Dunce Americans Created 18 years ago2006-04-08 11:58:23 UTC by satchmo satchmo

Created 18 years ago2006-04-08 11:58:23 UTC by satchmo satchmo

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-08 16:52:41 UTC Post #179100
Thirty days, 1006 replies. That's 1.4/hr... respectable!
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-08 17:24:32 UTC Post #179111
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-08 18:11:59 UTC Post #179118
I dont do dumb things, you a stupid head, me sad :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-08 23:41:19 UTC Post #179133
reasons AGAINST abortion: It's murder.
It can potentially sterilise the mother. (maybe a pro)

Reasons FOR abortions: Orpheus, VOX.

But seriously, how would you like it if you could go back in time to when your mother was pregnant, and see her talking with people who were trying to persuade her to abort you. By your logic, it would not be YOU because it's "just a lump of cells." However, if that "lump of cells" were to be aborted, you would not exist. Unless you can think of yourself as a "lump of cells" or a means to reduce the world's overpopulation, then how can you say it about someone else?

And I don;t think I'd abort hitler. Since for every infinitely small measure of time, there is an infinite number of possibilities, I'd never know how Hitler would have turned out.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 02:52:51 UTC Post #179137
Unless you can think of yourself as a "lump of cells" or a means to reduce the world's overpopulation, then how can you say it about someone else?
Of course we are. We're just animals.

I'm with you on the Hitler thing. I always vote against that ? if you've magically travelled back in time anyway, why kill someone to prevent something like that when you could find a better way? Obviously that would probably stop you from ever being born...
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 03:20:22 UTC Post #179139
This debate is now becoming 'what constitutes a life', which a bloody internet forum is not going to solve.

Dont mess with time, thats a no brainer.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 07:16:03 UTC Post #179145
I once told a friend how he was created, I said that his Dad spat on the wall and that he was germinated by the Sun. :aghast:

Sorry but I was board, on another note I washed today :nuts:
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 09:41:34 UTC Post #179153
Thirty days, 1006 replies. That's 1.4/hr... respectable!
30*24 = 720
1006/720 = 1.397222222
I have noticed that the thread seemed created to exemplify American stupidity but, I have noticed within this thread that stupid seems rather evenly spaced throughout the globe.
I consider most people around me aroused in ignorance and stupidity. Happy?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 09:45:54 UTC Post #179154
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 10:22:29 UTC Post #179155
If so, I would be careful as aroused stupid and ignorant people might molest you.
Well, you did.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 10:55:20 UTC Post #179158
Orp, i thaught aroused meant something else, just as the thing when your drunk, though i geuss im horribly wrong.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 11:15:07 UTC Post #179160
You're as correct as your typing.

You know, it's interesting, Orpheus brings up many good, solid points and nobody can argue (well) with him.

I think your adulthood may be the trump card, Orpheus.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 11:16:30 UTC Post #179161
I hardly try to argue with Orp, i know he wont give in a inch :) .
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 11:21:07 UTC Post #179162
People have different views about things, GROW UP and accept the fact that not everyone has the same opinion as you and that people actually ARE different. Your opinion might not always be the right one, in fact... there might not even be a right opinion. Cause most of the time it comes down to single cases and loss-loss situations.

There are allot of types of stupidity. Like there are allot of types of intelligence. We're all, and i mean ALL of us, are stupid on some subjects. We're human, we cant expect to be bloody perfect. Of course some of us just ignores to see this fact and thinks arguing about the same stuff for what, 30 days, is going to change anything at all. Face it, this thread ain't going anywhere. Most of you that argue in this thread, Ive noticed, are way too pigheaded to give in on the other side. (Not that thats always a bad thing) So what the hell is the point in arguing about it? Insulting each other is even more pathetic as it only shows how childish you really are. Go ahead, discuss it till your arse grows to the office chair. Just please... stop using insults as an argument.

Grow up people and get a grip! :|
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 11:24:40 UTC Post #179164
I seriously agree with Howdy
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 11:49:16 UTC Post #179174
I cant be arsed to read long posts, therefore i am better than you
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 12:19:13 UTC Post #179177
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 12:38:03 UTC Post #179181
Offcourse, we all have different views, doesnt that make the world a whole lot better?

/me hands out free cookies
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 13:23:37 UTC Post #179187
Hmm. I think abortion is okey really.
Also I definately do have an opinion on the matter, just becuase I haven't aborted a child of my own, or anyones for that matter, doesn't mean I can't have an opinion on the matter.

