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Posted 6 months ago2024-07-22 10:51:32 UTC
in Textures on curved surfaces Post #349008
How to make textures on curved surface not look like garbled messes? Even if I give all the textures same surface properties they still look disjointed.
Posted 7 months ago2024-07-02 13:11:02 UTC
in Problem with making a lift using func_train Post #348941
I created a lift which I wanted to start at the top path_corner and then go down to the bottom.

However when I press the button to turn on the lift it does start at the top path_corner like I wanted it to, but moves upwards instead of downwards, crushing the poor soldier to bits.
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I don't know what I'm doing wrong here. I used an origin brush before at both path corner points but that didn't solve anything either.

Edit: Never mind i solved this. There is no option to delete posts for some reason
Is it also possible to port the weapons while replacing the original view models with the view models from the half life unified sdk?

I have both the op4 updated sdk and hl1 updated sdk.
Posted 7 months ago2024-06-17 19:03:30 UTC
in Does anyone have a working Tank Prefab? Post #348888
Yeah that was the problem. Thanks a lot!
Posted 7 months ago2024-06-17 15:28:55 UTC
in Does anyone have a working Tank Prefab? Post #348885
I tried a lot of prefabs. From this to that But none of them seem to work profeprly. The barrel gun of the tank and head are disconnected and sometimes it has to shoot from backwards.

Any help wpuld be appreciated.
Posted 8 months ago2024-06-03 14:06:24 UTC
in I made a wad but some textures don't show up. Post #348850
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What is the problem here? Also yes I didn't update it for jackhammer but those textures still weren't there even after i tried multiple times. (specifically the checkerboard textures and some marble textures)
Posted 8 months ago2024-05-29 20:47:03 UTC
in How do I rotate sprites? Post #348835
It seems useful.
I want to make a Half-Life Alpha mod, but I have no coding or any general modding skills to add new features. Is there an SDK that my lazy ass could use to skip the hard parts?