Tele Problems Created 19 years ago2005-06-04 21:56:46 UTC by Zat_AJ Zat_AJ

Created 19 years ago2005-06-04 21:56:46 UTC by Zat_AJ Zat_AJ

Posted 19 years ago2005-06-04 21:56:46 UTC Post #112650
Ok... I'm having trouble turning the teleporter I have off.

This is what I have:

button targets mm1

Name Value
Beam1 1
Beam2 2
Beam3 3
Beam4 4
multisorce 5
mm2 10

Target = trigger_teleport

target = info_teleport_destanation

Beam1 1
Beam2 2
Beam3 3
Beam4 4
multisorce 5
mm2 10

How come after all of it is over, the teleporter stays active? And then when I press the button again, the teleporter turns off at the time it's sapose to turn on.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 04:33:16 UTC Post #112666
If you to tern off the teleporter you will need to give the trigger_teleport a master(multisource)! ;) When the multisorce is on the teleport is on and when it's off then the teleport is also off!!! :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 05:24:08 UTC Post #112678
Having a look at the first Example Map, Teledelay (or similar), by Slayer, may well help.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 10:20:06 UTC Post #112741
I have... but when I trigger the multisorce with a multimanager, how do I get it to stop being triggered?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 10:33:41 UTC Post #112750
Not quite sure what you've done, but do you know about trigger_relays? Look at the Entity Guide if you don't, they could be what you need.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 12:00:40 UTC Post #112782
Grr.... can I upload the .rmf file and you take a look at it?

It the teleporter with all of the lasers arround it. The side with the flying weird looking things. You'll find it. Thank you so much. You are my GOD!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 12:18:01 UTC Post #112787
I had a problem like this for my Compo entry, so instead I created a invisible func_rot_platform (or whatever it's called) that spun you up into the air hitting the trigger teleport. Maybe you could try something like that..?
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 16:32:10 UTC Post #112825
All I want to do, is trigger the damn teleporter to turn on... and then trigger it to turn off.

I don't get all of this multisorce and "Master" stuff.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 18:09:44 UTC Post #112830
Read the tutorial on multisources. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 15:18:08 UTC Post #112957
"The concept is simple: it's a trigger that will only activate its target once everthing targeting it is active."

Yes... I understand that. But a multi_manager on triggers and then stops triggering. A button, like it's using continues to trigger it until the button resets.

Are you saying that I need to get my MM to target a multisorce that will act like a button does?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 15:43:42 UTC Post #112964
AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I think I see now. I've got the Multimanager and Multisorce in the wrong order. The multi_sorce triggers the trigger_relay which triggers the multi_manager. But then how do I trigger the teleporter? Again I'm back to my previous post... :confused: Ahh... that was a short lived brain blast.

AJ sobs
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 15:49:42 UTC Post #112965
Give the teleporter a name and in the master value write the name of the multisource! The multisource starts off so if you want the teleporter to start on you will need a trigger_auto! This trigger_auto will target a multi_manager that triggers the multisource and activete it! If you want to deactivete the teleporter in game just trigger that multi_manager again with everything you like!! ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 16:05:51 UTC Post #112969
No, that's not what I'm trying to do. I want to push a button that turns 4 lasers on and then the teleporter, and then the teleporter turns off, followed by the beams turning off.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 16:20:16 UTC Post #112974
beams = lasers
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 21:28:24 UTC Post #113021
Hmm... I've found a simpler way to put it. How do I get a multi_manager to target a func_teleport to turn on... and then a few secconds later to turn off?

Thanks again for the help.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 22:01:23 UTC Post #113024
To turn off or on a teleport use a mulisource as it's master I can't put it any more clearer than that!!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-07 01:08:08 UTC Post #113043
I've found your problem through the graph! The multisource targets the teleporter, don't do that!!! Write down in the trigger_teleport's master value the name of the multisorce and here you go, when the multisource is on the teleporter is on too just like with locked doors!(make sure the teleport has a name) :lol: (the multisource starts off but I think you want it to start like that but if you don't want it to start off use trigger_auto to target the first multi_manager)!!! Mmmm... Through your graph I can see that you want the teleporter to be switched from off to on until you exit the game! If you don't want it to happen just don't tell the secound multi_manager to trigger the first one(only tell the first one to trigger the secound one) ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-07 17:10:48 UTC Post #113166
Umm... I assume that you can have downloaded my map.

First off all thank you for helping me.

Seccond, with the seccond multi_manager, I don't target the first one.

So what you are saying, is that I should have the trigger_teleport's master the multi_sorce and I should have the multi_sorce target something other than the trigger_teleport? Then I can trigger the trigger_teleport as if it's a light on toggle?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-07 19:48:27 UTC Post #113182
Am I making any sense here? Do you guys know what I'm talking about? Forget about what I have said until now.

How do I trigger a trigger_teleport to turn on and off by using a multimanager to do it so that I can have other things going on at the same time?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-08 04:25:39 UTC Post #113219
When the multisource(the teleports master) in on then the trigger_teleport is on too and when the multisource is off that is the same for the trigger_teleport, understand!!! :x
So what you are saying, is that I should have the trigger_teleport's master the multi_sorce and I should have the multi_sorce target something other than the trigger_teleport? Then I can trigger the trigger_teleport as if it's a light on toggle?
Right and like a locked door that is switched from on to off!!!
Am I making any sense here? Do you guys know what I'm talking about? Forget about what I have said until now.
We were talking on how to shut off the teleport!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-08 16:25:10 UTC Post #113298
Ok... I have the teleporter turning off when the button deactivates. Thanks for the help.

Now... how do I make it so that a multimanager can trigger ther multisorce on and then off after a few secconds insted of the button? I want to put a multimanager in between the button and the multisorce.

Thanks Again
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-08 17:31:22 UTC Post #113301
a trigger_relay will do for the delay
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-08 17:59:40 UTC Post #113306
Yes ok. Now what exactly should I do with a trigger_relay? Could you go through it for me please? I think this is the step I'm getting messed up at.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-08 21:35:19 UTC Post #113340
You need an env_global and multisource combination. The env_global will control the multisource which will be the master for yout teleport. The multimanager will need to target the env_global for each time you want to toggle the teleport on or off. Set it up like this:
For the env_global
Name = telglobal
Global state to set = teleport1
Trigger mode = toggle
Initial state = off
Tick flag for 'set initial state'

For the multisource
Name = telsource1
Target = blank (nothing)
Global State Master = teleport1

In the multimanager, target the env_global (telglobal) once to turn it on and target it again to turn it off.
Very important....You must also place the name of the multisource (telsource1) in the 'Master' property of your trigger_teleport. Don't use any capital letters in any of the fields. Sounds complicated, but take it step by step and you'll have it working perfectly.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-09 00:31:20 UTC Post #113347
Wouldn't it be simpler to trigger that multisource twice with the multi_manager? :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-09 15:15:36 UTC Post #113453
SlayerA, thanks. That helped. You should make a toutorial on that.

Elon Yariv, that's what I've been trying to do!!! As I said... it doesn't work!
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