The real thing Created 19 years ago2005-08-24 22:08:29 UTC by Guinea Pirate Guinea Pirate

Created 19 years ago2005-08-24 22:08:29 UTC by Guinea Pirate Guinea Pirate

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 20:53:39 UTC Post #129808
Guns dont kill people, massive holes in their face do.
Its their own fault for having their face in the way.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 20:54:29 UTC Post #129809
No, people kill people, guns or not.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 20:56:11 UTC Post #129810
Im lucky I dont have a face, therefore I cannot die.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 21:00:30 UTC Post #129811

I had to lol at that :P
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 21:32:04 UTC Post #129813
Haha how did I know this was gonna turn into a gun control debate :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 01:54:46 UTC Post #129828
Doctors kill more people in the US than guns do.
That's because your healthcare system is a sick joke too.

Boo to America. Gun nut nazis.
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Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 02:28:02 UTC Post #129833
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 02:45:14 UTC Post #129838
Boo to America. Gun nut nazis.
Hmmm. Isn't that ironic.

You'd be speaking German if it wasn't for America, or more probably, you wouldn't exist.

I think a little respect is in order.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 03:00:02 UTC Post #129840
Not to today's America, me hearty. Let's see, where's that poll thing... ah, here we are, quoted exactly from "You Are Here", by Bremner, Bird and Fortune, published by Phoenix:
Dangerous countries list (II)

There was another dangerous countries list printed not long ago. This time it was comissioned by ime magazine in Europe and polled around 700,000 people. The result is equally illuminating.

Time Europe questionnaire

Which country poses the greatest danger to world peace in 2003?

North Korea: 6.7%
Iraq: 6.3%
United States: 86.9%

Total votes case: 706,842
Well done, guys.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 03:14:45 UTC Post #129842
Imo - it's not the americans that want wars and other shit that endangers world peace - it's Bush!! :|
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 03:34:19 UTC Post #129845
I'm speechless.

What could possibly be more absurd, than a public opinion poll about the United States, set in Europe. You couldn't pick a more biased place full of America Haters--except maybe the Middle East.

Europe isn't the world, as much as you wannabees would like to believe.

Name one specific threat that's worse than Russia's sketchy accounting methods for their nuclear weapons--who amazingly, didn't even make your list...
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 03:38:51 UTC Post #129847
FUN FACT - its legal to own a nuclear bomb in Nevada. BUT illegal to detonate it
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 03:43:27 UTC Post #129848
[b]Fun Fact:
Alexander Lebed, Russia's former chief of national security, repeated his assertion, first made earlier in the month, that Russia may have 'lost' up to 100 1-kiloton 'suitcase-sized' nuclear bombs.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 03:46:25 UTC Post #129849
if that's true then some arabs have a shitload of bombs that they will launch at US :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 04:25:23 UTC Post #129850
I'm sure a lot of people have died because of other accidents like the one I mentioned earlier.

-Doctors kill more people than guns? Maybe, but they save waaaaaaay more people than guns do.

-Ban cars because they kill people? Guns are not a means of transportation (well, to the afterlife perhaps). Cars get you from one place to the other. They were not designed to kill.

If I used your logic, then we would have to ban swimming pools, since people drown in them or break their necks when they jump head first. But it so happens that swimming pools were actually meant for swimming.

Guns hurt people. I know that they are sometimes used to dissuade, but If they get in the wrong hands (I'm not talking about organized crime, I'm talking about middle and high-schoolers) they can wreck havok.

