A few questions Created 17 years ago2006-12-19 05:30:20 UTC by bal bal

Created 17 years ago2006-12-19 05:30:20 UTC by bal bal

Posted 17 years ago2006-12-19 05:30:20 UTC Post #206896
Ah yes, Bal is here with more questions :nuts:
But first i would like to thank you all for helping me solve problems for the past few weeks, without you my keyboard would be smashed and hammer would be.. well.. uninstalled! Ok, here goes:

1) How do i make a zombie repeat the eat animation (or any other)? When i try to make the player enter a room and spot a zombie eating a scientist (like in the HL singleplayer) the zombie won't repeat the animation when triggered, it will only play once (should i trigger this at all) I have tried turning the 'repeatable' flag on but this wont help either.

2) When i add a scripted_sentence and trigger it (like described in the scripted_sentence tutorial) the speakertype (monster_scientist) won't say a damn thing. I used my modelviewer to locate a few differnt sounds from the singleplayer, like: c1a3_sci_team.wav I even tried with and without a '!' like the tutorial describes (!c1a3_sci_team.wav) but nothing happens, the scientist is just standing there saying nothing at all (not even hello or whatever..)

3) How do i create a valve the player has to hold and press the 'use' button to rotate while a door is openeing? Like in the singleplayer.

4) How do i make a monster trigger a script? I was planning on making a scientist open a door for the player when guided to the door.

5) And how do i make the screen go black, 'game over' style when the player kills a scientist required to open a door?
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-19 05:57:17 UTC Post #206898
(I would like to know the answere to Q1)

Question 2: the 'speaker type' is where you put the name of your NPC.
ie: scientist name is 'Bob' type Bob in the speaker type. put the sentence name in. ie: 'c1a3_sci_team' in the sentence name box (whatever its called). DONT for get to put a '!' before the sentence name though. (!c1a3_sci_team). dont forget to put a trigger_once etc in.....that all i can help you with sorry!
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-19 06:01:05 UTC Post #206899
Thanks Nine, but i think thats what i did
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-19 06:07:56 UTC Post #206900
you have to trigger_once (or multipal) the speach. the speaker type is the NAME of the NPC, the sentence name is the name of the scentence (you know what i mean). remember to put a ! before the sentence name. try the way i shown you.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-19 06:37:08 UTC Post #206904
Won't work! :(

This is what i did:

Target: hello
(flags: none)

Name: hello
Sentence name: !c1a3_sci_team.wav
Speaker type: Hello2
(flags: none)

Name: Hello2
Sound radius: Play Everywhere
(flags: none)
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-19 07:03:46 UTC Post #206906
It should work! try a different sentence name, and take out the '.wav'. make sure the scientist if not gagged....
WAIT! you have to put the start of the sentist name. you SHOULD put the !SCI_(name of sentense here) in the start. read the sentences note pad thingy in the HL directory, or in HL model viewer
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-19 07:36:16 UTC Post #206908
Still won't work :(
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-19 08:21:01 UTC Post #206910

Use the Idle Animation property of the scripted_sequence. Fill in the name of the eating animation there. When you trigger the s_s, the animation specified in the Animation property will be played.

2. Have you actually added your new wav into the sentences.txt file?

3. Can't remember. :P

4. If you want a monster to trigger something, like opening a door for you, try this:
  • Create a brush with the AAATRIGGER texture and turn it into a trigger_once.
  • Goto its flags and check Monster and No Clients.
  • Go back to the properties and enter the name of the scripted_sequence that will make the scientist to perform his keypad animation sequence.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-19 09:07:50 UTC Post #206913
Thanks!! 2 more to go :biggrin:

ah, btw. i can't specify a monster? Can all monsters that walk through it activate the script?
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-19 09:11:17 UTC Post #206914
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-19 10:10:16 UTC Post #206916
The scripted sentence isn't working because you didn't use the sentence name, you used the wav name. Put !SC_TEAM in your scripted sentence and see if that works. You can look it up in sentences.txt; the sentence name is in capital letters. As for #3, you would use a func_rot_button for that.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-19 15:04:07 UTC Post #206935
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-20 12:54:12 UTC Post #207050
I searched the sierra folder for "sentences.txt" but all i got was a notepad file containing multiplayer sounds.. :cry:
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-20 12:59:33 UTC Post #207051
Use the edit button.

The sentences.txt file is located in the pak0.pak file. Use a pak browsing utility (PakScape) to get it. Its located in the sound folder.

You can get PakScape from my site.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-20 13:04:04 UTC Post #207052
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-20 16:25:08 UTC Post #207068
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