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the only reason I was using it was because when I was first learning this, the person who was teaching me this a year ago sent me this in a folder that was called The Ultimate HL2 Model porting kit (I wanted to learn how to port hl2 models in hl1) so that's the reason why, is there any reason (other than the chrome setting you listed in the qc commands area of your website) oh and Thanks very much, I cant thank you enough (:D)

(extra thing about the Ultimate HL2 Model Porting Kit, I updated the tutorial he included which wasn't that great, not bad but not great, for a tutorial on how to port static source engine models into HL1)
to the303, I'm using studiomdldecompilertest.qc, and here it is Rarweded (I also included what I use to compile)

to Abaddon, no I didn't modify any source code, I cant even code, I'm using base game Half life (Steam), I'm not sure about the other person, but I definitely haven't done anything weird, since the creator of the mod (the person I send the files to) doesn't give people things that they don't need (like access to the maps or wad since it isn't needed at all for model work), so the only source of the issue is the qc file (or smd if that's possible), if you need, download the Rarweded file on top that was for the303

p.s. Thank you both of you for helping me out here, I cant thank you enough

p.p.s also thank you the303 for making,it is literally the only website I know that goes in-depth into goldsource MDL qc files, I cant thank you enough.
No I'm not using mods to my knowledge, if I am then its by accident, well, how did I manage that, since I never installed a mod related to models, and why only the barney model, this is just a confusing scenario, especially since I wasn't the one who found out about this but someone I'm working on a mod with found out about this, I tested it, and same thing happened to me, so unless we both unknowingly are using the same mod or if I somehow messed up somewhere, well I don't know, well here are the files

all my files (a ton of junk, sorry I'm very messy)

All 3 different models, the one using bodygroups, one using skins that doesn't work, and the original model I decompiled

p.s. the only reason that I use Jed usually is since its stuck as my default, I've tried changing it but I don't know how and I'm too lazy to find out how to fix it, but other than Jed I use paranoia 2 hlmv version 1.3.0

p.p.s. abbadon, possibly, that would mean I would've done it on pure accident

p.p.p.s: Sorry for the late response.
I've set the textures correctly I've set the original texture used in the model as the first texture skin
this is the original texture in in the modelthis is the original texture in in the model
just in case the img doesn't show up for some reason since im not sure how IMG works in this website so here it is just in case

if needed I can just send you the files, since right now it looks like I'm having trouble communicating the problem I have
I've tried that, worked for the scientist model I made but not the barney model, since as stated before, the model when injured changes to a different body group and then changes back to the original when it dies, still not sure why so I'm trying skins to see if it works (I think your talking about using $bodygroup for skins instead of $texturegroup)

edit: could the issue possibly be the placement of $texturegroup in my QC file?
yeah I'm trying to have the texture for the skin swap out for other texture, but I'm not sure what you mean about "did you try to assign the textures to the groups-meshes in the model editor?." do you mean assigning more textures to the model, I thought you can only assign 2 per model, could you please explain more since I'm not a expert at skin groups, this is actually my first attempt at it, if you need to I can give you everything I was using for this, but warning, a lot of it is useless, since I'm terrible at organizing things, I just remember where everything I need is.
oh ok thanks, but I still wish someone would reply since now looking at the303's response I'm confused since it looks like I'm doing it right since he thought I did something wrong by mixing up my textures when my textures are in the right place, original, first and then after replacements, and it looks like I did everything right, but I don't get anything
Abbadon? what in the world are you talking about, I never was talking about walking I only mentioned it since the303 was wondering, it has NOTHING to do with what I have been asking for, I'm asking for what I'm doing wrong with the skin, I still don't know, sorry if this came as a rude response, its just that it has nothing to do what I'm asking for, I'm asking for how to get skins to work and how to set up the qc command, I still don't know what I did wrong
? what do you mean by "You seem to have your in different lines." I'm not really sure what you mean by that, but I did format the original and replacement textures correctly (I think) the original is first and the replacements are after that in the order I want, is the issue that I need to change more than 1 texture?

