Forum posts

Posted 8 months ago2023-08-21 05:00:46 UTC
in Is GoldSource still cool Post #347793
Definitely don't think you're too late, plenty of activity on this website for example. Sure, part of the fun of goldsrc (for me) is pure nostalgia, but even then, the engine itself is fun to play around with.

I agree with @qe, a lot is possible but it quirkiness forces you to be creative, which can be super statisfying if stuff finally works.

And me and friends keep coming back to half-life multiplayer, it never gets old, also thanks to the never ending treasure trove of custom maps and possibilities to make your own.

So @derpy, welcome to the party
Posted 11 months ago2023-05-21 09:17:10 UTC
in Teleport pushable for soccer map? Post #347533
It somehow felt so close for an easy option, but if pushables are indeed not teleportable, I'll give up. Thanks for the idea! The corridor might be fun as well to make.
Posted 11 months ago2023-05-19 09:31:49 UTC
in Teleport pushable for soccer map? Post #347521
Hey all,

I'm trying to do a soccer map, where the ball (a pushable) should be teleported right back to the middle of the field after scoring a goal.

Whatever I try, the trigger does not react at all to the pushable. I did this:
-> flag 'pushables' on/off, tried all combinations on the flags
-> the pushable with and without an origin brush
-> made sure the teleport itself works fine, with enough space/room for the ball as well
-> looked everywhere on google/this forum, came close but no solution yet

Is there a solution to this? Any thoughts about it or should I give up on this idea?

Thanks in advance!
True, true, normally I'd avoid leaks, in this case it got me wondering. And thanks @bruce and @admer! I'll upgrade to VHLT 3.4, good to know.
Great, thanks all for the info! Your four replies complemented each other pretty well, I think I have a grasp of the concept.

For the sake of giving an example of what made me to ask this question, I made two screenshots. I was working on a capture-the-flag style map and compiled it 1) without leaks and 2) with a small leak (I left a tiny unnoticeable spot open somewhere in the sky).

Without the leak, so the 'proper' version, some annoying spots of shadow popped up I can't seem to get rid of, and compiling times skyrocketed. With the leak, this wasn't the case so it made my life easier. Plus the maps looked almost identical - so I thought, no loss there, let's stick with the leak if it seems to have a positive effect.

But I wanted to know if there'd be a catch, and which mechanics are behind it, and you four explained that very well. I begin to see the consequences and limitations by not having VIS performed. Besides, some friends I play with have older laptops as well, so I'll aim for proper maps with this in mind.

Thanks again for the quick and clear explanation, cool!

First screenshot of the map, the 'proper' version without a leak:

User posted image

Second screenshot, with leak, which looks almost identical:

User posted image
Hey all,

Wanted to ask this for some time. I've been avoiding LEAKS for years, reading a lot about it. Mostly I just saw rants about 'noobs not able to fix their leaks', or how to avoid it. Cool! I know how to avoid leaks.

Now I'm here: I have a handful of maps, that look BETTER with a minor, controlled, leak. I know which 1" is the leak.

The lighting is right where I'd want it to be, although maps with skies are slightly darker, but just what I wanted. Shadows work fine, textures are the same, compiling times are a blessing and these maps ran fast and without problems in a (nostalgic) LAN party this weekend.

Don't burn me at the stake, but here goes: which advantage is there in a map WITHOUT vs. WITH leaks?

Thanks for the info!