Well after a rather steep learning curve I managed to learn how to make my own custom textures thanks to the tutorials that were provided in the other thread. (thanks a lot!) But again I have a question regarding textures. Here is what I have been trying to do:
Recently I have learned how to make my own brush based vehicle. I work fine yet there was one feature I wanted to add: A working cloaking device. I figured this would be simple; all I would do was use the env_texturetoggle and switch the textures between the metal one that?s on the ship to the nodraw texture. However I have recently learned that the env_texturetoggle is only used for animating textures that have more than one frame.
I thought of changing the $alpha of the texture but I can?t find a way of triggering it in game, (by a button or the like). I have tried setting the textures $alpha on a sine curve but that just made it look like it was constantly phasing in and out of cloak. Again I couldn?t find a way to trigger it.
What I would like to have ideally is a ship that could, at the press of a button, fade out to an $alpha of 0, (so you couldn?t see it), then, pressing the button again, the ship would fade back to an $alpha of 1.
At this point I could Settle for a button that could just change the frame of an animating texture, one frame being a metal surface and one being a completely translucent material. Any one have any idea how I could work something like this? Thanks a lot.