Answering the unrelated question: I used those since I originally decompiled the model I was working on with Crowbar_2016-02-28_0.34 which is very outdated, and so the animations were rotated the wrong way, the reason I got the new crowbar is because you told me that 0.34 breaks walking and running so I replaced those but not the other animations since they were working and only required the rotation, but I've replaced the animations with the new ones due to a failed experiment, i haven't tried to see if the animations are rotated the wrong way because of rotate 270 because I've been trying to get this to work (sorry if there are grammar mistakes or you cant really understand what i wrote, its 2:52 am)

Edit: found out i made a typo but it still doesn't show the other skins {"Base_MD.bmp"} {"Base_M_D.bmp"}
Well now the skin tab worked but it only shows 1 skins, it shows this On Jed's HLMV and Paranoia 2 HLMV
(the issue at hand has been fixed)
I'm working on a barney model and I'm trying to make a skin, I'm following the $texturegroup part here and I've tried to get the model to work with the example there and I tried very hard but its not working, im not sure why, the model compiles just fine but the skins don't work, at all (the skin section is non existent) im trying to get this to work but its not and im not sure so can someone help, heres the qc file

$modelname "barney.mdl"
$cd "./"
$cdtexture "./"
$scale 1.0
$flags 0
$bbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$cbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$eyeposition 0.000000 0.000000 63
$origin 0 0 0 0
$hbox 3 "bip01 pelvis" -9.89 -5.66 -8.6 2.94 6.52 6.79
$hbox 6 "bip01 l leg" 0 -5.92 -4 19.370001 3.78 3.73
$hbox 6 "bip01 l leg1" 0 -5.69 -3.62 18.83 3.07 2.94
$hbox 6 "bip01 l foot" 0 -2.99 -4.04 6.42 8.68 1.61
$hbox 7 "bip01 r leg" 0 -5.93 -3.87 19.27 3.75 3.79
$hbox 7 "bip01 r leg1" -0.33 -5.73 -2.98 18.950001 2.96 3.19
$hbox 7 "bip01 r foot" 0 -3.24 -2.32 6.21 8.44 3.28
$hbox 3 "bip01 spine" 0 -4.89 -6.97 8.37 8 6.73
$hbox 2 "bip01 spine2" 0 -3.46 -8.32 6.11 8 7.53
$hbox 2 "bip01 spine3" -1 -5.99 -8.22 5.96 8 8.48
$hbox 4 "bip01 l arm" -0.4 -4.18 0 7.2 4.75 4.2
$hbox 4 "bip01 l arm1" -2.52 -4.57 -3.92 9.86 2.28 3.43
$hbox 4 "bip01 l arm2" 0 -2.85 -2.08 11.9 2.85 2.75
$hbox 4 "bip01 l hand" 0 -1.32 -2.29 4.66 2.6 1.65
$hbox 5 "bip01 r arm" 0 -4.15 -4.19 7.53 4.12 4.24
$hbox 5 "bip01 r arm1" -2.69 -4.65 -3.42 9.47 2.28 3.76
$hbox 5 "bip01 r arm2" 0 -2.73 -2.56 11 3.14 2.19
$hbox 5 "bip01 r hand" 0 -1.32 -2.91 10.38 3.23 4
$hbox 1 "bip01 head" -0.66 2.25 -4.24 6 7.97 3.63
$hbox 10 "bip01 head" -0.66 -4.25 -5.24 6 2.25 4.63
$hbox 10 "bip01 head" 6 -4.25 -5.24 11.19 7.97 4.63
$controller 0 "bip01 head" xr -60 60
$controller mouth "bone05" zr 0 45
$attachment 0 "bip01 R hand" 25 0 5
$body "head" "barneyhead"
$body "mesh" "barney-x_template_biped(gun-hlstr)1"
$bodygroup "guns"
studio "casuallife"
studio "gunman"
studio "barney-x_template_biped(gun)1"
$bodygroup "helmsandvest"
studio "barney-x_template_biped1"
studio "nohelm"
studio "novest"
