Light trou walls and in shadows.. Created 18 years ago2005-11-12 15:43:53 UTC by YeeHaa YeeHaa

Created 18 years ago2005-11-12 15:43:53 UTC by YeeHaa YeeHaa

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 15:43:53 UTC Post #146822
I got a house, open on two sides. I have this problem on like 6 walls...
There is light coming trou the walls , here are the things i tried so far:
-The walls are trou the displacements.
-Made nodraw brushes under the walls that went to the bottom.
-Lowered lightmap scale.
-Changed light_env pitch to -90 , made shadow control with shadows down etc..
-Made blocklight in the wall as the exact same size as the wall.

If if make the displacement ground a normal brush it doesnt let trou light.
Displacements ontop of the displacement ground don't let light trou (with blocklight).

Plz try to help me i've been on this for a long time...

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 16:05:12 UTC Post #146826
Build the room with normal brushes (walls and floor) and then add the displacement surfaces.
If possible, make two different displacements for each side of the wall, instead of only one.
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 19:21:09 UTC Post #146874
If i have to make displacements on each side this will take up to much fps cause of smaller triangles (since i have lotso f broken walsl and such on the ground). The wall + floor did not work.

The sahdows seem to cast correctly only to far...

I tried this :i changed all brushes into func_brush ,well and then there was no shadows left but i just want the brushes casting shadows ccorrectly. If i undo the two sides it will cast it like on the pictures again... If i make a house like this :
  • =floor

Meaning the floor being On the ground so if you step in the house you walk on the floor , there will be no light coming trou the walls .
I made an entirely different testmap with a house with not floor and the light went trou the walls at that to , it seems like the shadows are being cast but then 10 cm furtheR....

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 19:35:21 UTC Post #146879
Func_walling everything isn't a solution. You know about the vis process? Entities don't count for it, so when everything's a func_wall there's nothing to block the sight of the player for the engine, so everything is being rendered at all time...
Just stick to using world brushes without tying them to entities when they're just meant to be walls. Smaller detail stuff should be made func_detail (not func_wall, that was in HL but HL2 offers the much cheaper func_detail for it).

You know, one extra displacement map really doesn't impact performance so much so I think you've got some serious issues with your map... have you read this optimization guide already?

Anyway, I'm not really sure what causes your problem, but you could upload it to this site in the Problem Maps section so we could take a look.
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