npc_cscanner movement Created 18 years ago2006-02-27 08:57:45 UTC by v0rt3x v0rt3x

Created 18 years ago2006-02-27 08:57:45 UTC by v0rt3x v0rt3x

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-27 08:57:45 UTC Post #165302
Hey Folks,

problem: A scanner is supposed to react EXACTLY to what it should do, where it should fly - etc. It should NOT inspect the player - nor any other object by itself.

Upon map run - the Scanner is in its normal A.I - I also tried the use of an a.i. schedule and tried the scripted_sequence as well - and moves randomly about the map, instead of following a set of path_tracks.

-> At other occassions it flies 90? up and swirls about on the ceiling of the room.

the setup:

I've set up the npc_cscanner and air node hints - this merely tells the scanner where it can navigate.

-> Now I want it to set a certain path, much like a HL1 train.
After experimenting with just path_tracks - I've set up the entire thing the way you set it up according to a Strider (with path_tracks and air node hints beside them).

Name: scanner1
Target path corner: (left blank)
ShouldInspect: No
OnlyInspect Players: No
NeverInspect Players: Yes

To overcome to problem above - forcing the scanner into following a path - I included a nodraw train - which the scanner is set to follow:

Output - OnWake - Target scanner1 - SetFollowTarget - Scannertrain

Input - (from a trigger) -> OnTrigger - Wake (the scanner)

its initial animation is set to: idle

Flags set -

Fall to Ground
Wait for Script
Do Alternate Collision (player avoidance)
Don't drop weapons
The Train - The Scannertrain is set to follow path_tracks starting at 1.

Name: Scannertrain
First Stop Target: 1

Input: (from trigger) -> OnTrigger - StartForward (the train)

Flags -

Fixed Orientation
HL1 Train
Is unblockable by Player
The info_node_air_hint

Name: (left blank)
Hint Activity: (left blank)

Thats it I think. - The actual path_tracks are just numbered correctly.
No Flags set.

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-27 13:30:11 UTC Post #165352
Hm I think you have to use path_corners and the scanner is targeted by the 'last' path corner...Not the first.

I think this cause my helicopters wouldn't move until I told them to follow the last path corner.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-27 14:03:39 UTC Post #165361
hmm - ok ill try - but as mentioned - the scanner doesnt use path corners the way i set it up at the moment - the train its supposed to follow does - but its not even following the train.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-27 16:30:08 UTC Post #165388
logic_auto the scanner to SetFollowTarget to the train, not OnWake. OnWake is fired when it wakes up from being asleep. (start asleep etc)
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
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