studio "veshemles"
$sequence "idle1" "idle1" act_idle 50 fps 15 loop rotate 270
$sequence "idle2" "idle2" act_idle 1 fps 15 rotate 270
$sequence "idle3" "idle3" act_idle 1 fps 15 rotate 270
$sequence "idle4" "idle4" act_idle 10 fps 12 rotate 270
$sequence "walk" "walk" ACT_WALK 1 { event 1004 3 "common/npc_step1.wav" } { event 1004 18 "common/npc_step3.wav" } fps 30 loop LX
$sequence "run" "run" ACT_RUN 1 { event 1004 5 "common/npc_step2.wav" } { event 1004 13 "common/npc_step4.wav" } fps 25 loop LX
$sequence "shootgun" "shootgun_blend01" "shootgun_blend02" act_range_attack1 1 blend "xr" -50 50 { event 5001 0 "21" } { event 3 0 } fps 25 rotate 270
$sequence "shootgun2" "shootgun2_blend01" "shootgun2_blend02" act_range_attack1 2 blend "xr" -50 50 { event 5001 0 "21" } { event 3 0 } fps 40 rotate 270
$sequence "draw" "draw" act_arm 1 { event 2 7 } fps 20 rotate 270
$sequence "disarm" "disarm" act_disarm 1 { event 4 15 } fps 10 rotate 270
$sequence "reload" "reload" act_reload 1 fps 15 rotate 270
$sequence "turnleft" "turnleft" act_turn_left 1 fps 15 rotate 270
$sequence "turnright" "turnright" act_turn_right 1 fps 15 rotate 270
$sequence "laflinch" "laflinch" act_flinch_leftarm 1 fps 16 rotate 270
$sequence "raflinch" "raflinch" act_flinch_rightarm 1 fps 16 rotate 270
$sequence "llflinch" "llflinch" act_flinch_leftleg 1 fps 20 rotate 270
$sequence "rlflinch" "rlflinch" act_flinch_rightleg 1 fps 20 rotate 270
$sequence "smlflinch" "smlflinch" act_small_flinch 1 fps 30 rotate 270
$sequence "cower_stand" "cower_stand" fps 14 rotate 270
$sequence "locked_door" "locked_door" fps 28 loop rotate 270
$sequence "fall_loop" "fall_loop" fps 28 loop rotate 270
$sequence "barn_wave" "barn_wave" fps 22 rotate 270
$sequence "beat_grunt" "beat_grunt" fps 14 rotate 270
$sequence "beat_gruntidle" "beat_gruntidle" fps 14 loop rotate 270
$sequence "flashlight" "flashlight" { event 1004 5 "*buttons/latchunlocked2.wav" } fps 14 loop rotate 270
$sequence "diesimple" "diesimple" act_die_headshot 1 { event 2001 5 } fps 15 x rotate 270
$sequence "dieviolent" "dieviolent" act_die_headshot 1 { event 2001 10 } fps 20 x rotate 270
$sequence "diegutshot" "diegutshot" act_die_gutshot 1 { event 2001 33 } fps 15 x rotate 270
$sequence "dieforward" "dieforward" act_dieforward 1 { event 2001 8 } fps 18 x rotate 270
$sequence "diebackward" "diebackward" act_diebackward 1 { event 2001 19 } fps 15 x rotate 270
$sequence "diecrump" "diecrump" act_diesimple 2 { event 2001 13 } fps 18 x rotate 270
$sequence "barnaclehit" "barnaclehit" act_barnacle_hit 1 fps 15 rotate 270
$sequence "barnaclepull" "barnaclehit" act_barnacle_pull 1 fps 45 loop rotate 270
$sequence "barnaclecrunch" "barnaclecrunch" act_barnacle_chomp 1 fps 5 rotate 270
$sequence "barnaclechew" "barnaclechew" act_barnacle_chew 1 fps 5 loop rotate 270
$sequence "lying_on_back" "lying_on_back" fps 5 rotate 270
$sequence "lying_on_side" "lying_on_side" fps 5 rotate 270
$sequence "lying_on_stomach" "lying_on_stomach" fps 5 rotate 270
$sequence "stuffed_in_vent" "stuffed_in_vent" fps 5 rotate 270