I haven't really formed that much of an opinion on you Orpheus, but really, I can't see how you can actually believe that if you haven't experienced something first hand, you don't have an opinion.

An opinion is what you think about something. Thus everyone has an opinion about every single thing they know about, becuase you will have formed a thought about that subject.
Though I agree, someone who has actually experienced a uhh, experience, could quite well have more insight into it, and be able to give a better view on the matter, just because you haven't doesn't make your opinions void. :]

And also Howdy, if it bothers you that people are debating a topic, then well...just don't reply, press the back button and go to another thread. Really there is no need to grow up, unless you are just arguing for the sake of arguing.
An intelligent debate can be fun, so

@Hunter - Nice google search eh? ;D
@Pepper - hahaha, that made my day :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 13:30:31 UTC Post #179188
30*24 = 720
1006/720 = 1.397222222
Never heard of "appropriate significant figures", boy? If you're going to quote a figure to... billionths, I'd expect a better value for hours/day than 24.

Orpheus, etc.: you seem to be confusing "arguing" with "debating", as the excellent Nathaniel just pointed out. You seem to be the ones complaining about other peoples' opinions.

Oh, and Casper: perhaps you meant "soused", which means "drunk", or "doused", which means something like "rather wet".
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 13:49:45 UTC Post #179190
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 14:16:27 UTC Post #179191
you may have an opinion about anything you wish. You may not have an informed opinion, or an educated opinion but you CAN have one. I, and most people I know, will just overlook your opinion as meaningless noise from an uninformed person
And other people might just overlook your opinion as meaningless noise as well. Or did you actually think that anyone truly cares what you and your group of people think? As if you were some kind of reference point?
That's quite funny, really. Yours can also be an uninformed and uneducated opinion if someone decides to think so (as you are doing with people in this thread), no matter how much you've convinced yourself of the contrary.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 14:36:36 UTC Post #179193
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 15:15:45 UTC Post #179194
Opinions are like assholes.

Everybody has one and they all stink.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 15:17:41 UTC Post #179195
Erm, that's what I've been telling you the whole time... I didn't just find out.
A couple of pages ago I said
Now seriously, people don't give a damn if you tell them their opinions are wrong in an Internet forum (you being the exception it seems) No one will take your word as truth, even if you are convinced.
It seems you weren't reading carefully enough.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 15:31:14 UTC Post #179197
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 15:43:56 UTC Post #179198
No, I still do not understand!, but please enlighten us with your knowledge, I won't be able to sleep well if I don't get your approval :(
Seriously, since you don't know me personally, your opinions on what I understand and I don't understand are still worthless (if we follow your line of reasoning).
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 15:46:02 UTC Post #179199
30*24 = 720
720/1032(1033 with this one counting) = 0.6976744186046511627906976744186

60*60 = 3600

0.6976744186046511627906976744186 / 3600 =

1.937844961240310077519379844961e-4 post a second. Happy now?

Orph, you just love doing what you do dont you :P ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 16:00:54 UTC Post #179203
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 16:14:34 UTC Post #179205
You really keep going, just like the annoying rabbits in the Duracell commercials :) .
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 16:28:26 UTC Post #179207
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 16:31:30 UTC Post #179208
Hmmm, maby. However, you dont need to participate dont you?

Though you could start a new topic, on lets say the development progress of the AB412 ;) (7th knows).
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 16:42:17 UTC Post #179209
What exactly didn't you understand Orpheus? Would you like to explain parts of my post?
And I would say my post is clearly coherent. Just becuase you didn't understand it, that doesn't mean it isn't understandable. Surely if only you didn't understand it, that must mean you have the problem?

I would definately say a fair amount of my opinions are informed. Informed doesn't have to be first hand experience. Informed could mean I read information somewhere. Therefore I would be informed.

Most people you know hardly count as an accurate consensus of most people though. You and your friends are likely to have fairly similar views. And how many people can you possibly know properly? Less than a decent amount of people in the world I am willing to bet, so that statement means little to me.

Don't worry though, I am not bothered, becuase really..I know it is not valueless.

