Never Ending Hammer Complications Created 18 years ago2006-07-15 11:24:18 UTC by TawnosPrime TawnosPrime

Created 18 years ago2006-07-15 11:24:18 UTC by TawnosPrime TawnosPrime

Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 11:24:18 UTC Post #190185
Hu seems a week doesn't go when Hammer gives me a hard time. Now, aside from my vm's not properly sticking after I save and reopen the map, I also often get this problem when selecting an object, mainly something like this hollow cylinder (a 360 arch).

User posted image

Are these problems related at all? Is there a way to fix them?
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 11:33:12 UTC Post #190188
Graphics trouble?...I remember Valve messed Hammer again and there was a fix where you typed in parameters something about dxlevel 8...But I thought they fixed that by now...
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 11:49:31 UTC Post #190190
set it to 3d textured instead of 3d texture shaded and see if that helps.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 12:04:05 UTC Post #190195
I'm not sure if that's the problem or if my solution was incorrect. I searched the Developer Community for dxlevel 8, clicked the SDK Workaround link and placed it's -dxlevel 80 fix w/in the launch options of the SDK itself, but that didn't help. I'm checkin' the larger Source SDK Bugs/Hammer Bugs page, but that will take some time. For now, I'll leave u w/ another part of this problem.

User posted image

Yes, it even happens b4 I create the brush itself.
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 12:05:44 UTC Post #190197

and i know you dont want to hear this but - DONT LINK TO A MYPHP PAGE!!!!!!!!


as for your problem, i can only think its due to graphics problems. Outdated Drivers?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 12:17:49 UTC Post #190198
I'll double check but I'm certain that it is.

And as for the php thing, I don't see why ppl bitch about it.

EDIT My video driver for my Radeon X300 128MB is up-to-date. My DirectX version is 9.0d and the driver is (found w/ System Info for Windows), is this up-to-date? If not, where should I get the newest one from, Microsoft or my manufacteror, Dell (had problems last time I tried to update a driver that wasn't from Dell)?
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 19:46:44 UTC Post #190230
DXLevel should fix it - Perhaps its a driver issue. I had to revert to old drivers to play Swat 4 properly and the error went away for the most part in DXL 9 and is gone in DXL 8.

About the PHP thing - Usually Imageshack puts ads and shit at the top, it blocks a popup from there for me, and I have to scroll around and right-click view image to see the whole thing anyway. It's much more convenient.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 20:49:24 UTC Post #190244
Ahh ok...that explains why some ppl hate the php like, however, to be honest, as I am prolly one of the largest sadistic bastards you'll ever meet, I don't much care about such triffiling inconviniences ;).

As for down grading the DXL...not an option. Not only is this a shared computer, but alot of gaming goes on here, at the highest settings the system can handle.

Anyway, the problem only really started to occur about a week ago, so I doubt a DXL problem would have takin' this long to arise, as I've been using the Source SDK since...checks journal...May 23rd...ish.
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 18:37:50 UTC Post #190390
Just so ppl are aware (definition: 1) Bump; 2) Reminder that prob still exists), the problem has presented a new form today, as demonstrated in the image.

TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 01:31:01 UTC Post #190424
You did make a shortcut to hammer and place -dxlevel 80 on the shortcut right?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 10:15:36 UTC Post #190487
I hadn't, but I just did. That seems to have stopped the graphics problem, although it wasn't present last night when I was using Hammer.
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 22:06:26 UTC Post #190598
THet did seem to fix my 'graphical' problems, but I'm makin' a new post to see if anyone can help w/ my other complication that impedes my mapping.

I've seen ppl here and on other sites/in game w/ nicely detailed maps. However, when I try to detail, like this basin in this little project I'm working on (name blanked out b/c of what it's for). I created the basin by creating a series of 360 degree arches w/ 4 unit thick wall, each smaller on all axies, and vmed the top verticies out to be under the the bottom of the one above it. However, when I save the map and reopen it later, it ends up like in the pic.

Is there any file I can use or setting I can change to stop this?
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-18 02:34:04 UTC Post #190610
Use a model, methinks.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-18 11:05:36 UTC Post #190639
Proves a problem there as I don't know how to model very well yet. However, even on a large scale (the domed top of the room) does the same thing.

I wonder if anyone has made an HLfix for Source yet, or how hard it would be to do so...
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-18 19:51:06 UTC Post #190722
Verts like to shift around. I dont know why :s
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-18 20:34:43 UTC Post #190727
Yeah, it seems to be somewhat common. Enough so, I think, that it's in the Bugs section of the Developer Wiki here, bulletin 3. It's claimed to be an existing issue and not a problem w/ the Beta SDK. It was posted in January of this year and is still present, so there prolly isn't a way to fix it...or noone thinks this is a big deal yet. Pisses me off, 'specially since I'm tryin' to do some nice vm work on a large scale and I'm no longer sure if it'll turn out nice.
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-19 21:40:27 UTC Post #190879
Here's the map in question. Maybe it's a scale issue, but I'de like to know as this has impeded my mapping since I can't sreate very detailed stuff en mass without modeling.
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
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