Y'ato's Past (RPG ADVENTURE #2) Created 19 years ago2005-08-09 06:51:40 UTC by Archie Archie

Created 19 years ago2005-08-09 06:51:40 UTC by Archie Archie

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-23 08:19:41 UTC Post #129208
Uhhh... Who's next??? :(
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-24 03:49:24 UTC Post #129359
Beats me, PM the hunter if he doesnt reply
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-24 12:32:57 UTC Post #129437
i'll do it ffs. starts writing
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 18:08:53 UTC Post #130325
Chapter 4 - surrender
Y'ato collapsed. His head was swimming and his legs felt like they were going to fall off. His clothes were tattered and his stomach empty.
In the four days he had been wandering the wilderness to which he had ventured after running from wosaki, afraid that he might end up harming his friend, much had happened. A new political party had started running for rulership over the land. The Conformity Party... Seltor's party.
Being alone for so long had made the voices in Y'ato's head louder. He frequently found himself having conversations with this voice. He didn't want to believe it but with every passing moment, the doubt seemed to lessen slightly.
It was the morning of the fourth day. The last meal Y'ato had had had been at sunrise the previous day, and that had only been a bit of under-cooked game.
Y'ato's vision was blurred. He desperately wanted to sleep but the voice inside had kept him awake for the past four days. Time had no meaning any more. It may have been months for all he knew. A shadow cast over Y'ato causing him to look up.
"You there! What is your name, boy?" a voice - not the one in Y'ato's head - asked.
"I... I'm Y'ato.." He exclaimed.
"Y'ato. You look weak. Need you shelter and food? I can-"
Y'ato's head hit the dusty ground hard as he fell assleep, instantly without the voice.


"You gave us quite a scare, Y'ato. What the hell were you playing at?" Asked Wosaki, not unkindly.
"Wosaki... Let me die."Y'ato replied forcefully.
"What?! Y'ato, what happened?" Wosaki signalled the guard at the door to be careful.
"You're in danger, Wosaki!"
"From what?"
"From me"
YAS! had had had and it made sense!
anyways, saribous next
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 18:15:28 UTC Post #130326
Nice chapter Hunter! :quizzical:

*blames slasher_101
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-28 05:36:38 UTC Post #130412
*blames slasher_101
crazy kid!

Nice chapter Hunter! :D
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-29 05:40:22 UTC Post #130591
come fourth, saribous!
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 15:34:59 UTC Post #131285
no one really has interest in this anymore do they? :(
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 16:05:00 UTC Post #131292
apparantly not.. sigh... i'll re-open teh thread in a month or two
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 11:35:04 UTC Post #142675
Y'ato's Past
Chapter 4

How could he have been so stupid? Y'ato was cursing himself as he ran out of the pavillion. Telling Wosaki EVERYTHING had to be a bad idea. He could picture the scene now. Him, strapped to a hospital bed, having tests run on him and his mind. They would think he was a nutjob. At least he still hadn't told them about the time travel.
He finally calmed down and looked around him. The 'garden' had a large pond in the middle, many people were still milling about, engaged in deep conversation. Y'ato noted that over half of them carried weapons. The other half, he knew were true morphers. It suddenly struck him that from the time frame y'ato had come from, all of these morphers were dead. A sharp pain in his chest made him clench his eyes and double over. When he opened his eyes again, the world seemed to glow. He felt stronger. Angrier. The knowledge that all these people were going to die was too much for him. It had re-activated the power that welled in him and without thinking, he morphed into a massive dragon, bigger than anything he had morphed into before, with a hide as tough as a rock.
Everyone was staring at him and through his monochrome dragon's eyes he saw fear, amazment and utter un-belief.
He was a danger to everyone here. If he couldn't control when he morphed, how was he supposed to control his actions? With a dragon tear the size of a human head, he took flight and headed over the forest that had seemed so large from his window and that now resembled grass.

After many hours of flying, he saw farmhouses and quickly morhped into a seagull, knowing that the dragon that he had previosly been had only ever been achieved by Seltor himself. They believed nobody was that powerful. They were wrong.

