hl to hl2..... Created 19 years ago2005-07-21 15:24:19 UTC by dustbunny dustbunny

Created 19 years ago2005-07-21 15:24:19 UTC by dustbunny dustbunny

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 15:24:19 UTC Post #122548
I don't get it. As a stand alone storyline it's cool, but for a sequel to halflife, it sucks. All these characters that were never in the first game are in here now. Barney, and the two sientist were not in the first game, they were the names of the models for the scientist and security gaurds. were the f*** did THREE other races come from Combine, those syth thingys (which you don't fight you see them for five seconds) and the ant lions, who just magicaly appeared out of nowhere and now roam earths beaches. chances are this was orginally planned for it's own game, they just thought that in a world of sequels, half life being a good game needed one and it would sell better. throw in couple of headcrabs, a crow bar, and some crappy references to the original and *BAM we have a game.

One more thing, tie the games together. End of HL gman put you on the train in the oblivion, and you work for him. ok, so you think, they will make a sequel that would obviously let me know what happens, or start from the ending of hl 1 No your on a train. I do recall hearing a guy saying on the train "I didn't see you get on" so asuming that means that you were transported on the train, ok but were the hell were you, that has to be about 15 years, alyx tells you that she was little, now she is around 20.

put half life 1 and half life 2 together and you have a very bad, shaky fitting storyline together.

I would be very happy if anyone could clear this up with out saying that the telportation projects caused a rift that made the combine come, that just proves my point.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 15:32:49 UTC Post #122553
ok but were the hell were you, that has to be about 15 years
Gordon didnt notice that time had passed, just like he didnt notice when he and Alyx had been stuck in the teleport for several days
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 15:41:56 UTC Post #122559
Combine used the HL aliens as slaves, just as they're turning humans into the Combine soldiers you fight in HL2. That's why you see aliens without green belts as your allies. In Nova Prospekt, you could see an alien with belts being tortured. In Insertion Point, you saw one with belts labouring for the Combine.
The syth creatures are just another race that are enslaved by the Combine. See the Combine as a sort of Borg, assimilating every race and using their strongest points against other races.
Dropships and gunships are probably another race as well, or at least they have been part of one. Now they're all Combine(d).

It seems the G-man has put you into stasis, calling upon you whenever your services were needed again. Which is why the other guy didn't see you get on. You didn't. The G-man placed you there, just as he placed you in a train at the end of HL.

Ant lions are just another sort of animals. Headcrabs and houndeyes didn't seem to be the only one.

After all, it does make sense, though it might be unclear at first.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 15:42:00 UTC Post #122560
The idea was that you started HL2 in the train that you were left in at the end of Half Life, but many years had passed while you were being "kept safe' by the gman.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 15:53:38 UTC Post #122565
Captian P, thanks for the info on the combine, but what about xen?

And the antlions was a poor excuse, were the hell did they come from?
they are obviosly not controled by the combine.

I do have to disagree with worldcraft dude, i dont' think your on the same train. I can understand it looking different because of the graphics change, but you were on a tram from black mesa, now your on a train, with wheels. not a slider thing like the trams have, they ran on the single bar track.

yea, and the syth and stalkers are the most useless amount of time everspent (on desiging and makeing) if you don't fight them in aftermath.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 16:14:44 UTC Post #122566
Xen was a designers choice as well as a story choice. It's the homeworld to the HL aliens, and invaded by Combines just as earth is being invaded. Because it wasn't a popular part of HL, they left alien worlds out of HL2, and instead made earth somewhat alien-affected. Designers choices are made in conjunction with story choices sometimes. It's not that they had the whole story up and running beforehand. I think it's more like they have a red line that they're basing on.

Ant lions are just alien animals, probably inserted during the portal storms. So were houndeyes, bullsquids, headcrabs, barnacles, ichtosaurs, and so on.
They're definitely not Combine, even though Combine are using headcrabs as a weapon sometimes.

Neither do I think it's the same train. I think Gordon is put in some sort of stasis. Something like that.

