[CS 1.6] the de_raid project Created 19 years ago2005-07-28 16:23:07 UTC by J.C J.C

Created 19 years ago2005-07-28 16:23:07 UTC by J.C J.C

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-28 16:23:07 UTC Post #124192
hi all,

I started some monthes ago a map project for CS 1.6, and we are now five guys working on it. CS fans for years, quite tired of "dust/aim only" servers and disappointed about CS:S, we are trying to provide to the "true" gamers community something new and fresh with this original concept.

I am proud to present you here and today the de_raid project : :cool:

(the website is actually, as the map, under construction ... once done, it will be available in three languages.)


(outdated and in french ...)


(version alpha 0.6 : 7.6 Mos)

already a de_raid fan ?
wanna support us ?
use the official de_raid sprays ! :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-28 16:26:47 UTC Post #124193
Wow, that's a lot of detail. Excellent stuff!
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-28 17:57:56 UTC Post #124255
whoa. Very nice. :o
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-28 20:14:34 UTC Post #124274
Looks awsome. That stealth plane is teh sweet! DLing now...
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-29 06:31:39 UTC Post #124360
The plane is nice yeah, but it ruins my clipnodes (95% with, 85% without) :

The map objective is to destroy it (it is breakable and got 99.999 hp, so using the bomb is still the best key to do it ;) ).

Wow, thanks for these feedbacks : after the "original textures" topic I did some weeks ago, I feared a "what ? CS 1.6 ? hahaha !!" : We are working hard on this project, and really hope it will rocks : betatests will be organized once the map will have less collisions bugs :) ...

oh by the way, the first tests (that happened some days ago) report that most people don't like the "all dark" rooms (rooms with 0% lighting : the subterranean part of the map is light up only with triggered lights, breakables and switchables lights, and if everything is turned off/destroyed, well, you cannot see anything), and seemingly would like better a "all light up map" (like the "official" maps : the same level of lighting everywhere on the map) : do you have the same feeling ? do you think the map could be better if it has 0% interactivity and if every rooms got about the same permanent lighting ?

The objective of the current concept (of triggered lights and cameras) is to make that teams who play with some teamplay and strategy have better chances to win that "quakers" team.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-29 07:59:47 UTC Post #124374
Try just putting a big clip brush over the 'plane (or a few small ones, hitbox-style); I think that should discard the ones within and cut down the usage. It doesn't need to be that precise, I'm sure.

I think interactive lighting is probably a good idea.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-29 09:30:17 UTC Post #124384
I liked it a lot, but be it in my own team or from the first (external) testers, nobody like it, and ask for an "official"-style map, without nothing to use but AK on CT 'ol school average CS gamer style :aghast: ...

About the planes and the clips brushes, believe me or not : well, I am worried about the clipnodes since the beginning of the projet (the clipnodes already reached 100% while the map was only 50% done, and since that time, I keep on optimizing and optimizing and optimizing the map to keep that ##### clipnodes under 95%). Ok. Once, I decided as you suggested to add some clip brushes around the planes to make its collision box simplier for the BSP, that worked : the clipnodes has been reduced from say 98 to 96.5 %. later, believe me or not, I erase all those clip brushes, and the clipnodes decreased again ! that stuff has no logic and gonna make me crazy :nuts:

Oh, an other thing I planned to ask you : would you mind to be the "english revisor" of my website ? I noticed you was a bit netpicking with that, and as my english is not perfect at all, and as I would like a clean english part, I need a true english speaker to keep the website usable by most internet users :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-29 11:07:52 UTC Post #124400
Sure :).

By the way, clicking the English flag gives a Forbidden error?

<presentation page>

"Welcome on the de_raid website." --> "Welcome to..."

"This map is the result of a team work
to provide to the CS community a new map with both nice-looking backgrounds and a deep gameplay." --> "This map is the result of a team effort to produce a attractive and well-laid-out map for the CS community which provides good gameplay."

"Wanna discuss about CS ?" --> "Wanna discuss CS?" OR "Wanna talk about CS?"

"Have feedbacks about the map ?" --> "... feedback..." (just one :), it's called a mass noun, and it's like "water", "fruit", "software". You never have, say, "softwares").

"From the basic concept of a CT base attacked by terrorists. The counter-terrorists have to protect an experimental stealth, long range strategic bomber, located inside the base, while terrorists just planned a raid to prevent it to take-off. Both teams have to accomplish their objectives to all costs : there won't be any surrender." --> "The basic concept is that of a counter-terrorist base being attacked by terrorists. The CTs have to protect an experimental stealth bomber" (there aren't short-range or un-strategic stealth bombers ;); no comma after 'bomber', either) "located inside the base while terrorists are trying to prevent it from taking off. Both teams absolutely must to succeed; there will be no surrender."