Y'ato collapsed. His head was swimming and his legs felt like they were going to fall off. His clothes were tattered and his stomach empty.
In the four days he had been wandering the wilderness to which he had ventured after running from wosaki, afraid that he might end up harming his friend, much had happened. A new political party had started running for rulership over the land. The Conformity Party... Seltor's party.
Being alone for so long had made the voices in Y'ato's head louder. He frequently found himself having conversations with this voice. He didn't want to believe it but with every passing moment, the doubt seemed to lessen slightly.
It was the morning of the fourth day. The last meal Y'ato had had had been at sunrise the previous day, and that had only been a bit of under-cooked game.
Y'ato's vision was blurred. He desperately wanted to sleep but the voice inside had kept him awake for the past four days. Time had no meaning any more. It may have been months for all he knew. A shadow cast over Y'ato causing him to look up.
"You there! What is your name, boy?" a voice - not the one in Y'ato's head - asked.
"I... I'm Y'ato.." He exclaimed.
"Y'ato. You look weak. Need you shelter and food? I can-"
Y'ato's head hit the dusty ground hard as he fell assleep, instantly without the voice.


"You gave us quite a scare, Y'ato. What the hell were you playing at?" Asked Wosaki, not unkindly.
"Wosaki... Let me die."Y'ato replied forcefully.
"What?! Y'ato, what happened?" Wosaki signalled the guard at the door to be careful.
"You're in danger, Wosaki!"
"From what?"
"From me"
Next chapter goes out to MADCOW
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 11:51:23 UTC Post #142677
Yay! revived at last! :glad:
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 12:54:32 UTC Post #142685
ya, i was wandering when this would pop up
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 13:23:57 UTC Post #142692
Omg,, Ok, I'll just make something up, uhm.. Wait. :)
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 13:29:43 UTC Post #142693
I had forgotten about this thread :P
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 13:41:49 UTC Post #142696
Hold on a sec,, wich one is the real chap.4? :S
I'm confused
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 13:44:28 UTC Post #142697
the latter one
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 13:47:13 UTC Post #142698
The last one? Ok then,, reads

Ok, done, this might take a while scince I didn't read part one but, be nice when it's done. :P
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 13:57:41 UTC Post #142699
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 14:57:14 UTC Post #142709
It's short but, I did my best. :)
Chapter 5 - Not asleep

Wosaki looked deep into y'atos red eyes and said: What do you mean?
  • I don't want to hurt you! Y'ato yelled.
  • Calm down, you're not your self!
  • I'm dizzy.. what's wrong with me? Asked y'ato.
Y'atos eyes look was empty and dead.
  • This is not good, hold on a second! he said
and then called in the healer and told him to give y'ato something that would calm him down a bit.
  • Where am I? y'ato asked, his sight where blurred after not sleeping for so long.
  • You're at the hospital, now, this might sting a bit.. Toman said, and grabed y'atos left arm.
Y'ato fell asleep again, and while he was sleeping, the healer and some of his friend doctors took a blod sample and analysed it.
  • Hey, Toman! Get over here. yelled one of the doctors.
  • What? What is it?
  • It seems like he is poisoned, look at this. The doctor handed over the blood analise to Toman
  • I've never seen anything like this, the only thing that carrys this poison is the CK snake, but it has been exterminated in over 10 years..
  • Obviously not. The doctor said.
  • Well, where did it bite him? Toman asked
  • I don't know, let's have a look.
They went back to y'ato who still was sleeping.
They turned him over and looked at his back.
  • What the,, what's this? This isn't a snake bite! Toman said
There where 3 very small arrows in his back, they where as big as a half pen.
  • Someone has tried to kill him. Maby that's why he fell when we found him. Said the doctor with a strange look in his face.
  • But who..?
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 16:12:40 UTC Post #142721
Nice chapter Mr. Madcow, but who is next?
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 16:15:07 UTC Post #142722
You liked it? :D
Thanks, I've never written a story in english (exept a joke story)

Next dude will be..
Let's give SariBous an other chance be cause he PWNS!
Step forward, the one with the name Sparticus/Saribous!
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 17:13:10 UTC Post #142727
Allrighty then, I'll whip something together. gimme a moment
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 18:12:19 UTC Post #142733
Chapter 6Memories of Old

...."This might sting a bit"

A veil of complete darkness descended over Y'ato, dragging him into the deepest recesses of his mind. Here his mind held no sway over the memories he had repressed his whole life, memories from his childhood..

