Torus trooper Created 18 years ago2006-05-24 21:57:04 UTC by M_gargantua M_gargantua

Created 18 years ago2006-05-24 21:57:04 UTC by M_gargantua M_gargantua

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 21:57:04 UTC Post #181930
PC gamer had an article about free minigames this month, and PCG found this little gem.
torus trooper

God, its so fun. think tempest on huge amounts of speed.

Normal dificulty is fun, but on hard and extreme the speed gets higher and the enemies shoot more. extreme pretty much releses all speed limitations completely and requires some skill to play.

which is why I must gloat
is a replay file for the game, its a little 4kb thing that you drop into the replay folder. that way on the tile screen you can see just how well I did on extreme. because, yes, that was the accuall gameplay speed, and that was levels 9-11 if I remember right. but that replay will be overwritten with whatever your last game was, so go play yourself.

post yourown replays so we can all see how well you did.

and if I havn't said/implied it enought already, THIS IS AN AWESOME GAME! :heart:
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 22:37:14 UTC Post #181931
Yeah just picked up this months PC Gamer today. Haven't had chance to look at it yet but i'll give it a go and post my results.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 00:07:01 UTC Post #181939
Where could I host a replay file?

I just went through levels 4-7, now my hands are all shaky! This has got ot be the only game I have ever played that could give you carpal tunnel sydrome, a heart attack, a seizure, and a headache all at the same time. Amazing!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 03:53:33 UTC Post #181959
Does PC gamer still cater for the 12-18 market with its bright happy colours and minimal editorial/review quality? Saying that, I just threw away 4 years of cover disks because my room was getting a bit full.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 04:07:26 UTC Post #181962
Sweet, I maxed out at 7500 km/h on my first run.

Cool game.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 04:48:36 UTC Post #181966
Older than the Sun ;o

Oh my god! He said it..and the crowd goes wild!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 09:27:57 UTC Post #181991
I'm not sure it'll work on my computer. :cry:
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 11:13:59 UTC Post #181998
hah! :) you make me laugh elon!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 12:05:03 UTC Post #182001
Im going to give this game a try now. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 12:22:19 UTC Post #182004
My eyes bled when I played this...I could fill up a cup because so much just came out...Good game...I think I'll play again...Funny enough the music reminds me of the Zone of the Enders music...Heh.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 12:46:35 UTC Post #182007
Ghehe, addicitve game. :D

For those who are to lazy to read the readme file, here's a tip:

Make a shortcut on your desktop to the game, open the shortcut properties, and add this at the and of the target field:

-res x y

where x y is your resolution. That way the game looks sharper.

Also, hold down the X key to build up a powerfull charge. Release the X key to fire it.

Thanks for the heads up, M_garg! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 14:30:18 UTC Post #182021
X or Alt or whatever. Read the readme ;) .
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 18:18:25 UTC Post #182063
I played this a coon's age ago, yay for Home of teh Underdogs.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 21:02:01 UTC Post #182079
I've maxed out at about 10000, im not sure if the game is capped at 9999 in extreme mode though, because i've gotten really close to the 10000 mark before dying. you eyes really go crazy after a while though. I played for 2 hours strait and when I quit I still felt like I was spinning down the tunnel.

im on level 34 or something in normal and 16 in extreme mode, which I think is pretty good. seeing as the higher levels in extreme really are extreme
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 22:18:07 UTC Post #182082
I've made it to level 25 26 28 29 on extreme :D.

My best winning streak is levels 1-10 on extreme.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-26 05:29:45 UTC Post #182100
It's impossible to dodge stuff at like 5k+ km/h... You can just sort of tap left and right randomly.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-26 14:06:04 UTC Post #182162
Not really, if you look right in fronyt of your ship you can see the pink things coming. But it is mostly random :P .
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-26 16:34:40 UTC Post #182171

Im at 50 normal and 23 extreme and am currently working on beating (if its even possible) the game on normal.

and I've done it, I got up to something in the 10000's for more then a few seconds.

my record also seems to be 1-10 on extreme. and i've been wondering if its point streak or level streak.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-28 22:24:05 UTC Post #182465
At 6000+ speed you have to look at the medium ships ahead and predict where they will shoot based on your movements. You also have to know what pattern they are shooting in to consiously evade the bullets.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-28 22:55:53 UTC Post #182471
My new winning streak is levels 1-17 on extreme.
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