Teleporters Created 18 years ago2006-09-06 10:16:22 UTC by teddy.james teddy.james

Created 18 years ago2006-09-06 10:16:22 UTC by teddy.james teddy.james

Posted 18 years ago2006-09-06 10:16:22 UTC Post #195768
umm i was wondering if there was any possable way to make 1 trigger tele to random differeny destinations :lol:

Posted 18 years ago2006-09-06 10:49:06 UTC Post #195773
I know how to make it run through a number of different locations, but it would go in a cycle. My buddy alexei might know, ill enquire...

Its definately possible to make one telporter go to different loactions in sequence using trigger_changetargets, but to random possible locations - hmmm, not sure...

better asking one of the more experienced mappers on that one, but ill look into it as well...
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-06 11:03:51 UTC Post #195776
I think it would work if you give multiply info_teletarget (Something like that) the same name. One problem is that you can get dragged by all the info_teletargets and sit still in the middle of them.
Erty, the specialist
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-06 23:32:58 UTC Post #195835
I have a level that I want to do that to myself, as soon as I have the time!

There's a technique for generating randomness - whether it be random targetting via trigger_changetarget, or anything else you want to trigger randomly - using, I think, an env_beam with multiple targets, and multiple func_buttons.

I thought there was a tutorial on TWHL I could link you to, but a quick glance through the list didn't reveal it to me...

Basically, you place an env_beam entity, place a single info_target (with name "beam_source" or whatever) as starting point and multiple info_targets (name "beam_target") as ending points, arranged in a rough circle around the source. Use as many ending points as you have events - or, in your case, info_teleport_destinations - and set the beam to cause damage. Between the source and each target, place a func_button with a damage value of 1 (so it will trigger its target when it takes damage.)

The env_beam, when triggered, will randomly select from its available start and/or end points - in this case, randomly firing at one of your "beam_target" entities. The beam does damage, so it triggers the func_button between the two - which can then change the target of your trigger_teleport appropriately (or, of course, trigger any other random event you like...)

I don't remember who originally came up with this method - but I'd like to thank them! It's really rather brilliant! ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-08 17:14:49 UTC Post #195993
Using trigger_changetarget to change a teleporter's destination

Simply make a trigger multiple around the teleporter(make it a bit larger) and make it target a randomizer.(that thing Darkpheonix talked about, works hevenly) The randomizer will target trigger_changetargets, each one will change the teleporter's destenation to a diffrent one.
Check the unofficial example map on changing teleporter's destenations, link in the end of the tutorial.(by unbreakable) That example map will help you in some aspects- when you enter a teleporter it's target changes.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-08 20:01:39 UTC Post #196009
oh no, I made an example of this a long time ago, for some reason I deleted it.. sorrys..
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-10 16:09:59 UTC Post #196212
Check the now defunct Collective - there was a tut. there.
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