Another City map, don't you ever do something new?
I do, its just that cities are the majority. I've released two non city maps onthe AMX website for CS Deathmatch, one map that I submitted but deleted a while ago (cf_icegalaxy, not the de), and some CS gravity gun deathmatch maps (another AMX gameplay mod) which were not released at the amx website. There's also the maps I have here but everyone already knows about those. Actually.... de_full_ciy was my last city map, that was a while ago.
I appreciate the the suggestions, I'll definatly work on the walkway.
there are a few dumpsters but they are behind buildings in small spots not worth capturing in a photo, which basically goes for the crates too, but yeah I do need some placeholders.
One last thing: yes, it is a matrix hud, feel free to pillage and rape!