I don't think stalkers were useless to be made. You see them several times, and in fact they do contribute to the story somehow. It's a sign that Combine are using humans as slaves, turning them into... well, something that the Combine can use.
Also, it often happens that content never makes it into the final version of a game. This was a nice way to use such content. It still served some function, showing the nature of the Combine. And it's intrigueing... ;)

Did you know about the Borealis? The ship level they made? Never made it into the game. But it was a time where the Valve team learned for themselves what way to go with this game.

I'm really on a go, posting here, haha.

I'm off, mapping. See ya.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 16:16:13 UTC Post #122568
Do you mean the striders? They're terrific. If H.G. Wells nicks. Still, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery ? or is it the laziest?

Oh, wait, stalkers. The emaciated things in the Citadel. Syth, though?

Definitely don't agree with you there, though, WCD. Definitely a train motif, but not the same train. I hope there's an impressive train ride in HL? :).
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 16:27:01 UTC Post #122569
HL3, is that HL Aftermath? Are they diffrent things? If they are not, Halflife 3 will most likely have the same engine as Halflife 2 did, only with more features.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 16:30:11 UTC Post #122571
Aftermath is a HL2 add-on.

Half-Life 3 will probably indeed use a modified version of the Source engine.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 16:51:51 UTC Post #122580
i only think the syth intriging if you fight them, or the help you. it doesn't demonstrate anything. the combines power is already expressed by doing such a small thing like i don't know maybe TAKING OVER EARTH??!?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 17:21:09 UTC Post #122588
The train symbolizes the power and control of the G-man over Freeman, its obvious that somehow the G-man got Gordon in BMRF in the first place.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 18:20:24 UTC Post #122595
BMRF? by the way, like my new avatar mmmmm piiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 18:48:24 UTC Post #122599
Black Mesa Research Facility.
Half-Life 3 will probably indeed use a modified version of the Source engine.
Notably since Source is so expandable in terms of it's code. Lots of bits and pieces which can be removed and assembled together. Physics and such will probably remain the same, while a new render pipeline can be added in.

I want that real life object photos -> game models technology in HL3 ;<

Nice to see you around, by the way, CP.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 10:47:45 UTC Post #122943
Physics and such will probably remain the same, while a new render pipeline can be added in.
With physics cards coming up, there might be some changes there... Perhaps a software/hardware option for physics like the rendering options for HL. We'll see.

Thanks, Rabid. How're you doing?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 12:47:56 UTC Post #122963
they will definetly use the same engine, but of cource there will be major differences from todays source engine. IT WILL BE MORE POWERFUL or something like that
User posted image
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 00:56:32 UTC Post #123072
a more powerful source? that means a bigger source! oh god!, steam will have a field day verifying that.

*hides in fear

Physics cards? sweet. links?

and dustbunny, you are a halo fanatic yes?(and very similar to a certain person that I know who calls me Pod)

but let me put this into terms a person like you should under stand.

the apperance of the
can be explained by basicly the same means that the apperence of the brutes and drones, and phantoms, and high charity, in halo 2. they can be argured to have been there all along, which is the same answer I give to you

and at the end of half-life, your are teleported into a sleep, one which you are teleported out of and onto the Half-life 2 stating train.

that the telportation projects caused a rift that made the combine come, that just proves my point.
that is the story of half-life 1 and 2. its just that in half-life one, the only combineish thing you see is the nihilith, who is there to ensure the combines grip on zen. which is the same thing they did to earth.

Barney, and the two sientist were not in the first game
yes they were. the security guard who you see banging on the door on the tram ride was barney(of whos story you see in Half-life: blue shift) and those two scientists were the two scientists in the chamber right after the control room, who complain about them overuseing stuff and who are seen again after the incident talking after you go up the spining elevator and who let you out of that room.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 01:33:17 UTC Post #123075
A more powerful Source would be great!
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 08:17:54 UTC Post #123125
User posted image
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 08:22:15 UTC Post #123129
Le bon dieu.

Where's that from, is it just a mag mock-up?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 08:31:52 UTC Post #123131
Ah but it is real, I took a screenshot while playing ze beta...