$sequence "standing_idle" "standing_idle" fps 15 loop rotate 270
$sequence "cprbarney" "cprbarney" fps 20 loop rotate 270
$sequence "cprbarneyrevive" "cprbarneyrevive" fps 20 rotate 270
$sequence "barney_dragvent" "barney_dragvent" { event 1000 1 } fps 15 rotate 270
$sequence "dying_barney" "dying_barney" { event 1000 1 } fps 18 rotate 270
$sequence "dying_barneyidle" "dying_barneyidle" fps 12 loop rotate 270
$sequence "dying_friend" "dying_friend" fps 18 rotate 270
$sequence "dying_friendidle" "dying_friendidle" fps 12 loop rotate 270
$sequence "c1a3_bidle" "c1a3_bidle" fps 3 ax ay azr rotate 270
$sequence "c1a3_ventb" "c1a3_ventb" { event 1000 1 } fps 18 ax ay azr rotate 270
$sequence "c1a3_emergeidle" "c1a3_emergeidle" fps 16 loop ax ay azr rotate 270
$sequence "c1a3_emerge" "c1a3_emerge" { event 1000 1 } fps 16 ax ay azr rotate 270
$sequence "haulbarney" "haulbarney" { event 1000 1 } fps 18 ax ay azr rotate 270
$sequence "intropush" "intropush" { event 1004 15 "*buttons/blip1.wav" } { event 1004 24 "*buttons/blip1.wav" } { event 1004 34 "*buttons/blip1.wav" } { event 1004 44 "*buttons/blip1.wav" } fps 16 rotate 270
$sequence "fence" "fence" { event 1000 70 } { event 1003 70 "lightning" } { event 1001 70 } { event 1004 72 "weapons/electro4.wav" } { event 1008 100 "barney/ba_pain2.wav" } fps 24 ax ay azr rotate 270
$sequence "sit1" "sit1" { event 1003 50 "introchair" } { event 1003 102 "introchair" } fps 20 loop rotate 270
$sequence "almostidle" "almostidle" fps 16 loop rotate 270
$sequence "almost" "almost" { event 1000 1 } fps 26 rotate 270
$sequence "laseridle" "laseridle" fps 6 rotate 270
$sequence "laser_top" "laser_top" { event 1000 0 } fps 6 rotate 270
$sequence "laser_bottom" "laser_bottom" { event 1000 0 } fps 6 rotate 270
$sequence "barneyfallidle" "barneyfallidle" fps 33 loop rotate 270
$sequence "barneyfall" "barneyfall" { event 1000 1 } { event 1008 2 "barney/ba_pain1.wav" } { event 1008 24 "barney/ba_pain2.wav" } { event 1003 55 "bsplat" } { event 1008 55 "debris/bustflesh1.wav" } fps 32 rotate 270
$sequence "c3a2_draw" "c3a2_draw" { event 2 13 } fps 16 rotate 270
$sequence "unlatch" "unlatch" { event 1003 7 "barney_door_lock" } fps 12 rotate 270
$sequence "retina" "retina" fps 20 rotate 270
$sequence "relaxstand" "relaxstand" fps 10 loop rotate 270
$sequence "assassinated" "assassinated" { event 1000 1 } { event 1003 1 "blood1" } { event 1003 2 "blood2" } fps 18 x rotate 270
$sequence "trackswitch" "trackswitch" { event 1003 14 "trainarmswitch" } fps 22 rotate 270
$sequence "pepsiswing" "pepsiswing" { event 1003 1 "die" } { event 1003 8 "swing" } fps 25 rotate 270
$sequence "pepsipush" "pepsipush" { event 1003 51 "topple" } { event 1003 90 "horror" } fps 18 rotate 270
$sequence "buttonpush" "buttonpush" { event 1003 7 "button" } fps 20 rotate 270
$texturegroup "skinfamilies"
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-06 05:40:39 UTC
in A Barney Model that im fixing isnt walking Post #340995
I apologize the303, I was a idiot and thought you were referring to the QC file and not the SMD Files themselves