In places were there are no guns, you don't need one to protect yourself. I only lived 2 years in California, but It was enough time to actually see a 7th grader taking a gun to school. Fortunately nothing happened (Colton Middle School in Monterey)
You'd be speaking German if it wasn't for America, or more probably, you wouldn't exist.
You'd be speaking Indian dialects if it wasn't for Europe, or more certainly, you wouldn't exist ;)
What could possibly be more absurd, than a public opinion poll about the United States, set in Europe?
A poll set in the United States could be more absurd :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 04:29:32 UTC Post #129851
Alexander Lebed, Russia's former chief of national security, repeated his assertion, first made earlier in the month, that Russia may have 'lost' up to 100 1-kiloton 'suitcase-sized' nuclear bombs.
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Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 05:03:05 UTC Post #129857
If I used your logic, then we would have to ban swimming pools, since people drown in them or break their necks when they jump head first.
I was talking about banning cars, to attempt to illustrate how flawed your logic is. Banning guns--or anything else--because a fraction of a percent of the population misuses them, is pure idiocy.
You'd be speaking Indian dialects if it wasn't for Europe, or more certainly, you wouldn't exist wink-wink - ;)
Don't be absurd. Without the United State's direct support of Britan and Russia with first supplies, then munitions and troops, all of Europe would have been conquered by the Nazis. Maybe you'd prefer this?
A poll set in the United States could be more absurd smile - :)
The point is you can't have an unbiased poll about one side, set in the 'base' of that sides worst enemy. Are you autistic or what?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 05:15:02 UTC Post #129860
a fraction of a percent of the population misuses them
The people who dont misuse them are the people who dont use them. It's that simple.
Without the United State's direct support of Britan and Russia with first supplies, then munitions and troops, all of Europe would have been conquered by the Nazis
I was trying to explain that it's very easy to go back to the past and say this or that. It is true, the United States exist because of Europeans. A part of Europe ows America it's Freedom, and America owes a part of Europe its whole existence. No point denying that :)
you can't have an unbiased poll about one side, set in the 'base' of that sides worst enemy
That's what Seventh-Monkey was trying to say. If you think Europe is your worst enemy, then who is your friend? Pretty much the whole world thinks that way. I'm not talking about governments. I'm talking about population (just in case you decide to quote a series of US allies)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 05:29:21 UTC Post #129863
Wait, Rowleybob, are you promoting violence and killing here?

You actively want people to have guns?

And I was actually gonna say what Kasperg jsut said, the people that don't misuse them are the people who don't use them at all.

And what the hell was the autistic remark for?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 10:04:41 UTC Post #129934
WTF seventh?!! Take down that picture. What kind of sick person are you? Seriously, your a mod. You shouldnt do that kind of stupid shit.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 10:40:23 UTC Post #129939
It is very offensive to American TWHLers... :
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 10:58:17 UTC Post #129943
Im outraged!

eats icecream sandwich
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 11:22:04 UTC Post #129948
I wouldn't really care if someone posted a picture of a burning Finnish flag.

On the other hand, I find Sevenths anti-america opinions a bit too radical.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 11:52:42 UTC Post #129951
Let's see about that...
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Just kidding... :P
(mods can delete if they wish, but jaardsi doesnt mind : )
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 11:52:49 UTC Post #129952
I think Seventh needs to mature a little. I find that picture to be very offensive. You shouldnt take a stand for peace and at the same time promote hatred and violence. That is what we call a hypocrite.

I see Seventh unfit to be a mod since he is supposed to keep such radicalism out of the forums, especially since this a mapping forum.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 12:05:47 UTC Post #129954
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Hehe. :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 13:26:35 UTC Post #129982
What? How is that violent? I got it on IRC :P. Really. How is a burning flag violent? I'm not trying to burn Americans or anything :|.
I wouldn't really care if someone posted a picture of a burning Finnish flag.
Ditto (replace with "English" or "British"). So they strongly disagree with something. I strongly disagree with some things which our government do.

I challenge anyone to bring up anything good which guns have done which don't involve 'defence' against other weaponry.

... and don't get me started on America's health-'care' system...

I think this discussion should probably stop soon, otherwise there'll be a lot of flaming, anyway. Either that or I should actually instate a "big arguments" forum, as suggested back when I was un-admin :).
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 13:45:29 UTC Post #129995
A "big arguments" forum would be nice, or maybe just a thread dedicated to arguing over the geopolitical status of the world :)
Of course, Jahzel would make the thread his own :D
I challenge anyone to bring up anything good which guns have done which don't involve 'defence' against other weaponry.
Nothing. Same happens with nukes. Hundreds of thousands of people died because of the A-bombs, to supposedly "prevent troops from dying in combat". Which means, "it was good to kill civilians because we saved our troops".
The only one that should be allowed to use weapons is Mr HrnyGoat, unless he begins to show signs that he belongs to the dark side of the force.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 13:56:28 UTC Post #130002
Yeah, I meant anyone who hadn't already expressed the same opinion.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 14:19:34 UTC Post #130008
I just think its very rude and offensive. I think burning a flag of any country shows a lot of disrespect. Now you could show a burning picture of Bush and I woulndt care.

The US flag does not represent the government. It represents us a people. It represents the people who have died defending this nation. It is a symbol of the freedom we have fought to protect, even against ourselves (Civil War).

We are not all warmongering rednecks, even if our president is. Dont judge our nation by our leaders. Politics is full of greed and corruption in any society.