"They sent me away.."

As the clouds parted, Y'ato came back into semi-consciousness. He was still somewhere deep within himself, in an image his own mind had conjured.
A small room lay before him, all empty save for a single candle standing on the floor in front of him. In the flickering light, Y'ato could see that there was no door leading out of the room, and no windows.

A plethora of emotions assaulted Y'ato as he came to realise where he was. Waves of nausea and disgust threatened to overwhelm his senses, while anger and hatred fought hard to consume his soul. At the same time Y'ato felt tears trickling down his cheeks. He was in the Asylum, where he had spent his childhood..

At day Y'ato used to sit by the candle and watch the neverending fire. Sometimes he would have imaginary conversations with the flame, to the point where he was certain he could hear a voice talking to him. The candle was his only friend, his only escape from boredom and insanity. But at night..

At night, the fire would burn black, and the tortured wails of hundreds of souls would penetrate the walls of his cell. They would scream and beg for mercy. Who these people were and why they were being tormented Y'ato didn't know. Yet he felt strangely connected to them in a way that defies any definition.

Empathy cannot live in such a place, and Y'ato soon learned to live with the nightly screams. Years passed and Y'ato went completely numb, unable to feel remorse or empathy for any other living being.

So one night when he had settled in the corner where he used to sleep, he fully expected to hear the cries of the tormented, as he did every night. But this night was different, there was en eerie feeling in the air that unsettled young Y'ato in a way that was completely different from anything he had ever felt. He crawled to the candle, his loyal companion, but it would not bless him with it's light. He could feel his fear growing to a crescendo as he came to realise that his greatest wish was coming true, but in a way that scared Y'ato profoundly...

Something was in the room with him
Something had come for him..

Go Daubster
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 18:13:29 UTC Post #142734
great chapter madcow. For future reference, can you use speech marks (" ") instead of lines when people speak?
it makes it easier to read.

appart from that nice one.
Saribous, you are by far the most incredible writer on TWHL (no offense to anybody else!!!)

your chapters are all so full of meaning. awe inspiring
and a new rule -
Once you finish your chapter, copy it and send it to the next person via PM
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 18:30:42 UTC Post #142735
Oh right, PM, sorry Bous!
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 05:11:11 UTC Post #142768
Thanks, SariBous!

Chapther 7 - A Childhood Companion
Someone has come for him....
Y'ato felt the scent of the creature. It reminded him of something, that he could not remember. The scent was pleasant in a strange way.. As the creature took a step forward, Y'ato crwaled into the deepest corner of the room and squeezed to the wall. He wanted to scream, but his lips were shut. He wanted to run, but he couldn't move a muscle. He felt the creature moving towards him.
Y'ato felt the power of the creature, it's strength was ineffable, but somehow he felt that the creature was not here to harm him. As the creature took another step, Y'ato could finally make out it's face.
It was dark blue, with a littlw white circle on the belly. It had huge wings and a small razor sharp beak. As the creature opened his glowing eyes, Y'ato remembered, what it was.. Then he fell unconscious and remembered no more...


The first thing Y'ato felt was a warm breeze. It was like medicine for his shreded skin. He took a deep breath and was surprised to find the air clean. He opened his eyes. The sun blinded him, but he regained his sight soon. Y'ato looked around him. He could see the remains of a small bonfire, there was still some smoke coming out of the live coal. Y'ato found himself laying on a big blanket of thick leather, covered with two warm sheets. He tried to stand up and stretch his muscles, but he couldn't as he felt too weak.
After all this time, Y'ato felt calm. He couldn't remember, how he got here. The last things he could remember were the deep blue eyes of the creature. He didn't know, for how long he stayed on those blankets, looking at the sky, at the trees, at the fresh, damp summer grass. He breathed the fresh air and it seemed that his body relaxed more and more with every breath. Soon, Y'ato fell asleep.