EDIT: that seems to have fixed the issue, barney is facing the wrong way when doing animations but that can be easily fixed, probably

EDIT2: Issue entirely fixed, thanks for the help!
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-05 20:57:04 UTC
in A Barney Model that im fixing isnt walking Post #340990
Sorry but can you please explain what does that mean? I don't know what that means.
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-04 23:43:20 UTC
in A Barney Model that im fixing isnt walking Post #340986
Nope it still happens, maybe its a issue with my QC file
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-04 21:44:27 UTC
in A Barney Model that im fixing isnt walking Post #340985
Thanks ,ill try It out, I wouldn't think that it would break it, the odd part is that I've made edits to the model for newer textures and replacing the gun model, and also the QC file is different, the only thing that I got from it was the sequences, well thanks anyways ill try it
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-03 23:30:10 UTC
in A Barney Model that im fixing isnt walking Post #340979

im trying to fix this broken barney model which I decompiled, it wasn't working so I'm trying to fix it, im really not sure what the issue is, im using heavy refrence from the qc file that CROWBAR 0.34 gave me of the model, and refrence from the original barney model, yet it isn't working for some odd reason, it shoots and does the right animation, but it wont walk around, it animates it and goes in the direction it should be walking but instead it does this its very odd, Im not sure whats causing this, heres the qc file since this might be where the issue is at

