestions though. I guess I'll take a deeper look into the world of GIMP :)

Btw rufee, is it that thing called revolver?
Posted 11 years ago2012-10-31 06:56:58 UTC
in 2D sketching software for mapping Post #310681
Let me correct myself then. I already know how to make an overview of a map, I was just trying to find a term that would specify that I'm walking about a view form 'straight above', rather than if I were talking about sketching out the setting of the map, like a scrn shot. I guess I could have just called it a plan?

The reason I'm asking for software is that I would like some straight lines with snap-to-grid functions that make for things being more precise. Other than that, the usual benefits of using software is that it's easily editable. I don't have to draw out the entire plan of my map if I want to try adding something to the design, but still keep what I have so far intact.

Also, I suck at drawing by hand. :D
Posted 11 years ago2012-10-31 06:01:23 UTC
in 2D sketching software for mapping Post #310679
Hi again.

I know I've been yapping about sketching rather than actually mapping, but I figure it has to be relevant to others too at some point, so here I go again.

Do you know any 2D sketching software that works well for sketching out overviews of maps?

A feature I miss in software like is a grid, preferably one like what you have in the 2D views of VHE. Other than that, drawing simple geometry would also make for an essential part of this.
Posted 11 years ago2012-10-30 12:40:32 UTC
in Open Vehicle Sketch Pad Post #310668
Yeah, half my schedule is mandatory subjects that I know I'm never going to use. It's good to know that aeronautics isn't just drawing things that look good, but actually requires some math skills - which I don't have, haha. It's too bad though, I've always liked math.
Posted 11 years ago2012-10-30 09:42:11 UTC
in Open Vehicle Sketch Pad Post #310665
At least you have the time to practise. Would you say that you're naturally better at math than say languages?
Posted 11 years ago2012-10-28 23:51:58 UTC
in [CS:GO] de_cefalu_go Beta is out Post #310653
Looks like it was pretty much as good as can be already then ;)
Posted 11 years ago2012-10-28 22:26:49 UTC
in [CS:GO] de_cefalu_go Beta is out Post #310651
Looks nice, but I still don't get why they remade cs:s.
Posted 11 years ago2012-10-27 14:27:48 UTC
in In-game map editor Post #310638
There is Nem's Map Viewer for VHE 3.5 that allows you to preview the map without having to compile it. It allows you too see lighting and entities and so on without having to compile. Maybe there is something like that for Source too?

Running a quick compile can be automated to launch the game and shouldn't take more than a few seconds anyway, so is it necessary with an in-game editor?

Btw shouldn't this thread be moved to one of the engine discussinons?

EDIT: I'm actually not so sure about the lighting in Map Viewer, eeh..
Posted 11 years ago2012-10-26 21:59:07 UTC
in Explain me how rendering works Post #310624
How can you even tell the difference enough to state it?
Posted 11 years ago2012-10-26 21:51:24 UTC
in Open Vehicle Sketch Pad Post #310619
Thanks for the details, Nefarious. It was all mostly hypothetical, but it's nice to know that it's possible. I wonder how it would work out though, so maybe some day.. If I get my hands on a decent computer 3D wise, I might give it a go.

Where are you getting your degree TJB? I've always wondered how good your abilities with math have to be to do that.
Btw, I just recently read an article about a new model describing turbulence in 2D, which is supposed to potentially make it easier/possible to calculate air resistance precisely.
Posted 11 years ago2012-10-26 14:22:42 UTC
in How do you survive not being able to map Post #310618
Yeah, I guess sketching is essentially pretty much the option you have. It really bothers me that I can't tell how the gameplay will turn out though, since it's a lot of time to spend adding details to a design that might not really work.

Do any of you have some good advice on how to understand the gameplay of a map, like how players tend to act in different environments, at different paces and facing certain obstacles?

I know Dave Johnson talks a little about it on his "The Making of ..." pages.

Btw, if it turns out that what Rufee does isn't uncommon as it might seem, then maybe someone should establish a sketch database as a source for inspiration. ..or maybe people could post them here? ;)
Posted 11 years ago2012-10-23 21:04:25 UTC
in Open Vehicle Sketch Pad Post #310565
Hello again,

I just fell over this program, recently made open source by NASA, for 3D aircraft design, called OpenVSP I think it looks pretty nifty. I haven't gotten my hands on it yet though.

Does any of you know it? Do you think it would be possible to use the models in VHE?
User posted image
Posted 11 years ago2012-10-23 18:46:14 UTC
in Interesting stuff for our brains Post #310562 is a very interesting site, one of my favorites.

Also, if you like physics, you should have a look at and if you don't already watch it. It has these science programs on once in a while. Some are for kids though, but I wish I knew of them when I was young.
Posted 11 years ago2012-10-23 18:29:39 UTC
in How do you survive not being able to map Post #310561
Hi everyone

I'm an occasional mapper whenever I get the urge to do so, but since it hasn't been happening a lot lately, I decided to get a computer that was small, portable and perfect for school along with not being able to run any serious games so I wouldn't get as easily distracted.

Now, kind of obviously, I really want to map, but I'm not really able to; I got a new computer for a reason. So I wonder what any of you would do in a similar situation, like when you're on vacation, your computer is being repaired or you're home visiting the South Pole?
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-29 21:20:01 UTC
in Reset func_button with -1 delay before r Post #303840
Haha, you guys and your contest :D. Honestly I'm getting out of mapping for now, once I'm through with fixing bugs for this map :) I can't seem to stop whenever I've started on a project.