Y'ato woke up as he felt the scent of freshly cooked meat. He opened his eyes, and saw another person at the bonfire, that was lit again. The person was wearing a leather robe, and a thick hood, which didn't reveal his face. He had a couple of sacks and a small rusty sword, tied to his belt. The man was holding four trouts, pinned on a stick over the bonfire. Y'ato saw the blue bird that he saw in the cave. It was much more beautiful in daylight. Y'ato recognized it. It was a thunderbird. They were known for their glowing blue eyes and great strength.
When the man saw Y'ato waking up, he put the trouts on the grass and took his hood off.
"Nice to see you awake again, my friend"
Y'ato couldn't believe his eyes. It was Zaleh! Y'ato knew Zaleh from the first days in his life. They used to be best friends, when he was young. They have encountered lots of childhood adventures together, but Y'ato haven't seen him since... He couldn't even remember the last time he saw him.
"Are you alright, Y'ato? You seem a little pale.. Here, have some food. You need to regain your strength. You won't survive in here, if you're weak."
"Zaleh. Zaleh! Wh.. What happened? How did you find me? Wh.."
"Don't waste your breath, my friend. Eat the fish, you must regain your strength for the journey. We're not safe here."
"Why? What's wrong, Zaleh?"
"Bountyhunters. You're a wanted man, Y'ato... A very wanted man."
Next up - 38_98, of course! :D
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 06:03:50 UTC Post #142773
Thanks Daubster :)

lemme just think something up
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 06:41:04 UTC Post #142779

Chapter 8 -The 'welcome' crew
Y'ato hungrily swallowed the remains of his trout, his tongue tricking him into wanting more. Whilst he ate Zaleh mearly glared,
wating quietly until Y'ato had finished to continue. "We'll need to leave soon, the bountyhunters could be here soon." Y'ato nodded
in agreement "Right then" and hastily beated out the fire. Y'ato stood up and began to follow Zaleh out into the woods, a question
creeped up into his mind. "Zaleh, where are we going?" He hesitated for a moment and said "You'll see" and then whistled gently, calling
the Thunderbird to him, who flew quietly above them.


Grenich was silently crouched behind a bright green bush, camoflaged, his sword ready in his hand. His team were ready, and if everything went
according to plan, they would capture Y'ato. Just as his thoughts wondered over what he would do with his share of the money one of his fellow
men signalled with his sword. "There here! Everyone to positions!" which was followed up by a squelching of soft mud, and a rustling of leaves.
Everyone was ready, and their spy would lead him right into the trap...


Y'ato surveyed the comforting scene around him. They had been travelling for 10 minutes now, and the silence was starting to unnerve him. Zaleh
had stayed completely silent. Then Y'ato spotted something...Was that a?..
Just in time Y'ato had dodged the blade of a bloodstained axe. Wielded by what musta've been one of the bountyhunters. More of them started
emerging from the sorrounding trees and bushs. "Zaleh! We've got company" He replied, in a voice much not like his own "I know" and drew out his blade,
turning round to face Y'ato, pointing in a perfect line towrads his throat. The rest of the raiding party cornering him against a tree, they're
weapons also aiming at him. Y'ato surprise and confusion took over his mind "Zaleh, what are you doing!?" But a dark grin was the only awnser he got.
Then one spoke out "Seize him!" which was followed by a shuffling of feet "Careful there, he's a morpher" And Y'ato emotions changed, from surprise to anger,
he wouldn't let them take him. Immediately his instincts took over and transformed into a bear, slashing his great claws. One fell and the others quickly reeled
away, Their leader screaming "YOU FOOLS! Capture him now!" Which was followed by a rattling of chains, as 3 men charged at Y'ato, trying
to wrap the chains round him. But he simply changed into a rhino and broke free of the cold grip, charging towards their leader. But he mearly grinned
and just before he was hit he side-stepped round the Rhino and shoved his blade deep into his front right and back legs, blood spraying forth
like a fountain. Y'ato almost immediately lost his energy, and transformed back into his old self. The wounds still showing on his right arm and leg.
Blood spewing from them, forming a crimson patch round his body. His vision fading as their leader and Zaleh stepped up to him, the leader raising his blade for the final
plunge. "Halt" said Zaleh, his blade crossing the other. "We need him alive remember? Cover up his wounds and lets go!" And just then, Y'ato faded into

