Clipping issue Created 18 years ago2006-05-10 13:46:59 UTC by inuendocrash inuendocrash

Created 18 years ago2006-05-10 13:46:59 UTC by inuendocrash inuendocrash

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-10 13:46:59 UTC Post #179328

it would suck if i posted the whole message like that

anyways, i was clipping, like really hacking a wall into pieces so when i make an explosion to blast open the wall, it would leave a realistic hole, instead of a perfect square. Unfortunatly, when i set everything to func_breakable and such, a brush line emerged from the wall, 90 degree angle. Ideas to fix it or just general tips to avoid it would be nice
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-10 13:51:41 UTC Post #179329
Sounds like an invalid structure being auto fixed by Hammer. SHapes that are invalids behave like this. I suggest learn to Vertex Manipulate, or after clipping hit Alt P to check for problems. If its an invalid shape, redo the clip.

But seriously clipping is evil. I really recommend Vertex manipulation!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-10 14:04:13 UTC Post #179332
Do as Xyos212 said, but also know that making the brushes that form your "realistic hole" a func_wall may also fix your problem.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-10 14:05:15 UTC Post #179333
But seriously clipping is evil. I really recommend Vertex manipulation!
Not again Xyos! :P

If you are going to clip, you should use a bigger grid size. To make those func_breakables, I agree that Vertex manipulation is a better choice.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-10 14:13:40 UTC Post #179335
But seriously clipping is evil. I really recommend Vertex manipulation!
Shit, I didn't even see that... Dude it is not eviL!!

It's really personal preference, but beginners using VM will create tons of invalid solids, and whilst this is how you learn, you will almost never cause invalids by clipping!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-10 14:15:31 UTC Post #179337
Yay, the old fight again! :heart:

Cliping is good as long as the cliping line's ends stay on the objects edge.

If you are planing to clip more then one object then make sure that every place on the edges that the clip line passes in on the grid. You can also press o when the mouse is on one of the sides views then the size of the edges that will be created will be shown. If there are any numbers after the dot (except 00) then an off grid vertical will be created. Move the clip line to somewhere else that the numbers will be full numbers, only then clip.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-10 18:32:57 UTC Post #179367
Cipping isn't evil, carving is.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-10 18:36:50 UTC Post #179368
Carving isn't evil too, might save time. Just don't carve with anything more complicated then a block.

I don't use it cause I a regular to use cliping instead, much more controlible.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-11 08:47:44 UTC Post #179452
Well, i found the problem by in 3d mode selecting all the shapes, than cutting, what was left behind was a brush the size of a pixel, where apperantly i clipped 3 lines through. VM would be soooo long to hack the wall in the way that i did
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