Have you used Unity? Since this is c#, I imagine a lot of Unity developers would be able to jump onboard for small projects if you could find a way to let them attach .cs scripts to entities via Hammer/Jackhammer, just the workflow that exists with GameObjects in Unity's editor.

Mockup of an entities tab in JACK (point/brush based):
editor with entities listeditor with entities list
right click on entity to create script for this one gameobject that inherits the entity classright click on entity to create script for this one gameobject that inherits the entity class
Unfortunately J.A.C.K is closed source as far as I know, otherwise the UI part of this idea would have be really easy to implement.
(edit: just found out about Sledge, cool! So that's an option)

Bad example with the Bool MyTouch function since everything after calling base() would not execute cause it returns a value, but you get the point.