Nope, it's a picture I just found on ze interent.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 09:27:17 UTC Post #123136
looks good :o very good
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 13:53:57 UTC Post #123217
those stairs look messed up though
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 15:24:49 UTC Post #123227
Its fake, you can obviously see its a render, its not possible to archive this ingame.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 18:44:57 UTC Post #123264
yeah and those headcrabs look gay but still looks nice. :heart:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 18:56:39 UTC Post #123270
I think it's quite possible to achieve those graphics in game. The only two things that we would need are
1) more precise lightmaps in props (instead of vertex lighting)
2)A graphics card with capabilities to do a great anti-aliasing (maybe with super-sampling)
I might give a try at recreating that scene (without the above mentioned upgrades, of course)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 08:28:21 UTC Post #123643
Mmm. Old.

That's bordering on Photo-Realism, but I agree with Rabid: it's simply a render.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 08:51:26 UTC Post #123649
Ant lions are just alien animals, probably inserted during the portal storms. So were houndeyes, bullsquids, headcrabs, barnacles, ichtosaurs, and so on.
just thought i say, ichthyosaurs arent alien, when you first meet them. And you go up the ladder and hear the scientist talk to you. He says 'I could've sworn that these creatures didnt swim the waters until a week ago' meaning that they were here before the incident. Plus ,when hit, they bleed red blood, indicating earthen creatures. Sorry i just thought i point that out :P
Dropships and gunships are probably another race as well,
Wrong, dropships, gunships and stalkers are all combine technology. If you remember back to HL1, on Xen, the alien too had bio-technology. So these vechiles are simply more advanced bio-tecnology forms. I do know that , when hit, the gunships and stalkers give off whaling noises. This is probably because of creaky bio-technology, it could be that it is artificially created life by the combine and not an actual race. Or it just be the combine screaming out in pain. Although thats not likely. Once again just pointing out.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 09:27:49 UTC Post #123654
Half-Life will always rule in my oppinion. HL2 came out of nowhere, seemed completely different and should have been a different game all together. It changed from good ol' Black Mesa to some vile police state game that I find myself hating even more every time I see my computer specs.

As for these new graphics, oh great - now I have to have a wealthy background just so I can play the fooking game, no, piss off you money grabbing yanks! I will do nothing of the sort!

[moan]...Grrr...studpid Gayboy Newell[/moan]
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 09:44:31 UTC Post #123660
Yeah, imagine trying to make a sequel with better graphics! Returns to playing with a stick and ball. :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 10:08:08 UTC Post #123665
In Hl2 they only improved the graphics and added a few little stuff to make it look real and thats all! It's like watching cool pictures thats looks great and realistic not like playing a game for it will get boring as soon as the graphics will! :furious:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-01 07:55:59 UTC Post #125107
I cant imagine HL2 having the same graphics as HL1. You are complaining that it has better graphics so they get more money. Is there a secret pact between vALVE and Nvidia or ATI? I think that if HL2 was a game for lower spec computers (I've seen it run decently in low spec machines) it would be an insult for those people who have purchased a new computer with a good 3D card. One of the things I thought when playing the game was: "Hey! now I know what those shaders of my geforce4 were for! Those things had a purpose!!"
My computer is more than 3 years old (only upgrades have been a dvd recorder and a new hard drive) and the game runs fine will full effects. If you actually expect a five or six year old machine to run today's games at their full capacity, then my advice would be to stick to console gaming
I might be the only one who thinks that way, but I prefer HL2 for some reasons like: we dont have either the boooring "On a rail" type chapter or an ugly and uninspiring xen world. Dont get me wrong, I like Black Mesa, but after Half-life, Opposing Force and Blue Shift, it did get kind of repetitive
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-01 08:09:56 UTC Post #125110
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-01 08:14:33 UTC Post #125111
Hl2 is bettr by far, there is humor. Like in Chapter 2 "a red letter day". You know the cat buisness? Jeeps and airboats are cool too. The story is makes perfect sense to me. Additive: Every now and then even though I have completed it I always to my favorite bits like "follow freeman" or "Nova prospet". Long live HL2
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-01 08:51:09 UTC Post #125119
Hmmm indeed, but i believe that HL1 is never gonna die out, at least no any time soon...

