Holiday Avatar's Created 18 years ago2006-11-10 08:08:35 UTC by Orpheus Orpheus

Created 18 years ago2006-11-10 08:08:35 UTC by Orpheus Orpheus

Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 15:30:18 UTC Post #202632
me too, i brought back my old one though, nothing new at the moment
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 16:00:37 UTC Post #202635
You've got to remember that not all countries use the Georgian calendar system, mainly those sand-niggers in the East. So Christmas isn't really the time where everyone can unite, just Western civillization.

I'm with Elton John here, all organised religion should be banned.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 16:59:10 UTC Post #202639
lolz bans!!1
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 17:38:00 UTC Post #202643

No one likes jesus
Does Raptor Jesus count?
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 19:03:56 UTC Post #202653
Jesus is coming, somebody grab a towel!

Nah, he's ok.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 19:11:28 UTC Post #202655
Religeon has far too much say in the way of the world... Fuck them all to hell.

There is no such thing as god(s).

There was never any supernatural Jesus. If he existed, he was a magician.

Religeon, over the years has destroyed much more than it has created.

It is simply there for people too scared to face their own mortality who want to believe in something after death.

Dead is dead. You rot in the ground. It's not pleasant, but its not fanatical bullshit, either.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 19:35:26 UTC Post #202658
I suggest that South Parks answer to the battle between science/logic and religion is the correct answer. THe answer can be found in this 2 part episode:



WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!

And worship me for giving you this site :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 19:51:34 UTC Post #202659
There is no such thing as god(s).
And you're proof is?
There's about as much proof that there isn't some form of supernatural being as there is.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 19:52:49 UTC Post #202661
Its all addressed in the episodes folks. Take a gander to see the answers to the Universe!!1111
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 20:29:21 UTC Post #202663
ill watch the episodes tomorrow. as for me im a roman catholic and believe in god and the KoG. Though i must admit religion including christianity has created alot of problems. But at the moment christianity preaches people to love each other regardless of religion. (gay marriage issue is a bit to uptight though)
as to ants outbreak anyone else find it ironic that he calls people fags, though he just stated peeps should love more?
methinks he just wants more people together so he can have mor presents ^^
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 20:58:28 UTC Post #202668
And you're proof is?
LOL YOU ARE PROOF engrish fails your?
And worship me for giving you this site
Oh please, pretty much most episodes of South Park, Simpsons and Scrubs and more can be found all over the net, the best place being Stop being annoying.

Oh and please let's make this thread the next religious debate;
christians, muslims, jews, hinduists, atheists and agnostics are retards.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 21:17:30 UTC Post #202669
Why didn't you include scientology? :aghast:
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 22:16:58 UTC Post #202670
That's not really a religion, it's just a scam. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 22:54:23 UTC Post #202671
Hahahaha srry. :D
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 00:45:50 UTC Post #202673
I always seek my answers in cartoons too...
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 02:31:15 UTC Post #202678
if god exists, he will smite me down before i finish typing this sentence.
go on!
i'm still here....therefore...
god doesn't exist.

its the only way.
also, if adam and eve had 2 sons, where did everyone else come from?
does that mean god endorses incest?
god is from tasmania!
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 02:55:56 UTC Post #202679
Duh! Don't you know anything about God? He decided they would have 2 sons after seeing a pop up ad saying "CLICK HERE MOM SON SISTER DAD FAMILY ORGYS REAL INCEST PORN + FREE HENTAI TICKET!!!!!!!!"
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 06:21:33 UTC Post #202687
Scientology is the one true way.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 06:48:31 UTC Post #202688
christians, muslims, jews, hinduists, atheists and agnostics are retards.
What are you? Just wondering,

And if you say "ZombieLoffe" then you would be correct sir, I dunno why someone HAS to belong to something :

[lol >.< I <3 srry's theory :biggrin: ]
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 09:50:48 UTC Post #202690
I love how the people who hate the Christian God don't actually know anything about it or the religion.
also, if adam and eve had 2 sons, where did everyone else come from?
If you weren't too busy trying to find a loophole you'd see that, believe it or not, its actually covered. Cain and Abel weren't the only 2 children of Adam and Eve. They had several children, sons and daughters. And yes, they did marry each other. Problems in that didn't show up until hundreds of years later when humans had other choices. Once Earth was populated, interfamily marriage became uneccessary.