</presentation page>

<download page>

We call megaocets megabytes, and as such, use "MB" instead of "Mos". Both capital letters; lower case 'm' means milli, which is very small, and lower case 'b' means bits (13% of a byte). We'd say "alpha version", too; remember, we say stuff like "red car" instead of "voiture rouge".

</download page>

<faq page>

"Counter-Strike is a Half Life (1) mod (modification), based on a counter terrorist simulation." -> "(modification) providing a counter-terrorist simulation".

"the game engine for another game concept that the original one." --> "the game engine for a game concept different to the original."

"Here are a list of mapping websites where you can get Hammer tutorials." --> a) No there isn't, b) "Here is". There's only one list, isn't there?

"... versions has been released in..." --> "... version was released in..."

</faq page>

Was pretty good, though, it all made sense.

I like CS: Source :P.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-29 12:48:47 UTC Post #124416
webpages updated.

1?) would you mind be my official english revisor ? your job would "just" be to take a look on the web pages sometimes, and report mistakes and wrong spelling on the forum or via mails for example ...

2?) would it be possible to have an affiliation with twhl ? a banners share or something like that ...

thanks for this help anyway :)

(are you really sure about the "which provides good gameplay" part by the way ? this sounds ... not totally perfectly :confused: ...)

PS (for the other users) : I started a "craziest CS pictures tournament" on the forum by the way : if you know some impressive, funny or amazing pictures about CS, you are encouraged to take part to this topic :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-29 13:42:56 UTC Post #124455
You could have "offering good gameplay" if you prefer :).

I'd be happy to have a look at the site. PM me when you make changes, yeah? :)

M'afraid I can't offer anything special advertising-wise, but I do intend to add something like a "current member projects" section, in the near future: somewhere where people on major projects can advertise to a degree. Keep an eye out. "When?", you say? When I feel like doing some coding and have a spare day to add stuff.

Anyway, remember to PM me when you want a check-over :). I speak a little (I do mean a little, generally) French too, so that might come in handy if there're bits I can't understand in English.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-29 13:50:33 UTC Post #124463
Cool, thanks you ! I won't miss to ask for help again : it might be about once per week max, for 2-6 webpages max : would you mind if I add you to the team as "external english revisor" ? :) ...

About the affiliations, I am talking about something like adding more banners under "Onliners" (the left column) : there are already "CS top 200", "Half-Life top 200" etc banners ... I am a bit clueless about internet codes, but I don't think it may be that hard to add more items here, sorted by "affiliations power" :cool: ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-29 13:52:00 UTC Post #124465
That'd be cool :).

It wouldn't be hard, but it'd be unfair really. I don't want to turn TWHL into an advertising zone; I couldn't turn other people away with other projects, and there are a lot of them.

Y'll'ave to wait for a project page m'afraid.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-29 18:06:20 UTC Post #124543
it's breakable huh. Try to throw a grenade at it. grenades allways breaked my stuff with lots of hp. :/
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-29 18:12:49 UTC Post #124546
They don't on this map :cool: ...

We are actually working on optimizing the total file size (but don't expect to have it under 5 MB neither ...).

omg Seventh-Monkey, your new avatar is ... so ugly :zonked: : why did you just change it ?...
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-29 19:07:01 UTC Post #124568
Amazing Job! I just played it and wrote a huge review--and subsequently erased in by accident!--, but I haven't the energy to reproduce it. :(

The Highlights:

-turn down the echo. If I played this map for too long, that loud reverb would drive me insane. Add a windy sound outside?

-Doesn't all the doodads wreck havoc in MP?

-Excellent custom textures and Props!!!!

-Superb Brushwork and lighting--how did you do those hallway thingies...incandescent flag? Where the circle around the light shrinks as you approach.

Overall, Amazing Job imo. One of the freshest MP maps I've seen in a while!

+1000 forum points
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-29 20:23:52 UTC Post #124576
wow, thanks ! :)

well I exactly know what you feel, about the "accident" : years ago I lost once a, believe me or not, one hour and a half post (I was angry ;), and the post was in english, which I needed to take a look many, many times in my old dictionary), and now when I am writing something longer than a dozen of lines, I post it, no matter it is completed or not, and edit it then, sometimes many times. I like to edit, to finalize stuff as much as possible ... that was why I asked for an edit button on this forum some monthes ago ...

I am pleased about your feedback, but I am sorry, there are some parts I didn't understand :
_what do you mean with "props" ? do you mean the flowers/rocks sprites ?
_what do you mean with the "hallway incandescent flag" ? do you mean the subterranean access, under the bridge ?

There will be environmental sounds later, when the sound designer I recruited will respond (looks like he is on holidays for two weeks, without noticed me :| ...)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-30 17:26:49 UTC Post #124784
By Props I meant things like the truck and the stealth plane. The proper name for them might be prefabs instead. Usually props refers to small static details. Not sure, but I think it's appropo here too.

The lights in the hallway by the control room are the ones I meant. I think they're the same in the sub access as well but not sure.

