Func brakabole move with func vehicle? Created 18 years ago2006-05-17 21:20:07 UTC by oneofthedragon oneofthedragon

Created 18 years ago2006-05-17 21:20:07 UTC by oneofthedragon oneofthedragon

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-17 21:20:07 UTC Post #180672
Ok im making a func_vehicle that i want to beable to be destryed SO i thought i would copy -> paste the original vehicle, make it invisible and make it on the EXACT spot the vehicle is... now... any ideads on making them move together? so you can shoot it once it starts driving to destroy it? (this is for CS if it matters)
Edit please disregard the attrocious spelling in the title
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-17 21:26:10 UTC Post #180674
You could set it so the other transports in place of the vehicle. Have another smoke sprite or something teleport to cover the transition. I dont know if that will work for vehicles though in HL1.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 03:33:52 UTC Post #180699
You can't have a moving func_breakable in CS.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 21:29:47 UTC Post #180872
hmmm.. ok ty... how about this what if i put a func_breakable on the roof that wasnt part of the vehicle would i have to put it into the roof? and would it stay even if part of it was "stuck" inside the rood or bottom or side?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 21:35:04 UTC Post #180879
If I'm reading that right, are you asking: if a func_breakable is embedded in the vehicle, will it move with the vehicle? If so, then no, it won't.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 23:19:29 UTC Post #180891
... i was trying to make a destroyable func_vehicle... well ill keep trying...
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-19 06:46:31 UTC Post #180929
This could possibly be done in source
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-19 16:12:00 UTC Post #180990
Lol, that's one of the first questions I ever asked on this forum!

I wanted to have breakable windows on my APC!


Xyos: Nice new av.

Dead Meat: Funny av :P!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-19 16:25:34 UTC Post #180996
You can't have a moving func_breakable in CS.
Sorry, I have to be an ass, even though you just mis-stated this. You can have a moving breakable in CS, it is with the func_pushable and the "Breakable" flag ticked. But yes, a func_vehicle can not have the properties of a func_breakable.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-19 17:54:45 UTC Post #181016
Mmmm... I said "moving", not "movable". There's a difference.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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