idle anamation Created 18 years ago2005-09-27 13:53:10 UTC by davy davy

Created 18 years ago2005-09-27 13:53:10 UTC by davy davy

Posted 18 years ago2005-09-27 13:53:10 UTC Post #137846
I cant seem to get my monster_generic to stay in a specific idle anamation. I am using an anamation with "idle" in it, but all the monster does is perform the anamation, then goes back to standing. :confused:
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-27 14:10:41 UTC Post #137847
Hmm, strange. Normaly if you write the animation in the "idle" block they will repeat it : Are you using a scripted_sequence or an AIscripted_sequence?
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-27 14:12:34 UTC Post #137849
And also, what animation is it?
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-27 14:13:32 UTC Post #137850
Only some animations can be used for idling, unfortunately. I think Elon posted a lot about this recently... try searching the forums for 'idle'.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-27 14:40:01 UTC Post #137862
Yep a thousand times! ;) There are special animations that can be used as idle.(loop them selfs automaticly) If you choose a regular animation as a looped one the monster will play the animation once and then do nothing else!
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-27 16:15:25 UTC Post #137882
Hey Elon,
I am using these special idle anamations in the idle anamation field, but they still only play once. Am I missing a step here?
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-27 16:42:39 UTC Post #137892
On which animation are we talking about? :

It must be a regular animation for to use idle animations you just need to write the name of the animation in the idle animation value. :nervous: To check if an animation is idle just chack if it looks continuios and that it doesn't look like the monster starts it over and over again. Also idle animations mostly start/end with idle,loop or cycle. :glad:


Just to be sure post the scripted_seacunce's attributes! :tired:
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-27 20:20:08 UTC Post #137933
The model I am using is the businessman from CZ deleted scenes, and the sequence I want him to do is called "man2_idle which is him just sitting there. It seems to work fine, but when it comes time for the sequence (man2_idle) to loop, he just freezes in place and kinda twitches like the sequence is trying to start over.

I did the same thing with the original scientist model, and used the "sitidle" sequence with the "no script move" flag checked and it worked fine.

If you have CZ deleted scenes, you should extract the businessman model and see what I mean for yourself. You will also notice that when he walks around, it makes a footstep sound ever other step. :aggrieved:
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-28 01:51:58 UTC Post #137940
Maybe when you recompiled it the idle animations became unmarked in some way.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-29 13:38:30 UTC Post #138246
I figured it out!
To make any anamation work as an idle anamation, decompile the model and open up the qc file in note pad. Go to the anamation you want to loop and simply type loop after the fps. So you have for example:

$sequence "sitting2" "sitting2" fps 20 <u>loop</u>

Also the thing with the footsteps. To fix this open the qc file and look at the line where it has the walk anamation. At the end of it you will see this:

{ event 1004 <b>3</b> "common/npc_step3.wav" }

Change the number 3 to like 12 or something and that should fix the footsteps. I Think this number varies from model to model so you might have to try like 8 or 14 to get it right. Just play around with it. :)
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