You can't find simple loopholes just out of the blue like that, trust me. I've tried to find my fair share fo them and failed every time. A surprising amount of stuff is covered.

And seriously:
if god exists, he will smite me down before i finish typing this sentence.
go on!
If there is a god, he doesn't get his jollies by smiting people at TWHL who try to disprove him. There are better things to do.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 10:09:30 UTC Post #202691
You are all wrong.

Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 10:15:35 UTC Post #202692
Go Alex with the smack talk!

And the awesome Religion too. :D
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 10:19:53 UTC Post #202693
Member group #1:Too f**king early!
Member group #2:What if its early?It doesnt matter
Member group #3:God doesnt exist! :thefinger: Religion!
/me changes avatar back.
I only do this for like "Happy new year".If you dont believe in religion just do it for new year like I do.Or if you do believe in religion, write christmas and other shit in your avatar.But also like most people said: Its too early!We got like 2 more months!
I think it would be better to only make special avatars for a holiday/day which most of the countries have.
Like, New year, April fools day, Valentines day
An avatar for just one day? It wouldn't really make sense...
Why not?You are just lazy Kasperg.You changed your avatar like in 2004 like you said :P
It may be for one day but the avatars can like stay for a week.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 10:28:22 UTC Post #202695
Valentines Day? April Fools Day? Those aren't holidays, they're commercialised shit!
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 10:32:46 UTC Post #202698
I think it would be better to only make special avatars for a holiday/day which most of the countries have.
Like, New year, April fools day, Valentines day
Holiday or day-whatever
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 10:34:39 UTC Post #202700
Even having them as a "day" is silly.

Why should you show a significant other signs of affection on one day? It should be constant, unless you're in a shitty relationship.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 10:37:12 UTC Post #202701
Why should you show a significant other signs of affection on one day? It should be constant, unless you're in a shitty relationship.
Abusive relationships ftw.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 10:37:16 UTC Post #202702
Why should you show a significant other signs of affection on one day? It should be constant, unless you're in a shitty relationship.
I'm talking about changing avatars in web..dont know if you have a relationship with one of the members though. :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 10:43:52 UTC Post #202704
Yeah right Sajo, you've had your eye on me for some time now, HAVEN'T YOU
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 10:55:53 UTC Post #202705
Im still waiting for my worship points (espically from you ZL) so I can level up to Diety level 7. Then I can use thunder smite, famon storm, and earthquake!
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 12:03:27 UTC Post #202706
Abusive relationships ftw.
Shut it, bitch.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 12:10:00 UTC Post #202708
Shut it, bitch.
Oh please spank me.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 12:29:22 UTC Post #202711
Personally, I think christmas avatars are lame.

... also, what is this religion talk crap?

I don't believe in religions and i'm not religious.
They're just made up stuff from ages ago.
Even tho i'm not religious I do celebrate christmas, it's just a time of being together with your family and drink hot chocolat next to your christmas tree waiting for santa to come along and give you presents. :P

Here in the Netherlands we got 5 december first, we celebrate 'sinterklaas', but its basicly for the kids under 12 years old. But it's quite big here in Holland.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 13:32:46 UTC Post #202713
The original argument was that some people thought it was way too early to have the Christmas avatars up. Stop acting like 'tards by trying to take away someones right to believe in/do whatever they want. If someone doesn't want to take your advice then leave it at that, acting forceful can't help anything.

That said, it'd be nice to have a religion debate. Especially if there could be some type of (neutral) Chairman who can distinguish between the properly put forward arguments and the people who want a slang-match.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 13:48:29 UTC Post #202714
I have fanaticism level 23, careful you!

#jesus ftw, it made me believe in God.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 17:18:26 UTC Post #202738
That said, it'd be nice to have a religion debate.
Agreed, I'm up for a good Religion/Spagetti-Monster-lol brawl :P

And about Christmas, I just "celebrate" it because everyone does, it doesn't have any meaning to me really :
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 18:21:26 UTC Post #202743
You're going to hell, heathen. Most of you are. Including me. If we're to believe any of the major religions.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 19:05:51 UTC Post #202746
I agree that this site needs a logical and calm debate.

Not like the others we have had, which sadly turned into flamefests. If you want a good example, look at the last one that the snarkpit had. Everyone put forth their opinions, but there was (OMG) no flaming or teasing of any kind.