Ive just read that Half-life saga storyline website. It wasnt far off from what i thought it was, but it does make an awful lotta sense.

'On a rail' chapter was tedious, you had to go around for half an hour on a train. It was more 'travel' then anything else. The neding of the chapter was good.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-01 09:23:51 UTC Post #125124
Well HL2 might not "feel" like HL1 while playing, but the storyline, the change of the landscapes, tons of new monsters, graphics new capabilities, realistic gravity... When I put it all together - I'd say that HL2 is really a great sequel of the almighty HL1... :tired:
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-01 09:53:46 UTC Post #125129
And I though Alyx was kinda hot
Dunno... Looks like a 17-yr. old to me... :lol:
She aint very sexy... :
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-01 10:00:34 UTC Post #125131
I agree, she isnt very sexy. There are lots of better videogame babes out there. But their intention was not to make a videogame babe. The game tries to be as real as possible.
Looks like a 17-yr. old to me...
Are you saying that a 17-yr can't be pretty? :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-01 10:46:20 UTC Post #125135
just thought i say, ichthyosaurs arent alien, when you first
actually ichthyosaur is an old myth creature... :cyclops:

Did any1 read its story?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-01 10:55:29 UTC Post #125136
Wrong saco. They existed.
Ichthyosaurs (Greek for "fish lizards") were giant marine reptiles that resemble a dolphin with teeth (see convergent evolution). They lived during a large part of the Mesozoic era, and appeared about 250 million years ago (Ma), slightly earlier than the dinosaurs (230 Ma); and disappeared about 90 Ma, about 25 million years before the dinosaurs became extinct. During the early Triassic, ichthyosaurs evolved from as-yet unidentified land reptiles that moved back into the water, in a development
Ichthyosaurs were prehistoric reptiles that lived in the sea. IGNEOUS ROCK When molten rock cools, igneous rock is formed. INDEX FOSSILS Index fossils are commonly found fossils that are limited in time span. They help in dating other fossils. For example: trilobites were common during the Paleozoic, but not found before the Permian period, and ammonites were common during the Mesozoic Era, but not found after the Cretaceous period.
:heart: Google
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-01 10:58:54 UTC Post #125137
actually ichthyosaur is an old myth creature...
errr...no Saco, it really wasnt. Heres an online definition i found : Any of various extinct fishlike marine reptiles of the order Ichthyosauria of the Triassic Period to the Cretaceous Period, having a porpoiselike head and an elongated, toothed snout.

Heres the link http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=ichthyosaur

EDIT:Do'h! Saribous beat me to it

Hahaha! Thats quite funny onslaught, from the looks of it, you play as a terrorist trying to attack linux.

Alyx? Sexy? heh, if you want something to get horny over look at this :www.crazyrussian.com/ 02/entry_365.php

(rather obscene content through above link)
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-01 11:47:16 UTC Post #125141
Ok Well, thanks for the guide, sorry for not posting in awhile. And M_Gargantua what was that about someone calling you pod?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-01 13:43:11 UTC Post #125160
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-02 03:45:07 UTC Post #125287
Are you saying that a 17-yr can't be pretty?
Well Freeman is... tries to remember the text in black mesa transit system 28, right? So in HL2 he should be bout 30. And Alyx is bout 17 or at least she looks like that... I always wondered, why didn't she kiss Gordon in the ending when they were alone in that elevator in the Citadel. Perhaps it was because she wasn't 18, huh? ;)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-02 04:37:32 UTC Post #125293
Ok. I thought we were discussing our opinions, not Freeman's, since Onslaught was the one that said she looked kinda hot.
Unless, of course, you automatically become Freeman while you are playing ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-02 04:43:37 UTC Post #125294
Alyx is definetly not 17 i think she's 21 or something.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-02 08:24:13 UTC Post #125318
Didn't Gabe decide to take a year off after HL2 so his team could get a rest after the crap they had to endure. Something tells me that picture is a fake.
Anyways, I personally believe that the combine are another race not related to the Zen.
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