You might use switchble textures--maybe switchable textlights too--in the control room so you can tell what's on and off.

Also, If I walk from CT to T spawn and try to go left into that little passage next to the rock archway, I can see outside world :( That might be a bug to check out.

Also, I noticed there are a couple low spots that are easy to get stuck under--If you take the short way from CT to T spawn. However these might be intentional.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-30 20:56:22 UTC Post #124826
Yeah these "stucking points" are very annoying, and I keep on fixing them with the project running, and they keep on "jumping" again, again and again from one point to another on the map after every fix :| ...

The truck and the plane aren't models or prefabs :)

The truck is 100% brush, and the plane = 3x func_breakables (plane parts) + 3 transparent func_breakables (cockpit windows) + 1 func_wall_toggle (a sub-part of the main func_breakables).

Actually, only the textures are not, unfortunately, "home-made" : I first planned to make all the textures of the project, but my team mappers ... well, they made me understood my textures weren't that good, quite hard to use :( ...
( http://www.ideaseed.net/2D/textures/wadraid/ )

Thanks for this report.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-08 11:00:44 UTC Post #126735
A screensaver webpage has been added : :)
(feel free to report any bugs or problems here or on our forum)

We are actually working on a "100% lighten 0% interactivity" version, after many "OMG it's too dark, I cannot see anything !!" reports of ... "roxors", who look like to never heard about NVG :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 08:56:02 UTC Post #133737
here is a new version of the map :

http://www.de-raid.net/download.html (3.98 MB)

_lighter files,
_heavily optimized (average r_speeds : 800),
_low interactivity (the lights aren't breakable nor switchable anymore and the cameras have been removed : there's only the doors buttons and some breakables stuff interactive left ...),
_the map is overall brighter,
_a new path to the bomb site has been added,
_a lot of collision bugs have been fixed (and some others appeared :| ...),
_terros aren't stucked anymore while spawning,
_helipcoter added on the terro spawn area,
_some models added,
_Zbots navigation file included (games with those bots are quickly boring though, but give a good overview of the map gameplay ...),

please report any comment here or on our forum : http://www.de-raid.net/forum/
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 08:58:22 UTC Post #133739
infiltration version
de_nightraid (0 MB, v.0.0)
Eh? Why all the zeroes?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 11:14:06 UTC Post #133752
because the maps actually don't exist, just to say "hey see what is coming !!" :) ...

but I am loosing interest in this project : I am giving my best and almost nobody care : don't find anybody to help me map the vehicles, the few test reports are "bah useless stuff", I rent a game server and there is nobody on, and this HLBSP lame ass keeps on generating more and more (collision) bugs while I am fixing them :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 12:41:25 UTC Post #133775
I thought the infiltration version was the original, with interactivity?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 12:48:48 UTC Post #133783
you think right, but I am "starting" with the "average gamer" version (who can't buy NVG nor press buttons), to make the map as most popular as possible before to work on the other versions :) ...

the infiltration version will feature :
_night lighting,
_all lights are interactive (switchable or breakable),
_some paths will need two players to climb into,
and will need from the players much more teamplay and strategy than this current quakish version, but I think I should start with this one to make the project as efficient as possible ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 13:34:22 UTC Post #133792
Ah, I see.

I guess CS wasn't the mod you wanted. Maybe Hostile Intent?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-11 05:01:47 UTC Post #133915
I don't know Hostile Intent, sounds like another CS mod :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-11 05:41:55 UTC Post #133924
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-11 08:51:34 UTC Post #133977
k, I remember already heard about it.

what I mean yeah, a CS mod, for people who think they are l33ter than the l33t ... instead of working for the CS community, they prefer to work on their "the only mod (omg) where teamplay really matters (omg stfu ffs)", and make the CS community split again (after cs1.6, cz, css : gg guys, how smart...) and keep going bad with all those new (aim) "map" makers and (aim only) servers hosters lame asses who are infesting it again and again. Instead of working to make the CS community better, they are just like "bah you don't worth it, piss off and let us enjoy our great mod you're too much nub to get it" ...

CS is the mod I want to make this map for, this is just we are aiming a special part of the gamers community, who could be interested for a bit more infiltration, tactic and teamplay, without switch to a kind of arrogant "CS deluxe" ...

... nothing about the map else ?...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-13 08:20:08 UTC Post #134355
the map is now ready for betatests :cool:

(sprays, screensavers, screenshots ...)

(de_raid v.b.2.0, 3.79 MB)

join online server(s)
(fast download)

map forum
(to post feedbacks, comments, suggestions ...)

server forum
(suggest other maps, game parameters changes ...)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-13 06:48:40 UTC Post #141217
The overview of the last map update (another bombsite has been added, and runtimes have been balanced) :


This version (beta 2.6) could be available for tomorrow : I am fixing some last bugs on it :) ...
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