I however, am not up to participating in another one if the people here don't want a debate. I'm not going to sit through another flamefest.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 19:08:30 UTC Post #202747

christanity actually believes and teaches Redemption, thus saving oneself from the cleansing fire. Also the cleansing fire is just a process not hell.

Hinduism has the karma and cast system, aka, no hell.

Not sure about muslims,but buddism doesnt have a hell either.

So shut the fuck up and do research before you spam some useless shit.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-15 06:14:30 UTC Post #202791
By the major religions I meant judaism, islam and christianity. I don't actually count buddhism as a religion and Hinduism is nigh nonexistant in the western world.
So gtfo, wiggar, lolz and stop thinking you're cool.

I'm all for a calm debate, but it gets boring without some heat. Now, by that I don't mean calling people gayniggers as soon as they disagree, but hell, a subtle insult now and then is never bad. Ever.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-15 06:55:51 UTC Post #202796
I was going to do a holiday Avatar... but now I am confused, shall I nail myself to a cross while wearing a Santa hat? or go out and Fuck as many girls who answer to the name Mary?

(note-must be virgin)

Or shall I cover myself in whale fat and go to the local catholic church for some good loving?

Maybe I will just shut the fuck up about religion

/me is fishing for angry Christian/Catholic/gay activist...prefer none smocker..Kids ok and must have sence of humour..
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-15 08:02:44 UTC Post #202797

I mean.. err.. nevermind.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-15 09:09:15 UTC Post #202798
a subtle insult now and then is never bad. Ever.
The weird thing about it is that today it seems OK to insult big collectives (the example here being religious people) while insulting minorities will make you look like a big nazi, a racist, etc.

If someone has the knowledge to be perfectly above any god-ideas or religions, that person should also be able to understand why some groups have a thing called "faith" instead of just mocking them over and over again.

Most of religion's "good ideas" are still better than anything anti-religion has put forward. How interesting.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-15 09:37:27 UTC Post #202799
How does a non-organization put forward anything? That's like saying nazis are better than everyone else because they "put forward" more good ideas than the rest of the world collectively. Nonsense.

As I see it, in today's society, it's ok to mock and make jokes about people/groups in power, whereas groups of power can't make jokes about them with less power. For instance, black people can make jokes about white people without anybody paying attention, but if it were the other way around, people'd react quite quickly. Think about it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-15 10:03:47 UTC Post #202802
That might be the problem. You are exagerating the concept of organized religion. I think I told you once. I haven't gone to church in years, and no priest has called me or tried to hunt me down. Stop confusing it with a sect...
I was just putting these threads as an example. Anti-religion really serves no purpose other than making fun of religious people and venting your own anger or insecurities.
If you were above all that, you wouldn't really bother making the threads you made, or saying the things you say (In my POV)

As for "power groups", I really don't see a bunch of Ned Flanders-type people in control of the world, honestly :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-15 11:13:01 UTC Post #202804
I haven't gone to church in years, and no priest has called me or tried to hunt me down.
There's probably a big group of people that think you're going to hell.

The points of these threads aren't, as we've said like always, to mock religion or religious people, it's to incite theological debates. If you don't like it, don't read them/take part.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-15 11:50:34 UTC Post #202808
Its never ok to mock someone for what they are that they cant control (race, gender, etc) But its perfectly ok to mock someone for their beliefs, whatever they may be. Im thinking the new racist trend will be for what someone believes, not what they look like.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-15 11:57:58 UTC Post #202811
I don't really read religion threads, I don't believe in religions so I can't be bothered to read about people's believes.

Personally I don't believe in the story of jesus or mohammed or whatnot, they're just made up stories that got out of hand. (no offense to the believers). Wasn't it so that the church needed to help the poor? Then why was the church so powerfull and why did they defended their status when you look back 'n history.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-15 14:37:38 UTC Post #202819
Discrimination can only take place against a minority within a population. That's what's so fucked up about religious debates, there is no minority most of the time. There are some atheists, some religious people and some agnostics. It's the fact that there is no general conscensus which makes debates on religion so fun.

I agree with ZL here, inciting is fun and it gets debates going. People who complain about this type of thread are just being pussies. If you can't stand to support your beliefs then why believe in them?
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-15 16:23:57 UTC Post #202826
I made a new avatar with hat, but i can't upload it. Damn you, internet.
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