Forum posts

The mod is inspired by Resident Evil and POSTAL 1, while having deviation to make something independent. It's kind of like Cry of fear. For more information you could check out the mod page on Moddb!

I'd like to ask for some help!

I can't develop a Half-Life 1 mod by myself, I've tried to do some coding but it always ends up as a total mess. The only roles I will cover are "Texture artist" and "Sound/Music designer" So I'd like to ask YOU for some help, I need some roles. Also this is my first time using TWHL to post something, so I don't quite understand how messages and etc. work. NOTE: I can't pay you...
The roles we require are:

Level Designer
Most current levels end up having no where to go or what to do next, so this role would be necessary for most levels, especially the Hospital one.

I have little to no knowledge on how to make a model for Half-Life 1, the most I know is how to retexture models.

Weapon Programmer
This is the one we need the most currently, I always fail at coding weapon into Runamok, and there is a ton of weapons featured in Runamok.

NPC Programmer
This is the least currently needed role, but it is necessary since at some point Police Cops and perhaps other hostiles will need to have AI Implemented. For the time being the only hostiles in the first release will be Zombies which will be a HL1 Zombie remodel.

Game Mechanics Programmer
Runamok has a lot of game mechanics like a inventory and much more, and I don't know how to add them

Voice Actor
Runamok presents a lot of characters and hostiles, mostly men and women voices, including zombies.

If you'd like to fill any of these roles and help with the mod, send a message to my Moddb account and add me as a friend. Then I'll make a group!