Tough question! Created 18 years ago2006-02-20 15:41:19 UTC by SickMothaFucker SickMothaFucker

Created 18 years ago2006-02-20 15:41:19 UTC by SickMothaFucker SickMothaFucker

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-20 15:41:19 UTC Post #164107
This is really difficult. Here it is:

There is a weapon somewhere.A shotgun for example. There is a barney that is standing in your way. If you go and "use" him without the gun he will not let u troug. If you have taken the shotgun and go to barney and press the use key on him he will step back.

I did it with a trigger_multiple but I don't want it happening when you go near barney I want it when you "use" barney
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-20 15:56:55 UTC Post #164109
H.E.V Suits required
User posted image

Do the same thing that is done in this example map, only instead of an item_suit use weapon_shotgun. This way is better then using a multisource cause then he can tell you to take the gun and/or play an animation.

Also tick the prisoner flag if you don't wont him to respond to anything but still talk like the Disaster have already accured. If you wont him to say- "hey catch me later and I'll buy you beer" tick the Pre-Disaster flag.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-20 16:08:21 UTC Post #164113
hey, thanks, I did it!!! I combined it with a master. When I took the gun, it activated a master with a button. Then when I used the cop, he targeted to the button (hidden somewhere) (with master activated after i've taken the gun). The button then activates what i want to be done....

i am confused myself, sorry for my english :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-20 16:10:28 UTC Post #164115
I didn't use a multisource... : Use a trigger_changetarget like I did in my map, it's better.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-21 09:46:07 UTC Post #164235
that is crap! I thougth I did it but no. So the question is still open. I don't want to make it like you did in your map. Yes the same but not where I go trough something that opens the door , i want the cop to be standing near me and when i have the card/suit and I press Use key he will open the door ??????
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-21 18:07:59 UTC Post #164319
Place a rot_button(it can be not solid) over the barney and make it targer the script that will make the barney step a side.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-21 18:22:08 UTC Post #164325
Thank YOUUU!!!

You are genius! You should be a content contributor :lol:

that is great!
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