$modelname "Model.mdl"
$cd "./"
$cdtexture "./"
$scale 1.0
$flags 0
$bbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$cbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$eyeposition 0.000000 0.000000 63
$origin 0 0 0 270
$hbox 3 "bip01 pelvis" -9.89 -5.66 -8.6 2.94 6.52 6.79
$hbox 6 "bip01 l leg" 0 -5.92 -4 19.370001 3.78 3.73
$hbox 6 "bip01 l leg1" 0 -5.69 -3.62 18.83 3.07 2.94
$hbox 6 "bip01 l foot" 0 -2.99 -4.04 6.42 8.68 1.61
$hbox 7 "bip01 r leg" 0 -5.93 -3.87 19.27 3.75 3.79
$hbox 7 "bip01 r leg1" -0.33 -5.73 -2.98 18.950001 2.96 3.19
$hbox 7 "bip01 r foot" 0 -3.24 -2.32 6.21 8.44 3.28
$hbox 3 "bip01 spine" 0 -4.89 -6.97 8.37 8 6.73
$hbox 2 "bip01 spine2" 0 -3.46 -8.32 6.11 8 7.53
$hbox 2 "bip01 spine3" -1 -5.99 -8.22 5.96 8 8.48
$hbox 4 "bip01 l arm" -0.4 -4.18 0 7.2 4.75 4.2
$hbox 4 "bip01 l arm1" -2.52 -4.57 -3.92 9.86 2.28 3.43
$hbox 4 "bip01 l arm2" 0 -2.85 -2.08 11.9 2.85 2.75
$hbox 4 "bip01 l hand" 0 -1.32 -2.29 4.66 2.6 1.65
$hbox 5 "bip01 r arm" 0 -4.15 -4.19 7.53 4.12 4.24
$hbox 5 "bip01 r arm1" -2.69 -4.65 -3.42 9.47 2.28 3.76
$hbox 5 "bip01 r arm2" 0 -2.73 -2.56 11 3.14 2.19
$hbox 5 "bip01 r hand" 0 -1.32 -2.91 10.38 3.23 4
$hbox 1 "bip01 head" -0.66 2.25 -4.24 6 7.97 3.63
$hbox 10 "bip01 head" -0.66 -4.25 -5.24 6 2.25 4.63
$hbox 10 "bip01 head" 6 -4.25 -5.24 11.19 7.97 4.63
$controller 0 "bip01 head" xr -60 60
$controller mouth "bone05" zr 0 45
$attachment 0 "bip01 R hand" 25 0 5
$bodygroup "head"
studio "barney_and_i_want_to_say"
studio "blackbarney"
studio "barneybeerhead"
$body "mesh" "barney-x_template_biped(gun-hlstr)1"
$bodygroup "guns"
studio "casuallife"
studio "gunman"
studio "barney-x_template_biped(gun)1"
$bodygroup "helmsandvest"
studio "barney-x_template_biped1"
studio "nohelm"
studio "novest"
studio "veshemles"
$sequence "idle1" "idle1" act_idle 50 fps 15 loop
$sequence "idle2" "idle2" act_idle 1 fps 15
$sequence "idle3" "idle3" act_idle 1 fps 15
$sequence "idle4" "idle4" act_idle 10 fps 12
$sequence "walk" "walk" ACT_WALK 1 { event 1004 3 "common/npc_step1.wav" } { event 1004 18 "common/npc_step3.wav" } fps 30 loop LX
$sequence "run" "run" ACT_RUN 1 { event 1004 5 "common/npc_step2.wav" } { event 1004 13 "common/npc_step4.wav" } fps 25 loop LX
$sequence "shootgun_blend01" "shootgun_blend01" act_range_attack1 1 blend "xr" -50 50 { event 5001 0 "21" } { event 3 0 } fps 25
$sequence "shootgun_blend02" "shootgun_blend02" act_range_attack1 1 blend "xr" -50 50 { event 5001 0 "21" } { event 3 0 } fps 25
$sequence "shootgun2_blend01" "shootgun2_blend01" act_range_attack1 2 blend "xr" -50 50 { event 5001 0 "21" } { event 3 0 } fps 40
$sequence "shootgun2_blend02" "shootgun2_blend02" act_range_attack1 2 blend "xr" -50 50 { event 5001 0 "21" } { event 3 0 } fps 40
$sequence "draw" "draw" act_arm 1 { event 2 7 } fps 20
$sequence "disarm" "disarm" act_disarm 1 { event 4 15 } fps 10
$sequence "reload" "reload" act_reload 1 fps 15
$sequence "turnleft" "turnleft" act_turn_left 1 fps 15
$sequence "turnright" "turnright" act_turn_right 1 fps 15
$sequence "laflinch" "laflinch" act_flinch_leftarm 1 fps 16
$sequence "raflinch" "raflinch" act_flinch_rightarm 1 fps 16
$sequence "llflinch" "llflinch" act_flinch_leftleg 1 fps 20
$sequence "rlflinch" "rlflinch" act_flinch_rightleg 1 fps 20
$sequence "smlflinch" "smlflinch" act_small_flinch 1 fps 30
$sequence "cower_stand" "cower_stand" fps 14
$sequence "locked_door" "locked_door" fps 28 loop
$sequence "fall_loop" "fall_loop" fps 28 loop
$sequence "barn_wave" "barn_wave" fps 22
$sequence "beat_grunt" "beat_grunt" fps 14
$sequence "beat_gruntidle" "beat_gruntidle" fps 14 loop
$sequence "flashlight" "flashlight" { event 1004 5 "*buttons/latchunlocked2.wav" } fps 14 loop
$sequence "diesimple" "diesimple" act_die_headshot 1 { event 2001 5 } fps 15 x
