Forum posts

Posted 1 year ago2023-02-17 20:02:55 UTC
in is there any way to make so the player cant move Post #347342
im trying to make a cutscene but if the player moves it will break everything.
i always see posts talking to not do it but they never say the right way to do it
In my Half Life asset manager it doesnt have an add and a remove button. it has actually much fewer options
Like i want to make a npc fall to the ground but everytime the animation ends he just stands up in the idle pose
Posted 1 year ago2022-11-11 19:21:49 UTC
in how to make a npc teleport Post #347077
just like the aliens do in half life where they appear from out of nowhere.
Im talking about this
Posted 1 year ago2022-11-08 21:48:07 UTC
in Can anyone explain whats happening Post #347062
i used carve to make the river but now everytime i look at it this appears (theres also the editor image)
when it crashes a windows appears saying "Mod_NumForName: 5 not found". and im also using the deleted scenes FGD.
Posted 1 year ago2022-11-06 18:56:10 UTC
in What does grass density mean in j.a.c.k? Post #347051
cambreaKer said:what game FGD do you have loaded? it might be some game/mod specific thing
oh sorry i thought it was normal, im using the condition zero FGD
Posted 1 year ago2022-11-06 00:44:12 UTC
in What does grass density mean in j.a.c.k? Post #347044
When i go in map properties there are some options called grass density, grass sprite. grass minimun height, grass maximun height and grass fade distance. And i tried everything and couldnt get it to work, and wanted to know how it works and what it does.