My func_train not behaving itself... Created 17 years ago2006-11-09 11:56:59 UTC by moosefetcher moosefetcher

Created 17 years ago2006-11-09 11:56:59 UTC by moosefetcher moosefetcher

Posted 17 years ago2006-11-09 11:56:59 UTC Post #202338
Hello again.
So I've almost got my first map finished, but a func_train is being drawn in the wrong place once it compiles. The train moves fine between the path_corners, but is visually TO ONE SIDE of where it should be. Additionally weirdly, the train knocks the player along (ie; is solid) where the train SHOULD be, while its visible self appears a few hundred units off to one side. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I'm about to give up on having a moving train at all, and that was the basis of the level to start with. So close!
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-09 12:53:25 UTC Post #202342
Upload the map to the problems vault so we can have a look, it's pretty impossible to solve your problem otherwise.

But, you do know that the train spawns on its first Path_Corner, right? Where you physically place the func_train in the map is irrelevant.

And oh yeah, the lack of an origin brush (green thing with origin texture) will cause the train to behave strangely.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-09 13:33:38 UTC Post #202347
Yeah, I know that the train starts at the designated path_corner (I've even got the train positioned in its own 'light box'). That's all working OK. It's just 'drawing' it offset to one side.
From what I've read in the tutorials a func_train doesn't use an origin brush though. I thought just the func_trainTRACK did... Is that wrong?
Hmm... I'll have a go at uploading the map shortly.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-09 13:34:43 UTC Post #202348
Yeah, most mappers don't even know that func_trains have a travel limit. To solve, add an origin brush to the func_train.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-09 14:02:12 UTC Post #202349
Travel limit? You're right - I didn't know that. So, (and excuse my noobiness) but just including an origin brush somewhere with the func_train will solve it?
I've uploaded the map to the Problem Maps section BTW if you want to have a look - de_underground24
Thanks for the tip! Awesome.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-09 15:43:13 UTC Post #202352
Place the origin brush at the center of the train.
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