Just show a little respect. A burning flag, to me, is a symbol of hatred.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 14:49:04 UTC Post #130013
Yeah wcdude, did you actualy ever hold such a weapon? If hold properly and adjusted to the shoulder it should be a problem, do you actualy know anything amout mmilitary training? I know the Yanks are supposed to keep it close and in a tight way so they can quikly aim precise, you can see how they do that in a move such as black howk down.

Or watch the documentary : The truth about killing, it was on national geographic channel a few weeks ago, though i do not know if it is aired in America, since its a british documentary.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 15:03:30 UTC Post #130016
I hate patriotism.

It makes people do unlogical things, something we Vulcans have little respect for. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 15:06:01 UTC Post #130017

Rule number one: You judge countries by there leaders since there usualy have been chosen by the people and thus represents them.

This obviously only works in country in wich people are free to vote.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 15:42:06 UTC Post #130022
Dont judge our nation by our leaders. Politics is full of greed and corruption in any society.

Just show a little respect. A burning flag, to me, is a symbol of hatred.
I'm not referring to your nation as a whole. I'm well aware that there are a lot of people who disagree with how your country is behaving, as there are here. It's a political expression. I apologise if you thought it was directed at the entire population of the U.S.A.; I'd delete it and the replies, but then I'd be accused of censorship ;).

pepper: I don't want to agree with that, I must say. I do not consider Blair ? or the remenants of the Labour party, R.I.P. Robin Cook and Mo Mowlam ? to be representative of our damp nation.

jaardsi: hey, to be fair, it can do nice things too... just less often in today's world.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 16:38:32 UTC Post #130028
Neither do i, but it is how you measure standards, since you can asume that atleast a majority of the population agrees with the decisions.

Though it is probably just isnt that back-white, there is a hughe gray zone.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 16:57:57 UTC Post #130037
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 17:22:20 UTC Post #130046
Bah, you American's may have supplied us, but as i've seen in a documentary we were the ones who protected these supplys, and the ones who shipped/flew them off to Russia. This was mainly because your navy was busy way south trying to get to Japan. The only role you played in Europe was joining the British and Russians in heading towards Germany... You didnt help in Africa... (and before you say that by attacking Japan you helped to save Russia from rear attack, may i remind you that there was no way Japanese troops could've landed in Russia, mainly because there were No resource's to cultivate there. And the fact they would've faced the same fate as the Nazi's)(although you did get rid of Japan) just pointing out..
Alil' extreme :zonked:
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 17:29:33 UTC Post #130051
First of all the japanese didnt really have much interest in russia, they already invaded it in WWI.

And the only reason America invaded nazi-europe was nothing but economical reasons, a country needs a other country to trade with, and at that point they didnt have one, that was the main reason to invaded europe and help the europeans build up there country, and im very thankfull to that, but you cant fall back on the past in such a manner.

And yeah, most people here dont like America bossing around, and yes also i think there the biggest thread to world peace, hell i even think they will play a major part in the total destruction of earth within the next 2 century's, given that we survive the meteorite impact.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 17:35:23 UTC Post #130056
The Japanese did have intentions to invade Russia in WWII, but they didn't. And personal i can't blame them

America may have been all great back then. I guess im just dissappointed by the fact that America has become worse and worse.

Meteorite impact? I heard about that, i highly doubt we will. But thats a discussion for another time.

And if i remember correctly, an American ship was blown up by Nazi's (the ship was a trading vessel) America was already doing trade, it just didn't want to lose it's links
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 17:39:32 UTC Post #130058
Yeah, thats what i mean, they needed europe badly for trading reasons.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 17:50:03 UTC Post #130066
I think you might be thinking of the Lusitania, 38. That was WWI.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 17:51:17 UTC Post #130067
The reason i hate America is that even when the Iraq war was fought for a fake reason, people still wanted the war to continue. Stupid really :|

Well...Good night
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 17:52:05 UTC Post #130068
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Lol, im not bashing my own country this is just funny :)
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 17:59:58 UTC Post #130071
@7th, they say the ship sunk within 2 minutes, though that is probably a very rough estimation.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 18:14:46 UTC Post #130079
To all who hate America...
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:P :P :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 18:21:00 UTC Post #130083

Bush has so many of those :o
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 18:22:53 UTC Post #130084
@Luke: LOL funny pic! They guy caught himself on fire :lol:
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Owned :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 18:34:31 UTC Post #130089
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Ectually I only hate the capitalists and the capitalistic govorment! :furious:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 18:38:00 UTC Post #130093
Capitalism pwns socialism!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 18:40:17 UTC Post #130094
Only for the rich people!! :cry:
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