need ideas??? Created 18 years ago2006-01-09 23:24:20 UTC by FoxFrost X FoxFrost X

Created 18 years ago2006-01-09 23:24:20 UTC by FoxFrost X FoxFrost X

Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 23:24:20 UTC Post #157198
well im making a map mod were theres only new maps and i need some ideas of the story line im thinking of somthin like you wake up one morning due to your apartment is on fire and when you get outside safly you find theres headcrabs and packs of zombies roming the streets because the combine sent headcrab canisters down to your town. so you have to escape safly.! please add any thing you think i should do.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 23:29:47 UTC Post #157199
please add any thing you think i should do.
First, reconsider if it's going to be worth the effort. Maybe you'd be better off making one singleplayer map about it (you can put a lot of things in one source map). The story doesnt sound very original, it actually reminds me of hlcomic and Gordon Frohman in Ravenholm at the time of the attack... :confused:
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