1. Dont use "noob" guns
Keep your shotguns on pump and weapons like the mp5sd and barret out of your arsenal. Such weapons and fire modes are a disgrace to the game and you will only make yourself look bad making 60 kills at a time with an emo blaster.
2. Keep it light
Ty your best not to become too heavy, a great way to rack up kills is getting stunt frags and they are more than easy if you are light enough. My personal goal is to stay above 30 slots.
3. Rifles are out...
Most rifles, like the m4a1 and ak seem good at first glance, but are really just a neusance if you are using them. Rifles are heavy, I wouldn't suggest using them unless it is your only weapon. I can make an exception for the Steyr Aug because it only lowers your slots to 40 vs the 30 you get from other rifles. Pair an aug with a ruger or something though.
4. ...Smgs are in
Smgs are the perfect gun. Taking both skill and a good time to use, smgs are definatly your best friend. Smgs are light, moderatly powerful and accurate. Pack two smgs or an smg and one or two pistols and you can really own.
5. Love to hate
If you dominate with the guns you like, switch your arsenal up. use guns you hate, training with guns you don't like will make you better, once you can own with guns you hate, you will shred with guns you like. Plus you look better when you arent using the same pair of guns for an hour.
6. Own the game, not the map
You think your good because you own in ts_lobby? Big deal. Just because you can rack up mad kills in one map doesn't mean you are the best at the game, it just means you know the map and its best spots. Get a good variety in your map preferences and even then train yourself in some maps you dislike.
7. Listen to music
Forget footsteps, they aren't important enough to pay attention to. If you run around trying to hear footsteps you will end up basing the game more on sound than sight. Start up your favorite playlist and get in the zone. You will play better if you feel better.
8. Get some custom models
Go find yourself a decent selection of custom v_ models. If you are playing with guns you really like to look at odds are you will get a better feel playing the game, thus playing better.
9. Get angry or get in the zone
Find your sweet spot, your "happy place" per say. Even if that means getting an aggresive mood while playing, do it. Being in your own "zone" keeps you from thnking too much about whats going on around you. Focus on what you can see, not the people shooting each other behind a wall next to you.
10. Don't take crap from people
If poeple complain about the guns you use, and they will, blow it off. If you are doing good with a weapons that takes half a point of skill, keep using it. The poeple who complain just suck anyway.
Playing with the suggestions above will definatly improve your skills, or your money back! And if you begin to see yourself getting scores like this: Consider yourself pro