$sequence "dieviolent" "dieviolent" act_die_headshot 1 { event 2001 10 } fps 20 x
$sequence "diegutshot" "diegutshot" act_die_gutshot 1 { event 2001 33 } fps 15 x
$sequence "dieforward" "dieforward" act_dieforward 1 { event 2001 8 } fps 18 x
$sequence "diebackward" "diebackward" act_diebackward 1 { event 2001 19 } fps 15 x
$sequence "diecrump" "diecrump" act_diesimple 2 { event 2001 13 } fps 18 x
$sequence "barnaclehit" "barnaclehit" act_barnacle_hit 1 fps 15
$sequence "barnaclepull" "barnaclehit" act_barnacle_pull 1 fps 45 loop
$sequence "barnaclecrunch" "barnaclecrunch" act_barnacle_chomp 1 fps 5
$sequence "barnaclechew" "barnaclechew" act_barnacle_chew 1 fps 5 loop
$sequence "lying_on_back" "lying_on_back" fps 1
$sequence "lying_on_side" "lying_on_side" fps 1
$sequence "lying_on_stomach" "lying_on_stomach" fps 1
$sequence "stuffed_in_vent" "stuffed_in_vent" fps 1
$sequence "standing_idle" "standing_idle" fps 15 loop
$sequence "cprbarney" "cprbarney" fps 20 loop
$sequence "cprbarneyrevive" "cprbarneyrevive" fps 20
$sequence "barney_dragvent" "barney_dragvent" { event 1000 1 } fps 15
$sequence "dying_barney" "dying_barney" { event 1000 1 } fps 18
$sequence "dying_barneyidle" "dying_barneyidle" fps 12 loop
$sequence "dying_friend" "dying_friend" fps 18
$sequence "dying_friendidle" "dying_friendidle" fps 12 loop
$sequence "c1a3_bidle" "c1a3_bidle" fps 3 ax ay azr
$sequence "c1a3_ventb" "c1a3_ventb" { event 1000 1 } fps 18 ax ay azr
$sequence "c1a3_emergeidle" "c1a3_emergeidle" fps 16 loop ax ay azr
$sequence "c1a3_emerge" "c1a3_emerge" { event 1000 1 } fps 16 ax ay azr
$sequence "haulbarney" "haulbarney" { event 1000 1 } fps 18 ax ay azr
$sequence "intropush" "intropush" { event 1004 15 "*buttons/blip1.wav" } { event 1004 24 "*buttons/blip1.wav" } { event 1004 34 "*buttons/blip1.wav" } { event 1004 44 "*buttons/blip1.wav" } fps 16
$sequence "fence" "fence" { event 1000 70 } { event 1003 70 "lightning" } { event 1001 70 } { event 1004 72 "weapons/electro4.wav" } { event 1008 100 "barney/ba_pain2.wav" } fps 24 ax ay azr
$sequence "sit1" "sit1" { event 1003 50 "introchair" } { event 1003 102 "introchair" } fps 20 loop
$sequence "almostidle" "almostidle" fps 16 loop
$sequence "almost" "almost" { event 1000 1 } fps 26
$sequence "laseridle" "laseridle" fps 6
$sequence "laser_top" "laser_top" { event 1000 0 } fps 6
$sequence "laser_bottom" "laser_bottom" { event 1000 0 } fps 6
$sequence "barneyfallidle" "barneyfallidle" fps 33 loop
$sequence "barneyfall" "barneyfall" { event 1000 1 } { event 1008 2 "barney/ba_pain1.wav" } { event 1008 24 "barney/ba_pain2.wav" } { event 1003 55 "bsplat" } { event 1008 55 "debris/bustflesh1.wav" } fps 32
$sequence "c3a2_draw" "c3a2_draw" { event 2 13 } fps 16
$sequence "unlatch" "unlatch" { event 1003 7 "barney_door_lock" } fps 12
$sequence "retina" "retina" fps 20
$sequence "relaxstand" "relaxstand" fps 10 loop
$sequence "assassinated" "assassinated" { event 1000 1 } { event 1003 1 "blood1" } { event 1003 2 "blood2" } fps 18 x
$sequence "trackswitch" "trackswitch" { event 1003 14 "trainarmswitch" } fps 22
$sequence "pepsiswing" "pepsiswing" { event 1003 1 "die" } { event 1003 8 "swing" } fps 25
$sequence "pepsipush" "pepsipush" { event 1003 51 "topple" } { event 1003 90 "horror" } fps 18
$sequence "buttonpush" "buttonpush" { event 1003 7 "button" } fps 20
it seems as if twister`s convert option doesn't really work, maybe it does in smaller loads (cutting everything up) and not huge loads (like the new dust 2 in csgo) (that map is mostly displacements) (if you were wondering why I did that, it was because trying it on the background map didn't work) either nothing works at all or I'm just so bad at what I'm doing I'm doing things wrong while following the instructions carefully

