Reverse TFC ctf
Clean mean and very Fast O map, Three entry's into fr main roof from hh from yard, reg water entry with det entry to fr from mid yard and offcoarse coming from main entry to fr footing it, bhopping or whatever makes you fly. Basically a very fast O map should have any defense on there toes and constantly. I basically made this map for the UGC 5v5 league though it could fit a 2v2 with finesse. The detail isnt fantasic but isnt plain either. I prob coulda done more with it but hey its as fast as a gal wanting you to buy her a drink.
I used some of the design layout from my unreleased map subliminalz im working on but giving me r_speeds probs. Gonna need a coauthor on that sexy beast. But as I said prior I allready had the aok since beta vers 5 that there gonna run it in UGC 5vs5 this coming season which starts in 3 weeks which was my driving force basically to mow a fast one out. Might make a _r vers soon after I release it. allready ran a 5vs5 scrim on it and the playability is a blast for ie to fast, Take a peek and dont be shy to be honest.
Regards Z3n