Forum posts

In case there are some Black Mesa fans in the mix....
Posted 3 years ago2020-09-05 19:05:24 UTC
in Getting Hammered to the Max Post #344696
I meant to share this information months ago, but the latest versions of WW include WW Pro as well as all the extra plugins--for free! They all now come included with the main WW installer. Enjoy :)
Posted 4 years ago2020-01-06 14:22:43 UTC
in Getting Hammered to the Max Post #343563
New video quickly demonstrating a bunch of the brush tools inside Wall Worm Pro Pack and how easy they are to edit.
Brush Tools Quick Tour
Posted 4 years ago2019-09-16 16:03:56 UTC
in Getting Hammered to the Max Post #343134
As the developer of Wall Worm for 3ds Max and technical artist for Black Mesa, I'm often asked for tips on using Max for Source. Many Hammer users struggle with the transition. So I started a site for Hammer users to learn 3ds Max and Wall Worm called Hammered to the Max. With it you can learn how to use 3ds Max as your Source/Goldsource level editor (yes, entirely supplanting Hammer).

Here are a couple of the videos included there:
Basic Level Design
Procedural Displacements
Link above includes these and more.

Posted 6 years ago2018-01-06 19:02:49 UTC
in RMF Importer now in Wall Worm Post #338581
Today Wall Worm was updated with RMF export support.

Also, the exporter can now compile MAP files directly into BSP.

@SourceSkyBoxer/@Rimrook : Thanks for sharing your input. Everyone must choose what fits them best.

In terms of using Max as a pipeline for both Goldsource/Source, you can do all modeling and level design directly in one editor (as well as material/texture creation). That is really my whole purpose for developing Wall Worm. I also enjoy using Substance, and you can actually use Substance directly inside Max as well as export your shaders directly into Source/Goldsource inside the WW tools/ui. For anyone interested in learning about some of that, here is a free book on using Max as your Source level editor: Hammered to the Max. Although it is focused on Source, most of the info is applicable to Goldsource as well.
Posted 6 years ago2017-12-31 17:11:12 UTC
in RMF Importer now in Wall Worm Post #338537
@SourceSkyBoxer : I am exclusively a 3ds Max developer. All of my tools are about making 3ds Max a seamless pipeline for Source (and to a lesser degree Goldsource). I've got a pet project in Goldsource, which is why I'm adding RMF support. I intend to give GoldSource support in Max/WW the same that Source has in terms of completely replacing Hammer. Wall Worm can compile scenes straight into BSP for Source--when the RMF Exporter is done, the same will be true for Goldsource.
Posted 6 years ago2017-12-30 21:11:03 UTC
in RMF Importer now in Wall Worm Post #338528
Greetings Earthlings. I released an update to Wall Worm this week that will import RMF Files into Max. So now you can bring in VMF, RMF and MAP. The importer is under Wall Worm > Wall Worm Importers > Import Game Level (VMF RMF MAP) .

For exporting it's still just VMF and MAP. I'm going to add RMF export in the near future.

If you play with it and have any issues, let me know.

Enjoy :)
Posted 7 years ago2016-08-29 02:24:30 UTC
in Setting Up Latest Level Editor for Golds Post #331461
Not sure what the recent interest in mapping for Goldsource is, but I've had several inquiries lately about Setting up Wall Worm for Goldsource. As such, I've posted a new document on this in the link above.

Posted 8 years ago2015-12-31 21:33:32 UTC
in Some Source Material Videos Post #328015
No, I'm a 3ds Max guy. From my end, Max is a powerhouse application that I use for my own work. I don't have the need or time to develop for other applications.
Posted 8 years ago2015-12-31 02:33:42 UTC
in Some Source Material Videos Post #327995
Trying to make my year-end rounds and share some tidbits with different communities.

Here are some recent videos covering Material/Texture topics asked a lot in my inbox.

Understanding Alpha in 3ds Max (covers creating and exporting textures with alpha and materials that use them).

Video demonstrating the tool in Wall Worm to combine a specular level map into a normal map's alpha for use in VertexLitGeneric

Video detailing converting substance maps into Source textures with Wall Worm Pro features.

Posted 9 years ago2015-07-03 00:20:36 UTC
in Latest Wall Worm Updates and New Videos Post #326170
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-02 00:30:50 UTC
in Latest Wall Worm Updates and New Videos Post #326158
Glad you mentioned walkthrough mode. It's something that many new Max users don't know about. Although the navigation may seem awkward compared to Hammer at first, the navigation in Max is actually far more robust and customizable.

Again, in terms of Blender support, it's just not going to happen. I've been working on Wall Worm for several years now because it is something that I wanted to do for myself. As a hard-core Max user, it's just something I always wanted--and now I have. Although I'm sure that there are some Blender users that would enjoy a Blender side, it isn't on the radar. It would be a lot of work for an environment I don't even use. And while I always enjoy sharing WW with the world, I don't have infinite time and resources. So you'll have to be happy with 3ds Max if you want to use Wall Worm :)

@Rimrock: Max 7! Wow... that is old school. Wall Worm doesn't even work in those old versions. Jump into Max 2015+ and you'll get many pleasant surprises.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-30 02:39:54 UTC
in Latest Wall Worm Updates and New Videos Post #326143
@Ghost129er Thank you for the kind remark. If you run into issues with either Source or Goldsource, just let me know. Always happy to help out.

@ninja ... I don't know anything about Blender... but making maps in Max is pretty straightforward (for me at least).
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-27 22:25:35 UTC
in Latest Wall Worm Updates and New Videos Post #326130
That's been a regular question over the years (Blender Support). It's really unlikely. I'm a 3ds Max fanatic and my own passion for Max + Source is the primary motivation behind Wall Worm. There isn't any incentive for me to work on a Blender version.

I'm glad you were able to use the tools to port your project. I'd love it if you shared some screen shots of your port over on the WW forums. I always love to see things people are working on.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-27 18:49:43 UTC
in Latest Wall Worm Updates and New Videos Post #326127
I wanted to share some news with you guys. I'm the developer of Wall Worm and have some new videos and new additions in WW lately that I'd like to share with you.

There were some updates this week to make Wall Worm for 3ds Max more compatible for Goldsource. WW has mainly been for Source, but this week I updated it work better and have more automation with Goldsource as well.

See the Changelog for complete details:

This means you can now export models+textures in the same automated way in both Source & Goldsource.

I also wanted to share some videos I've started detailing how to use Wall Worm as your Level Editor for Source (and this also applies to Goldsource). Yes, you can build levels for Source/Goldsource inside Max, believe it or not.

Episode 1

Episode 2

And here is a guide for download + print:

I hope you enjoy this!