The point is to make a music-device which triggers a sound, that can only be switched off again by shloooting another device right underneath it. Whether it can be triggered the other way around, is not a problem. The point is that it can be triggered once and then turned off again once each round. Preferably I would use a 'breakable button'. Since that's not possible by itself, what I have is:

A func_button triggering a looping aimbient_generic.
An ambient_generic.
A func_breakable.

func_button has std values, except for "delay before reset: -1"

ambient_generic is reset each round using the multi_manager and a func door. This is set up exactly as described in the tutorials, nothing fancy, -it works. Apart from that, it is set to "Play everywhere" and "Start silent"

Func_breakable is std with an explosion to it and with: "Target on kill: ambient_generic"

It is all wired/connected correctly, I have tested it, except for the button not being toggle-able after being used once. In other words, it's not reset after each round.

Multi_manager + door method doesn't work, as I said. There, hope it explains everything in detail :D

@Stojke: Could you tell me how a multi_source works? I'm not sure I understand exactly what you want me to do. Maybe I cleared out things for you too, so you can specify it. I will have a look at it one of these days, when I get the time :)
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-29 10:14:41 UTC
in Reset func_button with -1 delay before r Post #303827
Any ideas?
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-27 07:36:47 UTC
in Need help with optimization Post #303783
I remember reading about the difference between those three, and the conclusion seemed to be that the difference wasn't really that big. I doubt it's a real issue on my map, unless the difference between NULL and BEVEL has something to do with blocking vis. I base this on the fact that my problem isn't that I have too many faces overall; it's that too many of those I have are being rendered when they shouldn't be.

In case I'm wrong about BEVEl though, and it has to do with the compiler figuring out when to render stuff the way I pointed it out, then please let me know, and I will try using it and SKY instead of NULL :)

And smellycat, I don't know about most of what you're asking, but about the func_walls: I guess the point is exactly to use that on things that aren't important in any way for vis blocking, like details and small complicated things, again, unimortant for vis. The point of using func_walls is to avoid brushes being cut into smeller bits at intersections.

However, you have to keep in mind that since it doesn't block vis, it all will be rendered, so you want to use it on small complicated stuff, that otherwise cuts up it's surroundings (Remember the 1 unit method as an alternative to func_Wall). A general rule is to never use it on actual walls, ironically.

Also, the way I've come to understand it, the engine just renders the func_walls as epolys instead of wpolys, so don't turn things into func_walls if you don't have to.

So to answer you question: I think the MAIN reason for using NULL is to avoid rendering faces that you can't even see, but I guess also, as you point out, to avoid those faces cutting up things (I'm not really sure if it's actually the edges that cut things and not the faces themselves though?). So no, you won't gain the same if you add your object to a func_wall, as the whole object will be rendered, and that as epoly instead of wpoly. What's better is up for you to decide in the specific situation.

I'm still pretty new to the whole optimization though, but hopefully you will get a reply from someone who actually knows these things for sure. :)
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-22 18:17:22 UTC
in Need help with optimization Post #303628
I have used NULL on every face that can't be seen, except for glass, as I was worried it might mock it up. I have also used func_wall on a lot of stuff, but not on walls and similar thigns, separating rooms and such, basically I have just used it on on details like chairs, bookshelves and complicate stuff like stairways and pipes. I have also separated the func_walls down to it making sense, like adding each but the whole of a chair to a func_wall.

What is the -subdivide 256 and sky box method? Does the first one have something to do with texture/brush scale?
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-22 08:44:47 UTC
in Need help with optimization Post #303617
Haha, I hope you're talking about the bad numbers on the left corner - I wouldn't want to disappoint you ;)

I always heard that 6-800 is the magic number in w_poly? I am running it fine at >3500 though, so I guess it's not that bad, but lowering it would be nice.

I don't want you, or anyone else, to put too much work into this. The map is made for a few of my friends who would like a cs version of a real location, so that's basically why the layout can't be changed. I already spoke with this guy, fr33pr0d from cstrike-planet who suggested that I made a solid wall in front of spawn, keeping the player from seeing all the way to the other side of the map. I guess that might be one of the things you could do, as of changing the layout.

Hints didn't really work out. I might have been able to hide some of the glass in the ceiling from being seen where it shouldn't be possible with hints, however that might just as well be caused by vis being rendered full rather than fast as I did before.

So, if you're up for it, go ahead and mess around with it. If you come up with something ingenious, I might change it to that. Just keep in mind, that I'm overly critical about it. I just don't want to waste your time, that's all, really :) (I've sent you the .rmf, I might also just upload it here later)
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-21 21:31:26 UTC
in Reset func_button with -1 delay before r Post #303610
Hi again, I hope it's not a problem that I have two threads running simultaneously.

I need to know how I reset a func_button with "delay before reset" set to -1 at the end of every round (talking cs 1.6). The usual method with a multi_manager and func_door doesn't seem to work. Might I have to set the master in order for it to reset? I need it to only be usable once in every round.

Thanks in advace,
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-21 20:54:41 UTC
in Need help with optimization Post #303609

I'm having trouble reducing my w_polys, and after reading every fairly available tutorial on optimization and hints especially I have come to the conclusion that I really need to bug all of you competent mappers with my pity situation.

I've been working on a relatively small map for the past two weeks, one of them intensively during a week-long break. The maps is a recreation of an earlier version, which was much more messy and full of bugs, created before I knew much about optimization.

The problem(s):
-I have up to around 3500 w_polys being rendered at times
-Most of the map is showing at all times.
-I use a relatively big amount of transparent walls (windows/glass), making hint placement extremely difficult, at least for me.

I don't know if you would categorize it as a problem, but I am very reluctant to changing the layout of my map. Therefore I am left with basically just the hint option, which however, should be able to do the trick, afaik.

Here are images of two spots in my map incl. an oveview:

User posted image

User posted image

User posted image

Thank you very much!

If any of you would want to have a look at the .rmf, please pm me