Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 11:29:04 UTC
in hlvis gets stuck Post #29488
dude i have a p4 1.7ghz.512 sdrram,geforce fx 5600 256mb ram..

i think i need to do some serios rspeed reduction work on my map...gonna be lots of work ..but my map aint that big..just detailed when it comes to objects and stuff.i used a hell lot of blocks and cylinders..
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 11:56:22 UTC
in making CS models Post #29054
i have a model of myself made in 3dsmax...
is it possible to use it in CS as hostage...player etc..???
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 02:54:22 UTC
in hlvis gets stuck Post #28853
cap p....did not understand what u my map one can roam around outside as well as inside each rooms in the villa...i created a box exactly fitting all these things and gave it sky texture on the inner surfaces....
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 04:09:08 UTC
in hlvis gets stuck Post #28447
i have made a map with two villas and outside environment.u can go in to everyrooms as well..since it consists of outside environment i had to make a huge skybox around it .....but now my hlvis gets map when compiled without running hlvis gives slight lags on the server...

please give me sometips on making outside environment maps ...
and gimme theories as to why my hlvis doesnt run..on this map...????

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-12 05:34:04 UTC
in reflections Post #26610
i recently saw a matrix lobby thing that really struck me was the high quality reflection detail on the was amazing....guys can anyone tell me how to get that effect in hammer...????

also how can we have guns just lying around the spawn points like in iceworld map...??????
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 07:55:47 UTC
in surprised Post #26458
i made a map . two villas...but if i run it with vis the compilewindow stops responding after some time (i kept it on for 12 hrs) . but if i disable vis and comipile checking the only entities tab in the csg options
it compiles the map perfectly.and that within 5 minutes..I 'm surprised..
I know what VIS does then howz the map coming out good????.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 07:48:15 UTC
in 3dmax support??? Post #26452
can anyone suggest a link to any 3dmax plugins
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-09 06:24:45 UTC
in 3dmax support??? Post #26160
i'm pretty good at 3dsmax..i just wanna know if its possible to make the map objects in max and import them in hammer?????