This question includes looping ambient generic and trigger auto which the tut didint really help me on
I created a platform put Ambient generic on top so who ever is on the platform can hear it, and named it test1.I placed a trigger auto in the middle of the platform and named it test1,also put the trigger state on on.With ambient generic i made the path ambient/test1.wav I checked play everywhere and start silently and also small radius. After i compiled the map and steped onto the platform nothing played.Then i recompiled it without start silently and it just started to play when the map started......To convert the wav i used goldwav i read some tutorials on looping but it looped on goldwav but when i converted it it never looped on game.
Can someone explain to me how to make it play in only 1 area and trigger it when someone steps on the platform,also making it loop.