P.S. but every other option in twister seems to work like a charm
I went to use twister just incase I somehow still had displacements, causing issues somewhere and a error happened while trying, im going to restart my computer and try again to see if it works
Thanks but when I try it oh Sledge or Jackhammer it doesn't work, but it seems to work for hammer 3.4, I'm not sure if it does work really since when I tried it, it didn't work,ill continue this tomorrow since its as of writing 3:10 AM, ill continue this tomorrow (or today depending on how you look at it.

P.S. It might not be HLFix`s fault, it might be that I'm trying to port the background from HL2:Lost Coast, into HL1 so I can use it to better represent my ported textures (of course no displacements since this is already crazy, I'm not going to try to throw displacements into the mix to cause a whole mess of problems, so I clicked a button in Hammer to destroy displacements (turn them into normal blocks in turn losing a lot of what makes it special.) now this brings up the interesting question, if this works could this mean displacements could be possible in goldsource, I have heard on forums while trying to search for this solution on this working using some odd method (or a plugin) but the images were broken and when I tried going to the page it was on it led me to the front page of the image site (leading me to believe the website the image was hosted on led it to had a change to it causing the image to go down, maybe the website going from free to paid, I've heard that happen before) the best I've got this was a plugin which allowed you to make something like displacements but it was just 32 triangles that allows for depth, now also thinking about it, its probably possible to make displacements into models via sledge (since it allows you to port maps into obj but it removes textures so you would have to fix that by your modeling program of choice (mines is MS3D due to this cool tool it has to automatically lower the polycount of a model (don't go too low with it or bad things will happen to the model (wheels of props disappearing or it just goes crazy and looks nothing like a wheel) well I'm probably done talking since I've written a lot here I've spent like 30 minutes writing this section right here (maybe 24-26 possibly) well I should stop (I started writing in 2:46 AM)
Solokiller, can you please tell me which editors can do this so I can use them.

Penguinboy, can you please tell me how you can set up hlfix correctly, eve tried but it wont work for some reason, I tried searching on the internet for it but I don't really see this showing up anywhere. I'm getting error at offset 00102fa1h: NSTRING too long. I've found similar errors but none of their solutions worked, can you please help me on this.

P.S. with hlfix it also says I have -1 face, -1 vector, -1 path, -1 corner, and -1 visgroup
yes I realize the problem but I'm confused as WHY it happens, that's the confusing part, I came here to see why the RMF works fine while the MAP has this issue, I guess no one knows or its just a issue with how the conversion works and I cant fix that, guess ill do what you said (which I was planning to do if this came up empty) well I guess thanks anyways.
I don't think its that since hlcsg is listed and when compiling other maps it worked before (this was in J.A.C.K. using its own inbuilt rendering tools but same result in J.A.C.K so that doesn't really matter) so i really don't think that it suddenly broke. and also with this im also experiencing another problem, when i export the RMF to MAP it freaks out by a bunch of brushes stretching out in a bunch of directions for some odd reason (i don't know what causes this because the RMF files work fine while the MAP files don't for some odd reason, here are some pictures of the situation
User posted image
User posted image
I don't know how this issue happened since while compiling other maps I never had this issue, sorry if this has been asked already or the fix is obvious, here's the compile log

*hlbsp v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlbsp ---
Command line: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/valve/hlbsp.exe""C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\lostcoast\maps\hopefullythisworks"
Error: Can't open C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\lostcoast\maps\hopefullythisworks.p0

--- END hlbsp ---

hlvis v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlvis ---
Command line: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/valve/hlvis.exe"-fast "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\lostcoast\maps\hopefullythisworks"
There was a problem compiling the map.
Check the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\lostcoast\maps\hopefullythisworks.log for the cause.

--- END hlvis ---

hlrad v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlrad ---
Command line: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/valve/hlrad.exe""C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\lostcoast\maps\hopefullythisworks"
There was a problem compiling the map.
Check the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\lostcoast\maps\hopefullythisworks.log for the cause.

--- END hlrad -----*
Posted 6 years ago2017-09-09 18:04:51 UTC
in Crowbar 0.35 Model decompiled incorrectl Post #337361
abbadon I don't think you understand what I'm talking about

the model when it was decompiled is messed up for some reason, do you know to the solution to this problem.
Posted 6 years ago2017-09-08 18:46:18 UTC
in Crowbar 0.35 Model decompiled incorrectl Post #337356
I don't think we are in the right page since I was not using MDLDECOMPILER I was using crowbar 0.35 and then crowbar 0.44 just to get the same result, did you check the picture i put in the link
Posted 6 years ago2017-09-07 19:45:37 UTC
in Crowbar 0.35 Model decompiled incorrectl Post #337347
I was working decompiling the HL2 model Female_01 but when I opened the smd on Milkshape 3d the verts came out messed up for some reason here is the picture of what happened