1.Wakey,Wakey (Gordon goes to another facility and sleeps there , wakes up and goes to a Teleportation lab)2.Outside world (Faliure was the test , and gordon was teleported wayyy back from the labs, Just outside the Entrace to the beggining to the lab [Rocky, then a huge building])
3.Guards (Gordon goes down to a level which is surrounded by grunts, then goes to an Ace elevator)
4.Redemption (gordon gets to the levels of were the labs are but the signs are ripped, Lights flickering , doors smashed , Electricity down , and dead scientists)
5.Return To XEN (gordon gets to thel labs and finds a portal , whaddaya think?)
6.Robotics (the xen kow how to make robots, and they used them as their guards {XEN empir looks like the city from 'i , Robot'})
7.EMPORER (Gordon fights his way throught TECNHO XEN and finds Quasmillo, The emporer Xenilian, gordon obviously kills him {Weapons no, Try and make a High-Tech Laserish gun to use})
Sooo, I won't be helping in this but YOU team up and try and make this THE BEST MOD EVER!! Who's with me??