I don't really mean to fall out, but you strike me as quite a arrogant person, so I doubt your ego will be dented. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 16:43:08 UTC Post #179210
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 16:44:14 UTC Post #179211
To cover for your loss, you post sarcasm
To cover for your loss, you post advice from some sort of "higher knowledge" possition in which you believe you are. We've been seeing it throughout the thread. It gets a bit old and you still don't get people don't see you like you see yourself.
(by the way, that's just my uninformed opinion, and since it's not valid to you, you don't really need to write another 4 paragraphs in reply trying to convince yourself of something) ;)

To many people who are on an opposing side give up whenever they feel intimidated by a bigger named member. I have few peers so my intimidation level is extremely high
I think I missed something... What was this about? LOL
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 16:50:37 UTC Post #179212
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 16:52:37 UTC Post #179213
@ G_KID:
I never said debating bothered me, I always fancy a nice debate. I was just stating that arguing an passing of insults as arguments under a discussion is immature and does not belong in any intelligent debate.

And I seriously think that people should at least be able to ACT maturely before discussing a thing like abortion.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 16:54:47 UTC Post #179214
Besides Master Pepper, would you really desire my shutting up? More to the point, would you expect it? I have known you a while, would I ever ask you to avoid a thread?
You would never, and neither would i. I was merely giving a suggestion. Though i can really understand that you would participate in any availible topic. :)
I think I missed something... What was this about? LOL
Kasperg, he just likes to be on the other side :P . Come to the dark side Orp, we have cookies!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 16:55:21 UTC Post #179215
On the contrary, you are trying to close peoples minds to learning telling them that no matter how much they learn, they won't have an opinion until they've lived through those things. -100 points for you sir.

It is true that a first hand opinion is more valued. We all know that. You haven't made any divine revelation here, I'm sorry to tell you.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 16:56:48 UTC Post #179216
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 17:01:12 UTC Post #179217
Nobody said you were timid... You must have felt so yourself! It's like that situation where a kid says "I didn't do it!" before anyone notices the broken window :)
I'd only like to know which of these two sentences is the one you agree with.
1)First hand information is more valuable than 2nd hand information.
2)2nd hand information is worthless compared to 1st hand experiences.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 17:07:52 UTC Post #179219
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 17:17:30 UTC Post #179220
Ok. I assumed 2nd hand information usually derives from 1st hand information. Medicine books are not written by someone who has actually seen every single type of illness and situation in their career, I think.
The human race has actually progressed thanks to the passing of information from one another, specially since that info has been written.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 17:24:00 UTC Post #179223
Maybe people should actually do some reading then. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 17:33:13 UTC Post #179225
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 20:06:07 UTC Post #179241
@ Orpheus..
Could you post a picture of yourself ?, this would help me alot so as I can see whom I am chatting with, I keep getting a vision of an old owl or Dumbeldorph, one of my friends said he thinks you would look like Mickey mouse on "Crack"

I find it fun to try to visualize how the people who are chatting look, sometimes I am smack on with how they look and how they equal their personality, and some just shock me.

As for the abortion debate I have an opinion but will not share it, and yes I have Kids, my reasons are that it could spark another 10 pages or so covering the same arguements/debate, I vote we move on and chat about somthing else.

Example subjects:

1. Autocratic behaviour.
2. Why education is failing to meet standards in schools.
3. Extravert/intravert, what are the positives/negitives.
4. changing the culture in individuals.

Just a few examples of topics that could be of interest, I believe we have done the abortion topic to death and we have to move on or otherwise you could face being the topic.....

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 20:16:51 UTC Post #179242
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 23:17:21 UTC Post #179255
If you think this thread is going nowhere, stop polluting everyone else's fun with your worthless tripe. If Jobabob and I want to exchange sarcasm and insults for fun, let us do it. We're like the two kids in class who are messing around and having fun, and you are like the ass-lick who is always like "SSSSHHH! Quiet! the teacher is trying to teach us!!!"

Orph: Just because someone has not gone through any given activity X, does not mean that said person has no valid opinion on X.

For Example: Stephen hawking has niether seen nor been through a big bang, yet he is proclaimed to be the worlds authority on the big bang.

In fact, any kind of analyst who is paid to predict something unpredictable like Stocks, Bonds, the price of Gold, or anything else, are said to be experts, but apparently since they have not been through what they are predicting, nobody should trust their opinions on what will happen.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-10 00:59:52 UTC Post #179258
If you think this thread is going nowhere, stop polluting everyone else's fun with your worthless tripe.
Umm was that having a crack at me nickelplate ? Did not see a referance to (LeFtY)

If it was I will gladly bring myself down to your level..."Let the games begin" :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-10 02:46:32 UTC Post #179262
In fact, any kind of analyst who is paid to predict something unpredictable like Stocks, Bonds, the price of Gold, or anything else, are said to be experts, but apparently since they have not been through what they are predicting, nobody should trust their opinions on what will happen.
I like that example :).
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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