Hmm...Who should go next?
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 06:45:02 UTC Post #142780
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 06:45:14 UTC Post #142781
Elon, maby? :)
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 06:49:50 UTC Post #142784
Elon doesn't seem interested in this.

OK, Rowley is next then, i'll just go and PM him :)
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 06:55:36 UTC Post #142788
Nice chap, 38_98! :o
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 08:12:09 UTC Post #142801
great one 38_98 :D
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 13:17:13 UTC Post #142912
Sorry I haven't been following this thread--rowleybob rushes to read the backstory--, but I will add something soon :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 14:34:08 UTC Post #142926
Y'ato's Past
Chapter 9 - Cold Brig

Y'ato faded in and out of consiousness with increasing frequency, until he could faintly sense reality once again. Coherence was not without it's price, as he was keanly aware of his wounds about the legs while awake. "Why hadn't they healed me?" he thought, and quickly realized he was much less of a threat to the kidnappers, less than healthy.

Now fully awake, he took a quick inventory of his new environment, recapitualted the recent past, thought as hard as he could on his move.

He lay face down on a coarse bed, which smelled more of a beast's lair then a bedroom. He was bound and blindfolded, legs and arms and body together with some sort of enchanted leather cord, which prevented his morphing somehow.

"Zaleh...that son-of-a..." but there was no time for that now. "Focus," Y'ato thought, "Focus on a way out of this mess."

Smells. Besides the stench of the bed, he nosed others: woodsmoke, something strongly acidic and sweet, the iron smell of dried blood from his wounds, and the cold. The smell of cold was unmistakable, and he reasoned the fire was almost out, as he was starting to chill... "maybe that's what woke me" he thought for a moment, and then back to the task at hand: escape!

Sounds. Shutter creaking with no dicernable pattern with the wind, crackling embers, sound of the bed rustling when he tried to reposition himself on the bed... no help there... wait! What is that?

Y'ato could barely hear the raccous laughter of his attackers, muffled by a distance of a quarter mile or so.

"I need to act quickly," Y'ato thought.

Next...The Hunter
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 14:43:39 UTC Post #142931
Nice chapter Rowley! :D
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 14:51:32 UTC Post #142935
I hate stories with morphing creaters! I wont write anything now! :tired: Only if I'll find some retreat like the last time! :heart:

I may want to try sometime......
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 14:57:38 UTC Post #142938
Y'ato's Past
Chapter 10 - Thought Massacre

