Forum posts

So can I just use a giant single mesh for all of the ground?
Edit: No, there aren't any small cracks in the floor, since they follow the walls perfectly there aren't any
Hey everyone, so, if you don't get what I mean with the title, let me explain.
So, I've been working in this cs 1.6 map for quite some time now, and I encountered this problem a few months ago and I came up with a decent solution for it. The problem is, as the title indicates, making the ground follow my wall's angles. The solution that I came up with is just clipping the ground following the wall's vertices. This worked really nicely but it's very tedious, and it has 2 flaws:
1- It's extremely tedious to do this each time that I edit the wall's angles or whatever, I have to delete the ground of the part that I'm working on and just re-do it from scratch. Want to change this part's walls? no problem but remember that you have to delete the ground, add the brush and clip it again.
2- The compiler isn't very happy with it, it's better than other very bad solution that I tried but it recently started giving me "Ambiguous Leafnode Content" warnings.
And not to mention that I have the same problem for the sky, I just make a copy of the ground, move it to sky level and just apply the sky texture to it.
I've tried decompiling some already existing maps but it didn't help at all.
Somebody with mapping experience please help me, I would really appreciate if someone can give me a proper solution to my problem, I'm tired of having to clip the ground from 0 just because I changed a wall's angle a little bit.
Edit: Added the imgur link since img: is not working:
The red thing is the ground, as you can see, it follows the wall perfectly because I clipped itThe red thing is the ground, as you can see, it follows the wall perfectly because I clipped it
Posted 3 years ago2021-03-24 03:37:19 UTC
in Help with a Linker Error Post #345477
Also, could you link me to basic class implementation please
My internet is working so badly that I can't search anything, I already had this page loaded
Posted 3 years ago2021-03-24 03:02:28 UTC
in Help with a Linker Error Post #345476
Thank you so much! you helped me fix 11 of the errors, the only one that's still there is the one with the LNK2019 code:
LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _EV_FireDeagle referenced in function "void __cdecl Game_HookEvents(void)" (?Game_HookEvents@@YAXXZ) hl_cdll E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\hl_events.obj 1

Output: Creating library E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\Debug\hl_cdll\client.lib and object E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\Debug\hl_cdll\client.exp
1>hl_events.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _EV_FireDeagle referenced in function "void __cdecl Game_HookEvents(void)" (?Game_HookEvents@@YAXXZ)
1>E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\Debug\hl_cdll\client.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Posted 3 years ago2021-03-24 01:10:28 UTC
in Help with a Linker Error Post #345474
Hey there, I'm trying to make a Deagle but when I try to build my solution I get 11 linker errors, all of them have the LNK2001 code except the last one, it has the LNK2019 code, I spent one hour and a half trying to fix it, but I just have no clue where the error is
I'm using Solokiller's SDK

Error List from VS2019:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual int __thiscall CDeagle::AddToPlayer(class CBasePlayer *)" (?AddToPlayer@CDeagle@@UAEHPAVCBasePlayer@@@Z) hl_cdll E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\hl_weapons.obj 1
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _EV_FireDeagle referenced in function "void __cdecl Game_HookEvents(void)" (?Game_HookEvents@@YAXXZ) hl_cdll E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\hl_events.obj 1
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CDeagle::WeaponIdle(void)" (?WeaponIdle@CDeagle@@UAEXXZ) hl_cdll E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\hl_weapons.obj 1
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CDeagle::Spawn(void)" (?Spawn@CDeagle@@UAEXXZ) hl_cdll E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\hl_weapons.obj 1
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CDeagle::WeaponIdle(void)" (?WeaponIdle@CDeagle@@UAEXXZ) hl_cdll E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\hl_weapons.obj 1
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _EV_FireDeagle referenced in function "void __cdecl Game_HookEvents(void)" (?Game_HookEvents@@YAXXZ) hl_cdll E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\hl_events.obj 1
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual int __thiscall CDeagle::Deploy(void)" (?Deploy@CDeagle@@UAEHXZ) hl_cdll E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\hl_weapons.obj 1
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CDeagle::Holster(int)" (?Holster@CDeagle@@UAEXH@Z) hl_cdll E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\hl_weapons.obj 1
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CDeagle::PrimaryAttack(void)" (?PrimaryAttack@CDeagle@@UAEXXZ) hl_cdll E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\hl_weapons.obj 1
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CDeagle::SecondaryAttack(void)" (?SecondaryAttack@CDeagle@@UAEXXZ) hl_cdll E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\hl_weapons.obj 1
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CDeagle::Reload(void)" (?Reload@CDeagle@@UAEXXZ) hl_cdll E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\hl_weapons.obj 1
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CDeagle::Precache(void)" (?Precache@CDeagle@@UAEXXZ) hl_cdll E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\hl_weapons.obj 1
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual int __thiscall CDeagle::GetItemInfo(struct ItemInfo *)" (?GetItemInfo@CDeagle@@UAEHPAUItemInfo@@@Z) hl_cdll E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\hl_weapons.obj 1


Build started...
1>------ Build started: Project: hl_cdll, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(505,5): warning MSB8004: Output Directory does not end with a trailing slash. This build instance will add the slash as it is required to allow proper evaluation of the Output Directory.
1> Creating library E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\Debug\hl_cdll\client.lib and object E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\Debug\hl_cdll\client.exp
1>hl_events.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _EV_FireDeagle referenced in function "void __cdecl Game_HookEvents(void)" (?Game_HookEvents@@YAXXZ)
1>hl_weapons.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CDeagle::Spawn(void)" (?Spawn@CDeagle@@UAEXXZ)
1>hl_weapons.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CDeagle::Precache(void)" (?Precache@CDeagle@@UAEXXZ)
1>hl_weapons.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual int __thiscall CDeagle::GetItemInfo(struct ItemInfo *)" (?GetItemInfo@CDeagle@@UAEHPAUItemInfo@@@Z)
1>hl_weapons.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual int __thiscall CDeagle::AddToPlayer(class CBasePlayer *)" (?AddToPlayer@CDeagle@@UAEHPAVCBasePlayer@@@Z)
1>hl_weapons.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CDeagle::PrimaryAttack(void)" (?PrimaryAttack@CDeagle@@UAEXXZ)
1>hl_weapons.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CDeagle::SecondaryAttack(void)" (?SecondaryAttack@CDeagle@@UAEXXZ)
1>hl_weapons.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual int __thiscall CDeagle::Deploy(void)" (?Deploy@CDeagle@@UAEHXZ)
1>hl_weapons.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CDeagle::Holster(int)" (?Holster@CDeagle@@UAEXH@Z)
1>hl_weapons.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CDeagle::Reload(void)" (?Reload@CDeagle@@UAEXXZ)
1>hl_weapons.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CDeagle::WeaponIdle(void)" (?WeaponIdle@CDeagle@@UAEXXZ)
1>E:\Modding HL1\HL1MK3.0\halflife-updated-master\projects\vs2019\Debug\hl_cdll\client.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 11 unresolved externals
1>Done building project "hl_cdll.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 1 up-to-date, 0 skipped