Sweating feverously, y'ato once again tried to morph but it was impossible. He had known from his first try that it was impossible but had kept attempting to anyway.
And suddenly, there was that sharp pain again. The power that he felt when angry or scared. The power that had been given to him when he put his arm in the Sacred Pedastal all that time ago. The power that only yesterday had made him morph into a dragon, bigger than anything he had ever achieved before. He felt it welling up inside him, knowing that it was trying to morph him against his will aggain. He screamed at the pain. It felt like he was being pushed into an invisible wall from the inside out. The magically bound ropes held and the pain grew greater and greater.
"You'll have to do more than that you fool!" The voice inside his head was back.
"NO!" Y'ato screamed inside his head, "I got rid of you! You don't exist! Your a liar!"
"Just ask for help. It's all you have to do. Then i'll give you enough power to break out of these binds"
Y'ato knew that if he gave into the voice, he would lose all sense of good and bad. He would become no better than Seltor.
"Just ask! ASK!" The voice seemed tempting. Soothing.
"N-never!" Y'ato was crying in spite of himself, "I will NEVER JOIN YOU!"
The power welled up more. An explosive rage at Seltor drove his instinctive morphing abilities higher than ever before and The bind broke. There was an explosion and the next thing Y'ato knew he was falling. The ground was covered in white things. Clouds. He was above the cloudline and falling fast.
But then without even thinking about it, Y'ato decelarated.
He stayed perfectly still, hovering in mid air. Y'ato looked down, to see what beast he had morphed into but saw nothing. No feet. No Talons. No Claws. He tried to move his hands and found he had none. With his mind alone, Y'ato moved forward. Could it be true? Was it possible? Had Y'ato morphed into a higher being?
He zipped down to Earth in a mtter of seconds and looked for a water source. Finding one, he looked at his reflection. A pure yellow glowing ball looked back.
erm.. hmm.. Gargly?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 15:17:11 UTC Post #142943
hmmm. What an interesting chapter there Hunter :)
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 15:29:45 UTC Post #142944
I hate stories with morphing creaters!
Dude, we all have different personaleties.
It wouldn't be as much fun as it is now, if only one man wrote the story.
And if only one dude would make the story, it might turn out kind of,, the same all the time, you know.. Same dude same shit. ;)
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 15:34:04 UTC Post #142946
I hate stories with morphing creaters
Elon this story doesn't have people who make people/things that morph. Just people that morph. :P And if you hate them why do you go onto this thread and comment about it anyway?
Same dude same shit.
well, that was a straightforward way of putting it.
its personalities :D
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 15:41:49 UTC Post #142949
Ei shal suee te dicktionare makars!
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 15:45:13 UTC Post #142953
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 15:48:23 UTC Post #142954
oh.darn, now im going to have to read all this to continue it.


oh well. its for the sake of good litituratue
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-25 10:25:31 UTC Post #143598
So are you gonna write this, M_Garg?
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-25 10:27:00 UTC Post #143599
So are you gonna write this, M_Garg?
took the words right out of my mouth.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-25 16:10:31 UTC Post #143712
Im trying, right now im trying to write this, the Fan Fic, do homework, and finish Hostage situation

not easy
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-28 15:40:22 UTC Post #144191
accaully, im swamped right now. so im passing it on to Saribous, ill have time at a later date
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-13 02:44:58 UTC Post #146914

who ever wants to go can, just announce it here
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-20 08:43:25 UTC Post #148072
Y'ato's Past
Chapter 11 - New past, new future

Y'ato was running as fast as he could, heading in the direction of Wosaki. He had no idea how he knew where Wosaki was but he did and it honestly scared Y'ato. He knew where all his friends were.
His human legs were getting tired and Y'ato instinctively got ready to morph but stopped just in time. "NO!" he told himself sternly, "You cant morph. Not now." Y'ato knew that if he did, he may find himself a pure glowing light again.
He had woken up that morning, not remembering what had happened, but gradually as he had started to run, it had all come flooding back. The restraints, the explosion.. The sudden decceleration over the clouds and his reflection over the water. The power Y'ato had felt. It was incredible. Like being better than everything else and knowing it. But with that came the even larger temptation of listening to the voice in his head which came back and left in short periods.
Realising he had stopped, re-caping everything that had happened, Y'ato sank against the nearest tree, taking a large swig out of the water flask, made of animal hide which he had filled when he had passed a stream of fast flowing water.
It was pure luck that the arrow missed Y'ato. It whistled past his ear and splinters from the tree scattered about, cutting him several small gashes. Without even having to think about it, Y'ato rolled and covered behind another tree, drawing the make-shift pike he had made from a tough branch and flintstone.
"Who is there?" He called fruitlessly.
The answer came in form of an arrow, slicing with ease through the tree he'd been hiding behind. Seconds beforehand, Y'ato had rolled behind another tree, desperately trying to see his attacker from behind the undergrowth.
"My god. It's you!" Y'ato cried as he finally saw the figure, in between two trees on the other side of the path, bow readied...


Daubster, please keep this story alive! You're on the next chapter!
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
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